"Mr. President, you don't believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism."

It's really surprising that those that cry out against "socialism" think military spending is somehow "sacred". It's not. It's a very big form of socialism. In fact, the United States Constitution is in part..socialism. There are articles and clauses that are socialism.

And I notice in the Republican responses..they focus on national defense (socialism) and breeze right over general welfare (socialism).

That's because National Defense is a power remitted to the Federal Government in the Constitution. General Welfare is not.

And, FYI: I have argued for more control over Government funded Military R&D projects and would happily support better oversight on excessive spending by contractors. Where I draw the line is anything that damages the effectiveness and safety of our front line troops.

You are absolutely wrong. No big surprise.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

I bolded the relevant parts for you..

Notice you bold only a part of the phrase, like most believers in socialist style government do

The general welfare OF THE UNITED STATES... AKA the UNION... not each and every person down on their luck within the United States
The authority of the sovereign state lies solely in its indispensable role in promoting the general welfare of all persons, as Genesis I, and the Christian apostolic mission define all persons, as made equally in the image of the Creator of the Universe, and thus equally subjects of the obligation to promote the welfare of both the living and their posterity.
Only sovereign government has the means to promote the conditions of the general welfare respecting all of the people and all of the land-area, both for the living and future generations, and that thus, the existence of such sovereign nation-state republics is shown to be the morally required condition of mankind.
Politics for dumb people ...

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

In July of 1798, Congress passed – and President John Adams signed - “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen.” The law authorized the creation of a government operated marine hospital service and mandated that privately employed sailors be required to purchase health care insurance.

Keep in mind that the 5th Congress did not really need to struggle over the intentions of the drafters of the Constitutions in creating this Act as many of its members were the drafters of the Constitution.

And when the Bill came to the desk of President John Adams for signature, I think it’s safe to assume that the man in that chair had a pretty good grasp on what the framers had in mind.
Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798 - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

I bet you dummies also think the Founders intended this to be a christian nation.



....and ever since the 5th Congress took care of its MILITARY MEN....part of the agreed upon Defense of our Nation....you sadsack libs have been attacking them....

...and for your info....at that time the nation was already 99.99% Christian....

That's because National Defense is a power remitted to the Federal Government in the Constitution. General Welfare is not.

And, FYI: I have argued for more control over Government funded Military R&D projects and would happily support better oversight on excessive spending by contractors. Where I draw the line is anything that damages the effectiveness and safety of our front line troops.

You are absolutely wrong. No big surprise.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

I bolded the relevant parts for you..

Notice you bold only a part of the phrase, like most believers in socialist style government do

The general welfare OF THE UNITED STATES... AKA the UNION... not each and every person down on their luck within the United States

And it says that, where?

There are no prohibitions on "General Welfare" in the Constitution.
FUCK YOU DUMMY :lol::lol::lol:

Get a history book.


Dont tell me to read a history book.... you are the last one who should be saying that... I remember the idiocy you spewed about the George Washington statue.... you are as stupid and ignorant of history as I have ever seen.

So :anj_stfu:
That's because National Defense is a power remitted to the Federal Government in the Constitution. General Welfare is not.

And, FYI: I have argued for more control over Government funded Military R&D projects and would happily support better oversight on excessive spending by contractors. Where I draw the line is anything that damages the effectiveness and safety of our front line troops.

You are absolutely wrong. No big surprise.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

I bolded the relevant parts for you..

Notice you bold only a part of the phrase, like most believers in socialist style government do

The general welfare OF THE UNITED STATES... AKA the UNION... not each and every person down on their luck within the United States

Really?? Are you actually serious about this post?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..."
Notice you bold only a part of the phrase, like most believers in socialist style government do

The general welfare OF THE UNITED STATES... AKA the UNION... not each and every person down on their luck within the United States

Politics for dumb people ...

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

In July of 1798, Congress passed – and President John Adams signed - “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen.” The law authorized the creation of a government operated marine hospital service and mandated that privately employed sailors be required to purchase health care insurance.

Keep in mind that the 5th Congress did not really need to struggle over the intentions of the drafters of the Constitutions in creating this Act as many of its members were the drafters of the Constitution.

And when the Bill came to the desk of President John Adams for signature, I think it’s safe to assume that the man in that chair had a pretty good grasp on what the framers had in mind.
Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798 - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

I bet you dummies also think the Founders intended this to be a christian nation.



....and ever since the 5th Congress took care of its MILITARY MEN....part of the agreed upon Defense of our Nation....you sadsack libs have been attacking them....

...and for your info....at that time the nation was already 99.99% Christian....


What a moron.

I'm sure you can interpret the Constitution better than John Adams :lol:

And you dummy .. who said anything about how many christians there were? The point is that this nation was NOT founded on christianity and the Founders never intended this to be anything other than a secular nation.

You are absolutely wrong. No big surprise.

I bolded the relevant parts for you..

Notice you bold only a part of the phrase, like most believers in socialist style government do

The general welfare OF THE UNITED STATES... AKA the UNION... not each and every person down on their luck within the United States

Really?? Are you actually serious about this post?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..."

Well yeah..

Logic is like light to darkness.
FUCK YOU DUMMY :lol::lol::lol:

Get a history book.


Dont tell me to read a history book.... you are the last one who should be saying that... I remember the idiocy you spewed about the George Washington statue.... you are as stupid and ignorant of history as I have ever seen.

So :anj_stfu:


Nope Washington never held slaves

You dummies are fun

He helped to end it... lets not get off track here.

I was just using at as an illistration of your utter stupidity, but thats pretty apparent.
Dont tell me to read a history book.... you are the last one who should be saying that... I remember the idiocy you spewed about the George Washington statue.... you are as stupid and ignorant of history as I have ever seen.

So :anj_stfu:


Nope Washington never held slaves

You dummies are fun

He helped to end it... lets not get off track here.

I was just using at as an illistration of your utter stupidity, but thats pretty apparent.

No he didn't.

The Civil War and a Constitutional Amendment ended it.
The Supreme Court has itself been through the General Welfare Clause.

"The concept of "general welfare" is not static, but adapts itself to the crises and necessities of the times. P. 301 U. S. 641."

Social Security lives(?), even to this time in America!

There is a too small insurance pool now, in the National Health Care scheme of things. . . .or bugs and things. The Congress has the power to change all that.

It's not even in the Bible! Therefore it can only be Socialist(?)!

We have Tea Berserkers, Now!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Brave, LIttle Whining Eagle, plays nature with Young Brave, Sleeps-A-Lot-All-Day-After-Raw-Bear-Meat-Ritual-Feast: And soars in Great Circle Above it. Therefore, USA invaded Iraq(?)! That was the National Intelligence Estimate of the time(?)!)

Private industry has provided many countries with "defense".

The United States took that industry over.

As in a government take over.

As in using a collective as opposed to a private form of providing a service.

As in socialism.


Nobody "took that industry over".....it was an agreement among the States....because they recognized that together they were stronger than being separate...

The government took over the role of defense. Doesn't matter whether it was "agreed" upon or not. The government is providing the service.

That's socialism.
"Took over"? No, it didn't. It was built in from the beginning.
FUCK YOU DUMMY :lol::lol::lol:

Get a history book.


Dont tell me to read a history book.... you are the last one who should be saying that... I remember the idiocy you spewed about the George Washington statue.... you are as stupid and ignorant of history as I have ever seen.

So :anj_stfu:


Nope Washington never held slaves

You dummies are fun

You idiot.

He did own slaves; his estate paid for them and their education well into the 1800s.

"Q: Did George Washington own slaves?
A: Yes. At age eleven he inherited ten slaves from his father. By the end of Washington's life, over three-hundred African-American slaves lived at Mount Vernon. (courtesy Mount Vernon). Link to our Washington and Slavery page."
The Papers of George Washington

"Documents from Washington's Papers
List of "all my Negroes which are as follows at Mount Vernon and the plantations around it--viz.--" from George Washington's Diaries 18 February 1786

Advertisement for Runaway Slaves. Printed in Maryland Gazette (Annapolis), 20 Aug. 1761, by George Washington.

"Neptune, aged 25 or 30, well set, and of about 5 Feet 8 or 9 Inches high, thin jaw'd, his Teeth stragling and fil'd sharp, his Back, if rightly remember'd, has many small Marks or Dots running from both Shoulders down to his Waistband, and his Head was close shaved: Had on a Cotton Waistcoat, black or dark colour'd Breeches, and an Osnabrig Shirt." [Read more...]

Appraisement of Slaves Sent to the Dismal Swamp, 4 July 1764

List of Tithables and Taxable Property [includes names of slaves for each year. 1761-1774]

Lease for Mount Vernon, dated 17 December 1754, between George Lee, Ann Lee, and George Washington. The annual lease payment of "Fifteen thousand pounds of Tobacco in fifteen Hogsheads" includes a number of slaves whose value was to be deducate "if it should so happen that any...should Die during the said Term."

Papers of George Washington

I don't know why it's the retards who know the least about history who feel compelled to call other people out on it.
Dont tell me to read a history book.... you are the last one who should be saying that... I remember the idiocy you spewed about the George Washington statue.... you are as stupid and ignorant of history as I have ever seen.

So :anj_stfu:


Nope Washington never held slaves

You dummies are fun

He helped to end it... lets not get off track here.

I was just using at as an illistration of your utter stupidity, but thats pretty apparent.

You're the dummy who brought up Washington after I demonstrated your complete lack of intellect and knowledge of history on socialism in America .. which is everywhere to be found in this country.

Now you want to talk about Washington .. who did not help end slavery.

QUESTION: How many CENTURIES after Washington was dead and buried did slavery in America end?

Dont tell me to read a history book.... you are the last one who should be saying that... I remember the idiocy you spewed about the George Washington statue.... you are as stupid and ignorant of history as I have ever seen.

So :anj_stfu:


Nope Washington never held slaves

You dummies are fun

You idiot.

He did own slaves; his estate paid for them and their education well into the 1800s.

"Q: Did George Washington own slaves?
A: Yes. At age eleven he inherited ten slaves from his father. By the end of Washington's life, over three-hundred African-American slaves lived at Mount Vernon. (courtesy Mount Vernon). Link to our Washington and Slavery page."
The Papers of George Washington

"Documents from Washington's Papers
List of "all my Negroes which are as follows at Mount Vernon and the plantations around it--viz.--" from George Washington's Diaries 18 February 1786

Advertisement for Runaway Slaves. Printed in Maryland Gazette (Annapolis), 20 Aug. 1761, by George Washington.

"Neptune, aged 25 or 30, well set, and of about 5 Feet 8 or 9 Inches high, thin jaw'd, his Teeth stragling and fil'd sharp, his Back, if rightly remember'd, has many small Marks or Dots running from both Shoulders down to his Waistband, and his Head was close shaved: Had on a Cotton Waistcoat, black or dark colour'd Breeches, and an Osnabrig Shirt." [Read more...]

Appraisement of Slaves Sent to the Dismal Swamp, 4 July 1764

List of Tithables and Taxable Property [includes names of slaves for each year. 1761-1774]

Lease for Mount Vernon, dated 17 December 1754, between George Lee, Ann Lee, and George Washington. The annual lease payment of "Fifteen thousand pounds of Tobacco in fifteen Hogsheads" includes a number of slaves whose value was to be deducate "if it should so happen that any...should Die during the said Term."

Papers of George Washington

I don't know why it's the retards who know the least about history who feel compelled to call other people out on it.


PLEASE send me more of these idiots ..

George Washington and Slavery

George Washington was born into a world in which slavery was accepted. He became a slave owner when his father died in 1743. At the age of eleven, he inherited ten slaves and 500 acres of land. When he began farming Mount Vernon eleven years later, at the age of 22, he had a work force of about 36 slaves. With his marriage to Martha Custis in 1759, 20 of her slaves came to Mount Vernon. After their marriage, Washington purchased even more slaves. The slave population also increased because the slaves were marrying and raising their own families. By 1799, when George Washington died, there were 316 slaves living on the estate.
George Washington's Mount Vernon - George Washington and Slavery

I don't know why it's the retards who know the least about history who feel compelled to call other people out on it

Why indeed :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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