MSN news


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
What ever happened to rigorous and unbiased journalism? Why do we get this propagandistic contrived bullshit? What Noam Chomsky called "manufactured consent?
What ever happened to rigorous and unbiased journalism? Why do we get this propagandistic contrived bullshit? What Noam Chomsky called "manufactured consent?
Ask Murdock why he allows Fox to be the propagandist entertainment network that it is.

Ask OAN and Newsmax why they give endless propagandist contrived BS.

Once they tell the truth about what they do, you will have your answer.
Ask Murdock why he allows Fox to be the propagandist entertainment network that it is.

Ask OAN and Newsmax why they give endless propagandist contrived BS.

Once they tell the truth about what they do, you will have your answer.
Who determines what the truth IS? MSNBC and CNBC or BBC or FOX or OAN? Why not abandon politics and just report facts and let us plebes figure it out? Something wrong with that?
Who determines what the truth IS? MSNBC and CNBC or BBC or FOX or OAN? Why not abandon politics and just report facts and let us plebes figure it out? Something wrong with that?
Some News places report the facts. Others choose not to. Fox is one which does not. As are the other two.

You wish to believe that it is all political on NBC, BBC, etc, fine.

The facts are still coming out, and are starting to come out on Fox as well. But who is going to believe Peter about the Wolf, now? Some of the anchors are trying. But Tucker and others are working overtime to "entertain" their public into believing that Putin and Russia are the victims of Ukraine, and many other whoppers like that.

Who is Tucker imitating, or trying to impress?
Some News places report the facts. Others choose not to. Fox is one which does not. As are the other two.

You wish to believe that it is all political on NBC, BBC, etc, fine.

The facts are still coming out, and are starting to come out on Fox as well. But who is going to believe Peter about the Wolf, now? Some of the anchors are trying. But Tucker and others are working overtime to "entertain" their public into believing that Putin and Russia are the victims of Ukraine, and many other whoppers like that.

Who is Tucker imitating, or trying to impress?
What main stream media outlet consistently provides unbiased facts?
I just want unvarnished unbiased NEWS. What is wrong with that? We get predominately majority 85% Leftist news feeds. Fox isn't that. Fox sold out years ago.
Ask Murdock why he allows Fox to be the propagandist entertainment network that it is.

Ask OAN and Newsmax why they give endless propagandist contrived BS.

Once they tell the truth about what they do, you will have your answer.
Whataboutism overload!
The liberal main stream media engages in editorialization not just in how they “report” the so-called “news,” but also in what they choose to report as “news” in the first place.
Who determines what the truth IS? MSNBC and CNBC or BBC or FOX or OAN? Why not abandon politics and just report facts and let us plebes figure it out? Something wrong with that?
What you keep doing with every thread is attempt to undermine facts.

All of your threads are about delegitimizing the news you do not like, especially because they are the truth about the Party you are voting for.

Attempt to delegitimize 85% or 100% of news all you like. It will not work with people who have a brain of their own, and the result will come out in the next election based on what the GOP is not only attempting to do, but IS DOING already.

Upset your constituents, GOP. Keep doing what you are doing. The GOP only learns one thing from losing in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

Lie more, get more power, do whatever they want about the religious beliefs they have which they want to impose on others at any cost.
I just want unvarnished unbiased NEWS. What is wrong with that? We get predominately majority 85% Leftist news feeds. Fox isn't that. Fox sold out years ago.
I think the bigger question is, and your question is certainly valid, but why the change in journalism? I think we have to look at the "corporations" behind the curtain.
Think about it. A news company owned by large media corporations. Do you think these corporations have an agenda? Of course they do, and those agendas paint the narratives through their media, whether journalism or entertainment.
  • Disney:
    • ESPN
    • ABC
    • Lifetime
    • History
    • A&E
    • FX
  • Murdoch
    • Fox News
    • Times of London
    • Wall Street Journal
  • Comcast: They own a lot of shit!
    • MSNBC
    • NBC
    • CNBC
    • USA Network
    • Xfinity Mobile
    • MVNO of Verizon,
    • Telemundo
    • TeleXitos
    • Cozi TV
  • Paramount Global: They even more shit than Comcast
  • Warner Bros Discovery
    • CNN
    • And a whole host of other entertainment media

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