MSNBC - All In with Chris Hayes


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
His wife works in da white house so will let him have a thread...:badgrin:


Screaming at Chris Hayes! (Updated with Link)

by RASalvatore


She won because she had no idea of what she was talking about, and because she simply wore Chris out with the rant. She spouted the line that 7 million had lost insurance coverage (does that number go up every time the right-wingers shriek it?).

The conversation drifted to Medicaid Expansion, and Jennifer was apoplectic! She claimed that "If you raise it to 133% of the poverty level, it includes people making $94,000!!!!!!"

"These are the facts!" she kept yelping.

And now I was screaming. This is beyond bizarre. How do you have a SPOKESWOMAN for a major political action committee shrieking (and actually believing) such things?

We're doomed, I tell ya.

For the record, the $94,000 number has NOTHING to do with Medicaid Expansion. That is the 4-time-the-poverty level number for subsidies for a family of 4, I believe.

So she's shouting that 133% of the poverty level would include someone making $94,000 and somehow, in the tangle of idiotic ranting, Chris Hayes never gets around to actually correcting her.

She won. We're doomed. I can hardly bear to listen anymore.

Sorry about the source...:eusa_shhh:
MSNBC's Hayes Mocks American Fears of Terror Attacks
Dead Americans aren't funny, Chris.


It's matter of what he would and would not crack wise about. Would liberals laugh it off if Hayes had made jokes at the expense of the global warming alarmism party they just threw in Paris? Doubtful. He and his network would be all over you for something they deemed "insensitive" or "offensive" or hurty. There's an old saying about a goose and gander that comes to mind.

And if you want to see exactly how liberals take this joke - exactly how Hayes meant it - just read Tommy Christopher's words at the Daily Banter.

Tough guy Republicans sure are afraid lately. They’re happy to stand up to Starbucks cups, not so much Jihadists

The truth is that, like the President in his speech last night, liberals really just don't care enough about terror to do anything about it. They're way more interested in proving how tolerant they are. They'd much rather stand up to the phantom of 'backlash" against Muslims than the reality of Islamic terror.

So who is really scared here?

MSNBC's Hayes Mocks American Fears of Terror Attacks

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