MSNBC’s Chris Matthews calls Obama the ‘perfect American’ — again

By Cheryl K. Chumley
March 8, 2013

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews calls Obama the ‘perfect American’ — again

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews calls Obama the ‘perfect American’ — again MSNBC host Chris Matthews just can’t say enough nice things about President Obama. Already remembered for 2008 remarks about Mr. Obama’s speech sending a “thrill” up his leg, Mr. Matthews has now suggested the president may be “the perfect American.” Mr. Matthews‘ comments on Wednesday’s episode of “Hardball” came in context of discussion of Southern Poverty Law Center findings of a correlation between White House pushes for gun control and a rise in patriot group memberships. “I look at Obama as perfect American,” Mr. Matthews said, according to the show’s...


Read more:
MSNBC's Chris Matthews calls Obama the 'perfect American' ? again - Washington Times

".... he never broke a law. .... The guy does everything right."


Coke, it does a body good. Pass it on.
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

McCain was born in Panama. It doesn't mean he is Panamanian you dope. His father was a Navy Admiral. Hussein's father was an alcoholic communist bigamist.

Hmm... Both mother and father married to each other and were natural born Americans. John's father a career Naval officer. Like all legally married parents stationed abroad who have children on military bases are all natural born citizens of the United States of America.
BTW Barack Hussein Obama Sr., skipped out and never paid child support for Barack Hussein Obama Jr. People like that are called "Dead Beat Dads" today. Sidney Dunham would have been considered a 'Baby Mama" today.
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

McCain was born in Panama. It doesn't mean he is Panamanian you dope. His father was a Navy Admiral. Hussein's father was an alcoholic communist bigamist.

Hmm... Both mother and father married to each other and were natural born Americans. John's father a career Naval officer. Like all legally married parents stationed abroad who have children on military bases are all natural born citizens of the United States of America.
BTW Barack Hussein Obama Sr., skipped out and never paid child support for Barack Hussein Obama Jr. People like that are called "Dead Beat Dads" today. Sidney Dunham would have been considered a 'Baby Mama" today.

There was no legal recognition that Panamanian born children of US military personnel would be automatic US citizens at the time McCain was born. He wasn't born in the US, and so is not eligible to be President. This isn't something I made up, it's the standard of most of the birther-infused GOP rank & file. I'm just going by the rules they try to enforce on Obama.
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

Romney is a Mormon and Mormons are Christians. It is in their name.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

McCain was born in Panama. It doesn't mean he is Panamanian you dope. His father was a Navy Admiral. Hussein's father was an alcoholic communist bigamist.

Not to even mention that Mormons are Christians. What Matthews really meant though, was that to achieve perfection, one had to spend their teens in a choom wagon and they college years in a cocaine haze.
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

If being Christian is what made one American, then you'd have a chance of having made a point.

But as things stand, no.

President Obama was maybe born in Hawaii to a Kenyan daddy.

John McCain's dad served in our nation's military which is why he was born outside of the U.S. But you evidently missed the classes in grade school that would have informed you that being born of American parents makes you American.

John McCain, love him or hate him, fought for America.

Obama doesn't much like America.

It's not my fault that America wasn't ready for a foreign-born President. It's not my fault that America wasn't ready for it's first non-Christian President either. Americans just felt more comfortable with one of their own in the White House, and not comfortable with the GOP's nominees, who they clearly deemed too exotic with their birth places and religion.

:eusa_hand:It wasn't his birth place or his was his policies. You lefties love covering up. Its what your best at.
Mr. McCain was born on a military installation in the Canal Zone, where his mother and father, a Navy officer, were stationed. His campaign advisers say they are comfortable that Mr. McCain meets the requirement and note that the question was researched for his first presidential bid in 1999 and reviewed again this time around.

But given mounting interest, the campaign recently asked Theodore B. Olson, a former solicitor general now advising Mr. McCain, to prepare a detailed legal analysis. “I don’t have much doubt about it,” said Mr. Olson, who added, though, that he still needed to finish his research.

Still a good argument. US Diplomatic Soil? Both Parents American, on Official Duty at the time.
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

Romney is a Mormon and Mormons are Christians. It is in their name.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I'm just going by what righwing pastors say. They say that Mormons aren't Christian. The pastors are self-appointed arbiters of who is Christian. I'm not the problem, the right wing pastors are. Worry about what they say first, then worry about me.
He's certainly more American than John McCain, who is of Panamanian origins. And unlike Romney, Obama is a Christian.

Romney is a Mormon and Mormons are Christians. It is in their name.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I'm just going by what righwing pastors say. They say that Mormons aren't Christian. The pastors are self-appointed arbiters of who is Christian. I'm not the problem, the right wing pastors are. Worry about what they say first, then worry about me.

The same idiots that say Obama is a muslim? By your "logic" you should be calling Obama a muslim then.
There are not enough words in the English language to describe how little I care about what Chris Matthews says or thinks.

I must say I totally agree.

Haven't had much use for Mathews since his tingling leg came on the air.

He's a totally biased ass kissing Obamabot.
".... [Obama] never broke a law. .... The guy does everything right."

By Cheryl K. Chumley
March 8, 2013

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews calls Obama the ‘perfect American’ — again

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews calls Obama the ‘perfect American’ — again MSNBC host Chris Matthews just can’t say enough nice things about President Obama. Already remembered for 2008 remarks about Mr. Obama’s speech sending a “thrill” up his leg, Mr. Matthews has now suggested the president may be “the perfect American.” Mr. Matthews‘ comments on Wednesday’s episode of “Hardball” came in context of discussion of Southern Poverty Law Center findings of a correlation between White House pushes for gun control and a rise in patriot group memberships. “I look at Obama as perfect American,” Mr. Matthews said, according to the show’s...


Read more:
MSNBC's Chris Matthews calls Obama the 'perfect American' ? again - Washington Times

If Chris Matthews ever comes out of the closet, i will not be surprised.

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