MTG says she will expose ‘sexual harassment claims’ against Republicans if Gaetz report released

You seem to have this weird obsession with her.
Now you know how I view your obsession with the criminal George Floyd.
Irrelevant. That's is one state out of 50.

The article I posted addresses that. Same for New York.

You would tally up the states by advantage.

Republicans have more.

read the article.
The American people as a whole will decide who will win. I still think Donald Trump will win because the people just like him. 👍
Witnesses inside the church say they did not set the fires. Naturally the Feds blame the church members.

Members of suicide cult say the cult didn't commit suicide. That's a credible story.

Davidians had a bunker that they practiced going into, Vaega said, “in the event that the end of the world were coming.”

The remains of 18 children and nine women were later found inside this bunker vault. The majority had died of smoke inhalation.

Not sure what your point is here. That would seem to indicate that they knew that their fellow cultist set the fires.

Now, here's the thing. I am very critical of some of what the FBI did, such as using psyops and sleep deprivation on the cultists or storming the building using CS Gas. My own wonderful encounters with CS in the military makes me hate them for doing that.

Those inside say the tanks destroyed the interior staircases, trapping many on the second floor. David Thibodeau says he barely escaped.

“The wall started to catch fire and I could feel the heat,” Thibodeau said. “It singed the side of my face… I could hear my hair crackle.”

As the fire closed in, both Doyle and Thibodeau said they ran to escape the swirling inferno, jumping through a hole ripped open in the building by one of the government tanks.

“I could hear some of the ones that were further back into the building behind me screaming,” Doyle said. “I thought, ‘Nobody's getting out of there now.’”

I actually read Thibodeau's book when I was more right wing. He is the essence of an "unreliable narrator."

He did not choke him. What does that matter to you when you approve a cop gunning an innocent women where she died fast.
You mean after she stormed the Capitol and threatened the lives of Congress members?
Now you know how I view your obsession with the criminal George Floyd.

why, I barely talk about him.

Quite the opposite, I've challenged twits like IM2 when they try to elevate him to sainthood.

But choking him to death for 9 minutes when he was already subdued and shackled was a bit much.
Wreck the economy? That isn't going to happen. And you know it too, don't you. <giggle>

Why, he's already wrecked the economy once.

Stuff he's proposing will wreck it again.

Take Tariffs. As someone who works in supply chain, I can tell you that would do serious damage to the economy.

Removing tens of thousands of agricultural workers is going to drive up food prices.

Not to mention adding Trillions to the debt by giving more tax cuts to rich people.
Why, he's already wrecked the economy once.

Stuff he's proposing will wreck it again.

Take Tariffs. As someone who works in supply chain, I can tell you that would do serious damage to the economy.

Removing tens of thousands of agricultural workers is going to drive up food prices.

Not to mention adding Trillions to the debt by giving more tax cuts to rich people.
My food prices here went up in the past 4 years, and Trump is not responsible for Biden's busted economics. I have to go shopping 3 times a week for my cute little hungry puppies.
Why, he's already wrecked the economy once.

Stuff he's proposing will wreck it again.

Take Tariffs. As someone who works in supply chain, I can tell you that would do serious damage to the economy.

Removing tens of thousands of agricultural workers is going to drive up food prices.

Not to mention adding Trillions to the debt by giving more tax cuts to rich people.
You should call President Trump with your advice. I studied art not banking, so I contacted financial advisers when my husband died. They doubled my small nest egg, all because I had very savvy fiscal winners. Maybe if your advice is the future prosperity of the national nest egg was shared with Trump, America could prosper others like my financial folks kept me in low fat hamburgers, not the cheapo fatty stuff you see for sale at some grocery butcher's corner.
Let population thrive, and bless these bastard sons-King Lear
Imagine your doctor looking at your penis and telling the rest of the population about seeing it. She is paid to see penises not extort those who paid her or used her free of charge services.
Take Tariffs. As someone who works in supply chain, I can tell you that would do serious damage to the economy.
Biden and Harris raised tariffs a bunch. I do not recall you complaining about them doing that.
Innocent until proven guilty for all men. Biden included.

If they aren’t in jail/prison, they didn’t do it, or the woman didn’t mind that much and took a settlement
But choking him to death for 9 minutes when he was already subdued and shackled was a bit much.
He did not die due to choking. He died due to drugs in his system he put into his own body.
But choking him to death for 9 minutes when he was already subdued and shackled was a bit much.
That is not what the autopsy report says.

No life-threatening injuries identified
A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae
B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngealstructures
C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries
D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (otherthan a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral columninjuries, or visceral injuries

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
6. Cotinine positive
7. Caffeine positive
B. Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol,isopropanol, or acetone
C. Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids,amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
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I'm assuming with Gaetz stepping down the rest of those who committed sexual crimes are safe for now.
I'm assuming with Gaetz stepping down the rest of those who committed sexual crimes are safe for now.
The law found Gaetz was not guilty.
My food prices here went up in the past 4 years, and Trump is not responsible for Biden's busted economics. I have to go shopping 3 times a week for my cute little hungry puppies.
So you suck at shopping. You know, it's cheaper if you buy in bulk
You should call President Trump with your advice. I studied art not banking, so I contacted financial advisers when my husband died. They doubled my small nest egg, all because I had very savvy fiscal winners. Maybe if your advice is the future prosperity of the national nest egg was shared with Trump, America could prosper others like my financial folks kept me in low fat hamburgers, not the cheapo fatty stuff you see for sale at some grocery butcher's corner.

Okay, that has nothing to do with anything. The problem with Trump is that he doesn't understand how tariffs work. They aren't paid by the manufacturer of the country of origin, they are paid by the consumer.

Biden and Harris raised tariffs a bunch. I do not recall you complaining about them doing that.
Because they were so minor that it didn't make much of a difference. I do think Biden erred in not repealling the China tariffs, but needlessly screwing with China is a bi-partisan stupidity. (Along side blindly supporting the Zionist Entity when the rest of the world sees war crimes.)

He did not die due to choking. He died due to drugs in his system he put into his own body.

I think you miss the point of custodial responsibility. The minute the cops slapped the cuffs on him for a misdemeanor, they were responsible for his well-being.

That is not what the autopsy report says.
You are cherry picking. Where does it specifically say, "Cause of Death".

You ignore the first page, which specifically says.



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