Mueller Probe End Date?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Insiders say.” No names, as usual. And, no proof it’s for real.

That is, if Mueller makes it to February with a job.

Acting AG Whitaker isn’t too thrilled with the way he’s handling things.

He’s warned that the investigation will “start to look like a political fishing expedition. This would not only be out of character for a respected figure like Mueller, but also could be damaging to the President of the United States and his family — and by extension, to the country.”

In other words, the time has come to end the Mueller probe once and for all.

The acting attorney general knows it.

American voters know it.

The White House knows it.

Finally, it seems Mueller and his team have agreed.

Seems February 15 is the rumored date.

More @ Insiders reveal Mueller probe’s end date (FINALLY!)
Was supposed to end shortly after the election....Methinks some goalposts are going to keep moving.
The only folk that care when Mueller's investigation will end are those that
(1) have something to hide from Mueller's investigation
(2) are Trump enablers
(3) are Trump supporters

All of the above are rat sewage.
He’s warned that the investigation will “start to look like a political fishing expedition.

Link please? I wasn't aware that the Whit was yapping

Was supposed to end shortly after the election

According to who? The same anonymous sources you typically scream about?

Mueller still has not questioned Ivanka...or Don Jr.

There's still lots to do
July 22, 2525...

If man is still alive. If woman can survive.
The only folk that care when Mueller's investigation will end are those that
(1) have something to hide from Mueller's investigation
(2) are Trump enablers
(3) are Trump supporters

All of the above are rat sewage.
Can't come soon enough for me. Too bad they didn't exercise this much attention and effort on the Hillary email investigation, although maybe they will kinda sorta if/when they investigate the Clinton Foundation. And the IRS scandal. And the Fast and Furious scandal. And the AP phone records scandal. And the Benghazi scandal. Just to name a few.
I'll.believe it when Robert Mueller tells us.

Everything else is just wishful thinking from the tRumpkins.
Insiders say.” No names, as usual. And, no proof it’s for real.

That is, if Mueller makes it to February with a job.

Acting AG Whitaker isn’t too thrilled with the way he’s handling things.

He’s warned that the investigation will “start to look like a political fishing expedition. This would not only be out of character for a respected figure like Mueller, but also could be damaging to the President of the United States and his family — and by extension, to the country.”

In other words, the time has come to end the Mueller probe once and for all.

The acting attorney general knows it.

American voters know it.

The White House knows it.

Finally, it seems Mueller and his team have agreed.

Seems February 15 is the rumored date.

More @ Insiders reveal Mueller probe’s end date (FINALLY!)

He should be given the same amount of time that Ken Starr was.
The end date was after the mid term elections were over, but they'll just stretched it a few months past to be less obvious.

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