multitasking cereal offenders tapping away and dumbing down usmb

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
multitasking cereal offenders tapping away and dumbing down usmb

Iv'e seen it over the years here. Some have even left because an inability to post or read anything over a certain amount of characters, or an inability to process the written word because videos are how they process info :rofl:
Oy vey! I love IT

Read and weep:
"I thought: Wow, that's pretty awesome," he told the Boston Globe in 2011. "What do they know that I don't know, and how can I be like that?"

The answers surprised him.
Clifford Nass dies at 55; sociologist warned against multitasking -
What's a cereal offense?

Pissing in your cheerios?

Crapping in your wheaties?
Cereal offense" Assault by cheerios? Pretty ironic that a psychologist who warned about irrelevancy would be irrelevant.
Cereal offense" Assault by cheerios? Pretty ironic that a psychologist who warned about irrelevancy would be irrelevant.

My guess would be....

Creamed by Wheat over Captain Crunched Berries
Would I ruin this thread if I commented on the OP??
I've learned to ignore the Dante "style" of presentation -- because once in awhile -- he actually comes up with interesting stuff..

This guy was a prophet.. We are heading for Idiocracy and he was one of the few to save us..
From the article..

"He had two cars," Brennan said in an email. "One was an old Volvo and the other was an older Volvo, each littered with bags of McDonald's, PhD theses, receipts from his favorite café in Palo Alto that he should have turned into me, and notes about where the future was headed."

This could be me (in a decade or so) if I start to adapt to "modern" life.. Or -- it could be me in 10 years anyway... :lol:

You clowns should really read this O-bit.. It'll save you from becoming more Dante-like..

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