Murdered boy's father to Cali. Gov Brown: Veto bill!


<insert pithy title here>
Oct 22, 2008
I doubt Brown is listening. He has to secure those illegal immigrant voters for himself and the Dumbocratic party.

Father of murdered teen urges Gov. Brown to veto bill ordering illegal immigrants released

A California father whose son was murdered execution-style in 2008 by an illegal immigrant gangster has launched a campaign to persuade Gov. Jerry Brown to veto a bill that would have police release illegal immigrants into the streets even when the feds want them detained.

Father of murdered teen urges Gov. Brown to veto bill ordering illegal immigrants released | Fox News
Jerry Brown has to be out of his mind if he passes that bill.

The Jamiel Shaw, Jr. story was one of the most heartfelt stories I had read. Here&#8217;s a minority family that was doing everything right and putting in the hard work on every level in order to succeed the LEGAL way. Then to have an illegal alien snuff the life out of their beloved son is a travesty!!! America lost a great potential athlete with good moral fiber the day that the illegal alien shot him dead for no good reason.

A California father whose son was murdered execution-style in 2008 by an illegal immigrant gangster has launched a campaign to persuade Gov. Jerry Brown to veto a bill that would have police release illegal immigrants into the streets even when the feds want them detained.

The controversial bill, which passed the legislature in August, would compel local law enforcement in most cases to ignore requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hold illegal immigrants if they could otherwise be released.

Advocates say it's a way for police to build "trust" with local communities -- the name of the bill is the TRUST Act. But opponents warn the policy could have dangerous consequences.

Man Accused in High School Football Star's Shooting Reportedly in Country Illegally,2933,340650,00.html


Police say Pedro Espinoza, the 19-year-old suspect arrested in Shaw's death, has been in a street gang since he was 12. Until this month, he had been in jail on charges of exhibiting a firearm and obstructing an officer, reports.
Immigration officials told the TV station that Espinoza is an illegal immigrant, but no red flags were raised when he was released from jail March 1.

Police said Shaw was a standout running back and a good student at Los Angeles High School. He also was the Southern League's most valuable player last season and had been recruited by universities including Stanford.
Shaw's mother, Army Sgt. Anita Shaw, had been serving in Iraq but returned home when her son was killed. She is slated to redeploy to Iraq to finish her second tour of duty despite dozens of letters sent to her Army supervisors asking for an exemption. Link

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Do you know anything about this case? Details? It is one of the WORST travesties of justice I have ever come across. ALL the government stops were pulled out to help Espinsoa.
The American people are going to get tired of the government bending the rules and laws for the illegal aliens and then throwing the citizens up against the wall.

I remember reading about Jamiel when it happened and I thought to myself what a damn shame! The kid was an intellectual All-Star and possibly a future MVP for the NFL.

That POS illegal alien had no right to be in the country in the first place and the government had no right letting him loose back out on the streets of America he should have been deported! These pieces of trash illegal aliens are never going to learn how to be civilized in our life time!

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In today's terms, Pedro Espinosa would be a "dreamer" as he was brought here as a child. He'd be given anything he wanted.
American's have to call their politicians and tell them:

We want the illegal aliens deported all of them no exceptions.

Tell them NO AMNESTY

We want our ports and border secured

Close the border with Mexico and guard it with a beefed up Border Patrol.

Only then will we talk about immigration reform!

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