Murderers released in vain


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
"...Mr. Prime Minister, I am appealing to you as one bereaved brother to another.

For a moment, try to imagine the vile person who murdered your brother, Yoni, being set free to the cries of joy of his friends the terrorists and murderers. I'm sorry for this analogy, but I don’t see any other way to make you understand our feelings in light of this dreadful step you have taken (or perhaps have been forced to take, but it doesn't matter).

The murderer, Najeh Mohamed Muqbel, took the life of my brother, the late Yaakov Shalom, just because he was Jewish. It's clear to me that his release will be executed, just like 26 despicable and loathsome murderers were freed and greeted as heroes by the Palestinian Authority which is "so" interested in peace with us.

All this, for what? Redemption of prisoners? A peace agreement? Absolutely not. Contemptible and heinous murderers are being released in vain in exchange for Abbas' agreement to sit down with us for negotiations, which will most likely yield no result.

Anyone interested in peace sits down and talks. They don't set preconditions and definitely don't demand the release of murderers. The Palestinians need peace a whole lot more than we do. Why are we the ones paying the highest price of all?

Mr. Netanyahu, it's clear to me there's a zero chance this letter will change anything in your decisions. And yet I decided to write it just to know that I did not let this act of madness be ignored.

The day the negotiations fade away faintly, you and your ministers will not be able to wash your hands of this and say, "Our hands did not spill this blood."

Rami (Rahamim) Shalom is the brother of attorney Yaakov Shalom, who was murdered in Jerusalem in May 1990



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