Muscovites advance against the Germans, killing everything in their path, even their "own" people


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Great book!

the Mongol Soviet cavalry rode in on horseback and grabbed her chickens. They stuffed them under their saddles, and on their departure one tore the skin off, and chomped down on the raw chicken....

Muscovites advance against the Germans, killing everything in their path, even their "own" people

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Russian generals were merciless especially after the siege of Stalingrad where Russian civilians ended up eating their own shoes and sawdust to stay alive.. Shit happens in war and Allied raids on German civilian targets were horrific examples we would rather forget.
Russian generals were merciless especially after the siege of Stalingrad where Russian civilians ended up eating their own shoes and sawdust to stay alive.. Shit happens in war and Allied raids on German civilian targets were horrific examples we would rather forget.
The brutality of the Red Army saved the world from Nazism. Churchill plotted to pit the Soviets against the Germans and they ended up decimating each other, while Western troops from Britain and America just watched the German-Soviet war from the sidelines. Churchill was resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime by the Soviets, who did whatever it took to achieve this goal.


Churchill and the Two 'Evil Empires'

David Carlton

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
Vol. 11 (2001), pp. 331-351 (21 pages)
Published By: Cambridge University Press
Patton was a hard charging general but his personal opinion of Russian soldiers doesn't matter. Ike was in charge and he ordered his own Army to halt and allow the Russians to sack Berlin.
all Americans (Free men) hate the mongoloid (not must my words, read Marx - WSJ ), barbaric rapists (natural slaves ).
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "


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