Musk locked out of payment system

Then go over on X and see your supporters views.

You must be a paid truth denier.
See what I fucking mean? you're disgusting liars.

Tapping away on your grimy phone with your grubby little fingers, pretending to be intelligent, pretending to be "in the know".

Gaza is a province of Mozambique, USAID has been active there for years battling the spread of HIV.

You're a lying bastard. Is there a contest between trumpanzees to see who can out do Trump with lies?

So they were right. They did send 50mill to Gaza.
See, lying is all you can do.

"they" never said that his press sec said this:

Leavitt’s Tuesday comments made headlines around the world. And the president himself told an even more dramatic version of the story in a speech on Wednesday, saying that “we identified and stopped $50 million being sent to Gaza to buy condoms for Hamas.”

You are a liar, that's all you do. lie, why are you so scared of honesty? I suspect it's because you need to lie to be a member of the trumpanzee tribe, it's demanded of you and you comply, like a spineless weakling.

A big difference between trumpanzees (for whom lying is something they pride themselves on) and decent people, is that the liars pretty much always cite posters on Twitter, occasionally Fox/Newsmax, whereas honest people usually quote a reputable news source.

Consider Dulldude, many threads started by him begin with a fucking Twitter post !
Here Delldude

Most of the threads you start in Politics or Current Events are prompted by some tweet you saw on your phone, that's your world, it's your source of truth. You are putty in Trump's hands, doing his bidding like a loyal liar. Do you sit there all day waiting for something topical or contentious to come up on Twitter so you can start another thread of lies?

This for you is "politics" this for you is "debating" for most intelligent people it's just trolling, click baiting, endless lying. You're approach is "I will post a new lie and then defend it because that's what I do" perhaps you do it to attract and convert even more liars to the cause.

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See, lying is all you can do.

"they" never said that his press sec said this:

You are a liar, that's all you do. lie, why are you so scared of honesty? I suspect it's because you need to lie to be a member of the trumpanzee tribe, it's demanded of you and you comply, like a spineless weakling.

Wanna see some Islam kindergarten kill the Jews indoctrination videos again?
Ha ha ha.... who's the liar now?
Oh look yet another bunch threads based on serious news from - wait for it - Twitter !

Like I said, you brainwashed imbeciles spend all day on your phones perusing twitter and then come here and pretend you're informed.
DOGE took over the U.S. Digital Service, a 300-person technology office President Barack Obama set up inside the Executive Office of the President in 2014 to fix his beleaguered Bureaucrats had bungled the site, so USDS sought out Silicon Valley innovators, and was authorized to circumvent federal hiring procedures to get them. Hiring young people from the tech world and putting them together to work for Obama, unmoored from the stuffy rules of a typical government building, led to an environment of overt left-wing advocacy.

Let’s just roll that irony around in our mouths for a while to truly enjoy all the nuances of the taste. Obama’s incompetent rollout of ObamaCare necessitated the creation of USDS to rescue his bureaucrats from the debacle they created. They sought out younger experts for that rescue, while exempting them from the red tape that applies to other agencies. They then left them alone rather than strictly proscribe the work to the declared USDS mission.

What does that sound like?

Anyway, it paid off for Democrats for a few years, even during Trump’s presidency:

Obama designed it that way, making the USDS administrator, its top employee, a political appointee. When Donald Trump took over in 2017, he didn’t attempt to turn the tables. Instead, he turned the other cheek. He reclassified USDS’s top job as a career position, not a political one, signaling that he trusted the employees to simply carry out the unglamorous job of fixing government IT.
But USDS staff abused that trust, using it, incredibly, to run left-wing activism from inside Trump’s first White House. During his first term, it hired multiple people who had worked in the porn industry, one who’d worked in a gender studies department, and a transgender activist. USDS leadership subjected staff to memos lecturing them on “toxic masculinity” while devoting significant effort to DEI hiring, a Daily Wire review found.

Thanks Obama

The original big balls

The damage is done, mountains of fraud and waste have been exposed.

The American people will demand the audits to continue.
The dems and their deep state allies might be able to impede these audits for a while. You are correct, in the end, the American people will demand a top to bottom audit of EVERYTHING
Oh look yet another bunch threads based on serious news from - wait for it - Twitter !

Like I said, you brainwashed imbeciles spend all day on your phones perusing twitter and then come here and pretend you're informed.
Not sure if you know it, they're called satire............oh hell, forgot, you clowns on the left have no sense of humor.
Musk comments on what they found at Treasury:

- Require that all outgoing government payments have a payment categorization code, which is necessary in order to pass financial audits. This is frequently left blank, making audits almost impossible.

Yesterday, I was told that there are currently over $100B/year of entitlements payments to individuals with no SSN or even a temporary ID number. If accurate, this is extremely suspicious. When I asked if anyone at Treasury had a rough guess for what percentage of that number is unequivocal and obvious fraud, the consensus in the room was about half, so $50B/year or $1B/week!!

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