Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

to deny a connection between the clan and rightwing ideology is like denying a connection between communism and leftwing ideology

No, it's completely not like that. Communism IS a political ideology. The Clan were racists, not a political group. They did not as a group support political objectives other than for their one issue. What you said is ridiculous and why you are missing the point. The Clan is not conservative or liberal, they aren't a political group. If your kid's soccer coach is a Republican, that doesn't make the soccer team a Republican organization.

The biggest racist I know where I live in North Carolina has an Obama bumber sticker on his car. He's a Democrat to the bone. I think he's an ass. I only tolerate him because he's a friend of a friend, and I avoid him then as much as possible. My friend knows I despise the guy and tries to keep his friend away from me. So the clan are Democrats, right? Because I know a Democrat who's a flaming racist? I personally think he's a racist because he's a loser and he needs some way to feel superior to someone. He's sure not going to be able to do that on intelligence.

I don't think Obama has been a race divider what so ever - at least not by his actions.

You have eyes, yet you do not see. Every time he runs to a microphone to denounce cops for shootings while there is zero evidence, he shows how clueless you are not to see what he is. Not to mention his endless race baiting comments every time he talks about blacks.

Here is a great thing he could have done for his country. He could have said wow, a black President, this country has come a long way. Let's finish the job by stopping obsessing about the past. Sure, let's deal with racism when it does occur, it is never tolerable. But let's move forward as a country now and recognize how far we have come.

He says the opposite

If the Klan isn't a political group, why does it have a political party platform?

The program
I don't think Obama has been a race divider what so ever - at least not by his actions.

You have eyes, yet you do not see. Every time he runs to a microphone to denounce cops for shootings while there is zero evidence, he shows how clueless you are not to see what he is

Oh...wait...we're supposed to ignore police shootings?

Let me help you: "You have eyes, yet you do not see. Every time he runs to a microphone to denounce cops for shootings while there is zero evidence, he shows how clueless you are not to see what he is"

Which specific incidences do you have in mind?

You are confusing political parties with ideologies. The south, though democrat, was heavily conservative and heavily Christian - conservative Christian. When the Democrats took up civil rights, they fled the party.

The north was more liberal, and it's Christians were more liberal. And yes - Christians played a big role in abolition, as did northern Jews in Civil Rights. Christians also played a big role in protecting and promoting slavery.

Keep on spinning your fantasies :)
I'm not confusing anything at all. As you show every day when you argue for killing babies, or targeting Christians, you are the one who is confused. Or lying. Or drugged...if drugged, you're probably all three.
Poor persecuted christers.....poor, poor persecuted christers. If only there were more of them in this country, maybe they wouldn't be persecuted so much.......poor, poor persecuted christers.


OMG, I can't make a baker bake me a cage for a fag wedding shaped like a penis, this is like Stalinist Russia! I have no freedom!

Yeah, you have a sense of perspective, thanks ...

You can't force a baker to bake something unreasonable - for either a hetero or homosexual wedding. No penis cake. No penis in vagina cake either. That's not an issue of same sex wedding.

Based on what?

And forcing one citizen to bake any cake for another is unreasonable

Not under public accommodation laws.
I don't think Obama has been a race divider what so ever - at least not by his actions.

You have eyes, yet you do not see. Every time he runs to a microphone to denounce cops for shootings while there is zero evidence, he shows how clueless you are not to see what he is

Oh...wait...we're supposed to ignore police shootings?

Let me help you: "You have eyes, yet you do not see. Every time he runs to a microphone to denounce cops for shootings while there is zero evidence, he shows how clueless you are not to see what he is"

Which specific incidences do you have in mind?

Ferguson, the Cambridge one, the Staten Island one off the top of my head. His comments on the Baltimore riots were pure race baiting. I can't take you seriously when you don't know what I'm talking about. You just have a leftist = don't worry about it switch in your mind. He does it every time, and every time the left don't care. Or you like it. It's vote pandering.

A controlled black is a reliable Democrat vote
I'm not confusing anything at all. As you show every day when you argue for killing babies, or targeting Christians, you are the one who is confused. Or lying. Or drugged...if drugged, you're probably all three.
Poor persecuted christers.....poor, poor persecuted christers. If only there were more of them in this country, maybe they wouldn't be persecuted so much.......poor, poor persecuted christers.


OMG, I can't make a baker bake me a cage for a fag wedding shaped like a penis, this is like Stalinist Russia! I have no freedom!

Yeah, you have a sense of perspective, thanks ...

You can't force a baker to bake something unreasonable - for either a hetero or homosexual wedding. No penis cake. No penis in vagina cake either. That's not an issue of same sex wedding.

Based on what?

And forcing one citizen to bake any cake for another is unreasonable

Not under public accommodation laws.

Circular argument
People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

Muslims don't bash gays?

Gays don't bash Muslims. Just Christians.

And by 'bash' you mean asking that business's follow the law.

When does someone that wants to start a business have to be at the mercy of whom ever walks in the door? Was the business there before the gay Law was established?

There is no 'gay law'.

The granddaddy of them all is the 1965 Civil Rights Act which forbids places of public accommodation from denying service to people because of their race, national origin, religion or gender.

That has been in effect for 50 years now. You might want to read up on it.

Notice that it doesn't mention queers or sexual orientation.
Segregation was legally enforced discrimination, and therefore a violation of the 14th Amendment. When a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of queers, there's no violation of the Constitution. so you claim is irrelevant.

In all 50 states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of Christians- it is a violation of the law.
In 20 odd states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of homosexuals- it is a violation of the law.

The Conservo fascists think that Christians should be exempt from the very law that protects them in all 50 states.
Neither should be exempt from private discrimination. The federal government has no authority to control private businesses.

It's been reported homos deliberately sought out Christians. The fact remains the Muslims refused, you cannot condemn the Christians and not condemn the Muslims.

Obama can. He's a Muslim sympathizer. His granddaddy was Muslim. His daddy was Muslim. He loves the Muslim Brotherhood. He speaks to us eloquently, rrrrrolling his rrrrrrs when he rrrrrrrecites what the Holy Korrrran tells us.

You can't expect the disingenuous piece of dog squeeze to let the DOJ go after a Muslim bakery.
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It's been reported homos deliberately sought out Christians. The fact remains the Muslims refused, you cannot condemn the Christians and not condemn the Muslims.

Obama can. He's a Muslim sympathizer. His granddaddy was Muslim. His daddy was Muslim. He loves the Muslim Brotherhood. He speaks to us,rrrrrolling his rrrrrrs when he rrrrrrrecites what the Holy Korrrran tells us.

You can't expect the disingenuous piece of dog squeeze to let the DOJ go after a Muslim bakery.

Ears can go fuck himself. It'll take decades to repair the damage that asshat has created
I'm not confusing anything at all. As you show every day when you argue for killing babies, or targeting Christians, you are the one who is confused. Or lying. Or drugged...if drugged, you're probably all three.
Poor persecuted christers.....poor, poor persecuted christers. If only there were more of them in this country, maybe they wouldn't be persecuted so much.......poor, poor persecuted christers.


OMG, I can't make a baker bake me a cage for a fag wedding shaped like a penis, this is like Stalinist Russia! I have no freedom!

Yeah, you have a sense of perspective, thanks ...

You can't force a baker to bake something unreasonable - for either a hetero or homosexual wedding. No penis cake. No penis in vagina cake either. That's not an issue of same sex wedding.

Based on what?

And forcing one citizen to bake any cake for another is unreasonable

Not under public accommodation laws.
The public accommodation law maintains that artists must create on demand, even if they believe they are committing sacrilege in doing so?

I take it you approve of Nazis forcing Jews music at the ovens...

And no, codes and bad law do not trump the constitution. Not in a constitutional republic.

Next you will claim we have evolved beyond the constitution.
Segregation was legally enforced discrimination, and therefore a violation of the 14th Amendment. When a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of queers, there's no violation of the Constitution. so you claim is irrelevant.

In all 50 states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of Christians- it is a violation of the law.
In 20 odd states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of homosexuals- it is a violation of the law.

The Conservo fascists think that Christians should be exempt from the very law that protects them in all 50 states.
Neither should be exempt from private discrimination. The federal government has no authority to control private businesses.

Yes they do .

Commerce clause for one.
I'm not confusing anything at all. As you show every day when you argue for killing babies, or targeting Christians, you are the one who is confused. Or lying. Or drugged...if drugged, you're probably all three.
Poor persecuted christers.....poor, poor persecuted christers. If only there were more of them in this country, maybe they wouldn't be persecuted so much.......poor, poor persecuted christers.


OMG, I can't make a baker bake me a cage for a fag wedding shaped like a penis, this is like Stalinist Russia! I have no freedom!

Yeah, you have a sense of perspective, thanks ...

You can't force a baker to bake something unreasonable - for either a hetero or homosexual wedding. No penis cake. No penis in vagina cake either. That's not an issue of same sex wedding.
It's unreasonable to expect a baker to commit sacrilege.

Not according to the laws in some states.
Unconstitutional laws constitute lawlessness. Now you're just chasing your tail, peon.
Segregation was legally enforced discrimination, and therefore a violation of the 14th Amendment. When a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of queers, there's no violation of the Constitution. so you claim is irrelevant.

In all 50 states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of Christians- it is a violation of the law.
In 20 odd states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of homosexuals- it is a violation of the law.

The Conservo fascists think that Christians should be exempt from the very law that protects them in all 50 states.
Neither should be exempt from private discrimination. The federal government has no authority to control private businesses.

Yes they do .

Commerce clause for one.

What does the commerce clause have to do with buying a cake from your local baker?
Segregation was legally enforced discrimination, and therefore a violation of the 14th Amendment. When a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of queers, there's no violation of the Constitution. so you claim is irrelevant.

In all 50 states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of Christians- it is a violation of the law.
In 20 odd states if a baker refuses to bake a cake for a couple of homosexuals- it is a violation of the law.

The Conservo fascists think that Christians should be exempt from the very law that protects them in all 50 states.
Neither should be exempt from private discrimination. The federal government has no authority to control private businesses.

Yes they do .

Commerce clause for one.

Nope. The commerce clause does not authorize the federal government to regulate private businesses. It only authorizes it to regulate exchanges across state boundaries. That's how the clause was interpreted for 150 years until FDR ascended the throne and threatened to abolish the court if it didn't rule in FDR's favor.
People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

Muslims don't bash gays?

Gays don't bash Muslims. Just Christians.

And by 'bash' you mean asking that business's follow the law.

When does someone that wants to start a business have to be at the mercy of whom ever walks in the door? Was the business there before the gay Law was established?

There is no 'gay law'.

The granddaddy of them all is the 1965 Civil Rights Act which forbids places of public accommodation from denying service to people because of their race, national origin, religion or gender.

That has been in effect for 50 years now. You might want to read up on it.

Am well aware. But what came before it was the separation of church and state. Which was not intended to keep religion out of government, as we now pretend, but government out of religion. The government does not have the authority to determine which tenents of my faith I can exercise and which I cannot.
"Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?"

If a Muslim bakery refused to accommodate a gay patron in a jurisdiction whose public accommodations law has a provision for sexual orientation, liberals would support a lawsuit seeking relief from the bakery’s discrimination pursuant to that jurisdiction’s public accommodations law.

And if no such provision existed, a lawsuit would be neither warranted nor forthcoming.

Unlike most on the right, liberals know the law, understand the law, and respect the rule of law in an appropriate and consistent manner.
Poor persecuted christers.....poor, poor persecuted christers. If only there were more of them in this country, maybe they wouldn't be persecuted so much.......poor, poor persecuted christers.


OMG, I can't make a baker bake me a cage for a fag wedding shaped like a penis, this is like Stalinist Russia! I have no freedom!

Yeah, you have a sense of perspective, thanks ...

You can't force a baker to bake something unreasonable - for either a hetero or homosexual wedding. No penis cake. No penis in vagina cake either. That's not an issue of same sex wedding.
It's unreasonable to expect a baker to commit sacrilege.

Not according to the laws in some states.
Unconstitutional laws constitute lawlessness. Now you're just chasing your tail, peon.

What is "unconstitutional about it"? I can't find any examples where those laws have faced a constitutional challenge and been shot down. It seems that the "religious liberty" laws are a bit more problematic.
Muslims don't bash gays?

Gays don't bash Muslims. Just Christians.

And by 'bash' you mean asking that business's follow the law.

When does someone that wants to start a business have to be at the mercy of whom ever walks in the door? Was the business there before the gay Law was established?

There is no 'gay law'.

The granddaddy of them all is the 1965 Civil Rights Act which forbids places of public accommodation from denying service to people because of their race, national origin, religion or gender.

That has been in effect for 50 years now. You might want to read up on it.

Am well aware. But what came before it was the separation of church and state. Which was not intended to keep religion out of government, as we now pretend, but government out of religion. The government does not have the authority to determine which tenents of my faith I can exercise and which I cannot.

It was intended for BOTH.
Poor persecuted christers.....poor, poor persecuted christers. If only there were more of them in this country, maybe they wouldn't be persecuted so much.......poor, poor persecuted christers.


OMG, I can't make a baker bake me a cage for a fag wedding shaped like a penis, this is like Stalinist Russia! I have no freedom!

Yeah, you have a sense of perspective, thanks ...

You can't force a baker to bake something unreasonable - for either a hetero or homosexual wedding. No penis cake. No penis in vagina cake either. That's not an issue of same sex wedding.

Based on what?

And forcing one citizen to bake any cake for another is unreasonable

Not under public accommodation laws.
The public accommodation law maintains that artists must create on demand, even if they believe they are committing sacrilege in doing so?

No, it means that they must serve all customers the same and not discrimminate on the basis of race, religion, gender etc. That means if their religion prohibits interracial marriage - they still have to provide a cake to an interracial couple.

I take it you approve of Nazis forcing Jews music at the ovens...

How does that even remotely begin to fit within this conversation? Talk about grasping for insults straws.

And no, codes and bad law do not trump the constitution. Not in a constitutional republic.

Next you will claim we have evolved beyond the constitution.

Ok, then show me where this law has faced constitutional challenge and been slapped down.
No, they want a special weddi g cake, made specifically for this event.

You're so stupid it gives me a headache.


Here is one of the wedding cakes in the portfolio for Masterpiece Cakes in Colorado. If a different-sex couple came in to order the cake they would sell it to them. If a same-sex couple came into order the cake they would refuse to sell it to them.

Since it's the same cake, then no it's not a "special cake".


If they put those cakes in the case, then anybody can buy it. If they are making it at the your human and constitutional right to refuse.

Slaves don't understand that.

You said they wanted a "special cake". The fact is the Mr. Klein and Mr. Phillps refused to sell them ANY wedding cake as the discussions (review the court documents) never got to any design questions.

The fact is Mr. Klein and Mr. Phillips would have refused to even sell them one of their standard wedding cakes from their portfolio that they advertise.

And Psst - I support the repeal of all pubic accommodation laws as applied to private businesses (with an exception ONLY for emergency medical treatment where lives are involved).


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