Muslim rapper raps homophobic, antisemitic lyrics

What has a dutch rapper got to do with American Librals Steve? Do please answer this question and stay on topic.
What has a dutch rapper got to do with American Librals Steve? Do please answer this question and stay on topic.

trannysteve is saying that if this had happened in the US, he would be at the head of the line of people defending the rapper's right to spew garbage because trannysteve himself is a veritable fountain of same.

Isn't that what you're saying, trannysteve?
hate to break it to you, but leftie liberal limp wristers aren't limited to the USA
hate to break it to you, but leftie liberal limp wristers aren't limited to the USA

But if you weren't talking about American liberals you would have posted this story in the Europe forum. So once again what has a dutch rapper got to do with American liberals. In fact what has it got to do with any liberal? Maybe you could give us some evidence? And do please stay on topic.
Homophobia is a BS word, Just because someone doesn't like homosexuals doesn't mean they fear them in the least. I don't like homosexual men, specifically the flamboyant ones. Why? They're annoying as hell with the overboard more feminine than females lisping limp wrist crap. The bull dykes are just as annoying. Even if it were true that someone can be born gay, does that mean you have to overdo the faggotry like that? Anyway, Ive had the displeasure of working with an extremely flamboyant fag and have a couple on my mom's side as relatives, I don't run when I see them, I don't get all crazy and wash everything down asap if a homo has used it, nothing that constitutes fear. I make fun of them from time to time, oh well. If I am forced to deal with them then I do not treat them any different than anyone else, try to put my prejudice aside...problem is, they're all annoying so far... At some point I would hope that I might meet one that I didn't want to spit on after a few minutes of dealing with them...after 35 years of life and meeting a fair ammount of them...I don't think that's going to happen.
Homophobia is a BS word, Just because someone doesn't like homosexuals doesn't mean they fear them in the least. I don't like homosexual men, specifically the flamboyant ones. Why? They're annoying as hell with the overboard more feminine than females lisping limp wrist crap. The bull dykes are just as annoying. Even if it were true that someone can be born gay, does that mean you have to overdo the faggotry like that? Anyway, Ive had the displeasure of working with an extremely flamboyant fag and have a couple on my mom's side as relatives, I don't run when I see them, I don't get all crazy and wash everything down asap if a homo has used it, nothing that constitutes fear. I make fun of them from time to time, oh well. If I am forced to deal with them then I do not treat them any different than anyone else, try to put my prejudice aside...problem is, they're all annoying so far... At some point I would hope that I might meet one that I didn't want to spit on after a few minutes of dealing with them...after 35 years of life and meeting a fair ammount of them...I don't think that's going to happen.

You have a very good point. People who hate gays should not be called homophobic. A better name for them would be 'asshole.' :thup:
hate to break it to you, but leftie liberal limp wristers aren't limited to the USA

Damn those Muslims!!!!!!!!!!! The next time a man in a dress comes up to you Steve and ask you go to the Mosque on friday eve., you better go...and stop trying to overdose on high cholesterol pills..
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Homophobia is a BS word, Just because someone doesn't like homosexuals doesn't mean they fear them in the least. I don't like homosexual men, specifically the flamboyant ones. Why? They're annoying as hell with the overboard more feminine than females lisping limp wrist crap. The bull dykes are just as annoying. Even if it were true that someone can be born gay, does that mean you have to overdo the faggotry like that? Anyway, Ive had the displeasure of working with an extremely flamboyant fag and have a couple on my mom's side as relatives, I don't run when I see them, I don't get all crazy and wash everything down asap if a homo has used it, nothing that constitutes fear. I make fun of them from time to time, oh well. If I am forced to deal with them then I do not treat them any different than anyone else, try to put my prejudice aside...problem is, they're all annoying so far... At some point I would hope that I might meet one that I didn't want to spit on after a few minutes of dealing with them...after 35 years of life and meeting a fair ammount of them...I don't think that's going to happen.

I am against you using the word fag to describe a human being, we all know it's a word that has a meaning all to itself, a cigarette, a stick that lights fires or an occasional popping ember..the other abused word is gay, we all want to be happy and gay, but not in the sense that we must take a foreign object in our anus, I rectum so.
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And that is fair, OldSchool. I can be an asshole, so I don't have any problem being called one if that is how you percieve me. Assigning some politically contrived bullshit mental illness to people like "homophobia" is dishonest, unsubstantiated nonsense. I don't cry to the government to investigate you like how you liberals would do if you could get rid of freedom of speech & thought because your feeeewings were hurt. That's why I have no respect for the left, and it doesn't matter what country , all left wingers are the same. Liberalism is communism at a crawling speed, nothing more or less.
Homophobia is a BS word, Just because someone doesn't like homosexuals doesn't mean they fear them in the least. I don't like homosexual men, specifically the flamboyant ones. Why? They're annoying as hell with the overboard more feminine than females lisping limp wrist crap. The bull dykes are just as annoying. Even if it were true that someone can be born gay, does that mean you have to overdo the faggotry like that? Anyway, Ive had the displeasure of working with an extremely flamboyant fag and have a couple on my mom's side as relatives, I don't run when I see them, I don't get all crazy and wash everything down asap if a homo has used it, nothing that constitutes fear. I make fun of them from time to time, oh well. If I am forced to deal with them then I do not treat them any different than anyone else, try to put my prejudice aside...problem is, they're all annoying so far... At some point I would hope that I might meet one that I didn't want to spit on after a few minutes of dealing with them...after 35 years of life and meeting a fair ammount of them...I don't think that's going to happen.

You have a very good point. People who hate gays should not be called homophobic. A better name for them would be 'asshole.' :thup:
The rapper was alleged to have on panties, maybe a thong under his pants..
If you look up homophobic in the dictionary you will find a picture of trannysteves avatar.
Well I just call them as I see them. And I call them fags. Sorry if that offends you, but it is what it is. Someone called me an asshole, obviously no human being can be an ACTUAL we use slang terms, sometimes derogatory sometimes not. I've been referee to a a "breeder" by fags before, and they say it as if it tastes like shit in their mouth when they say it...we use labels, that's what humans do.
Homophobia is a BS word, Just because someone doesn't like homosexuals doesn't mean they fear them in the least. I don't like homosexual men, specifically the flamboyant ones. Why? They're annoying as hell with the overboard more feminine than females lisping limp wrist crap. The bull dykes are just as annoying. Even if it were true that someone can be born gay, does that mean you have to overdo the faggotry like that? Anyway, Ive had the displeasure of working with an extremely flamboyant fag and have a couple on my mom's side as relatives, I don't run when I see them, I don't get all crazy and wash everything down asap if a homo has used it, nothing that constitutes fear. I make fun of them from time to time, oh well. If I am forced to deal with them then I do not treat them any different than anyone else, try to put my prejudice aside...problem is, they're all annoying so far... At some point I would hope that I might meet one that I didn't want to spit on after a few minutes of dealing with them...after 35 years of life and meeting a fair ammount of them...I don't think that's going to happen.

I am against you using the word fag to describe a human being, we all know it's a word that has a meaning all to itself, a cigarette, a stick that lights fires or an occasional popping ember..the other abused word is gay, we all want to be happy and gay, but not in the sense that we must take a foreign object in our anus, I rectum so.

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