Muslim School Fires Christian Coach

The bottom line is they don't want a Christian preacher as a wrestling coach. That's fine in a PRIVATE school.
Maybe you think so but I don't. It's illegal to discriminate against someone because of their religion.
A series of meaningless self congratulatory chest pounding ad hominem "statements" that have nothing to do with the question at hand
So you dont have any scripture by which you arrive at your opinion that the principal is wrong. Noted.

It's been provided for you already.

Your hole:
go back into it.
So it is your opinion that it is Islamically correct for a muslim to leave Islam? Is also appropriate for a Christian to try to convert a muslim?
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A Catholic News agency is not a credible source on topics in the religous thread? Well I'll be danged. Aren't the Catholics allowed persecution envy too?

Please provide a list of "credible" religious sources so I dare not repeat that newbie error. Thank you.

religious sources are not unbiased sources. Especially when the subject is an opposing faith. If you need to cite RELIGIOUS sources then, chances are, you have no interest in unbiased news anyway.
The Christian Science Monitor (of all things) is known for fair reporting.
Since it's okay for teachers to slap kids for being Christian, after all.

Bad decisions happen to all kinds of people, baba. Since when is it okay for a catholic priest to fuck an alter boy in the ass? Further, how reflective on catholicism are those individual boy loving preists? Yet, HERE, you seem to assume that it's because the teacher was muslim that he hit the kid. Shall I remind you that corporal punishment is hardly a myth in catholic schools?
funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.

What a sad little world you live in.

Stick around, noobtoast. you might learn a thing or two.
So you dont have any scripture by which you arrive at your opinion that the principal is wrong. Noted.

It's been provided for you already.

Your hole:
go back into it.
So it is your opinion that it is Islamically correct for a muslim to leave Islam?
Decidedly not. It is, however, incorrect to treat others inequitably if they have not acted in a hostile manner towards you. It is also wrong for a person in a position of authority to physically abuse kids that are supposed to be under their care - that isn't a matter of religion.
the source in the OP is laughable. I'd love to see something from a source other than a catholic news agency.

funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.

s'matter, dear? it bugs you that there's one hate thread NOT directed at jews?

piss off.
the source in the OP is laughable. I'd love to see something from a source other than a catholic news agency.

funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.

s'matter, dear? it bugs you that there's one hate thread NOT directed at jews?

piss off.

Funny that you crawl out of your crypt long enough to validate hatred of muslims, jillybean. And, if equality in israel is "hatred of jews" then I guess Governor Wallace was just fighing against hatred of whites, eh nosferajew? One might think your kind would be slow to wield a pitchfork and torch but, apparently, jews are human enough to hate just like a blond haired german, eh blood drinker?
funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.

What a sad little world you live in.

Stick around, noobtoast. you might learn a thing or two.

Absolutely! So far, I've learned that you're the sort of poster who will manage to use an incident involving a Muslim public school principal to drag in negatives about both Jews and Catholics.

What will you be teaching next, sensei?
What a sad little world you live in.

Stick around, noobtoast. you might learn a thing or two.

Absolutely! So far, I've learned that you're the sort of poster who will manage to use an incident involving a Muslim public school principal to drag in negatives about both Jews and Catholics.

What will you be teaching next, sensei?

I notice that you don't mention the nature of the "source" in the op. I guess it's easier to rationalize how evil are muslims when you don't have your own bullshit to reflect upon. After all, a logical thinker might wonder who the fuck are catholics to cry about corporal punishment with all the rulers being broken at catholic schools; how many jews are quick to cry racist despite their input in this ironic thread. SPECIFICALLY, how individual examples are apparently now reflective of the entire population now that the subject is muslims instead of catholics and jews.

but, I guess I never accused you of the burden of thinking logically so..
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Stick around, noobtoast. you might learn a thing or two.

Absolutely! So far, I've learned that you're the sort of poster who will manage to use an incident involving a Muslim public school principal to drag in negatives about both Jews and Catholics.

What will you be teaching next, sensei?

:clap2: :thup: :rofl:

poor angry lil mani. Whatsa matter, lil guy? is your poll posting finger briken today?
Absolutely! So far, I've learned that you're the sort of poster who will manage to use an incident involving a Muslim public school principal to drag in negatives about both Jews and Catholics.

What will you be teaching next, sensei?

:clap2: :thup: :rofl:

poor angry lil mani. Whatsa matter, lil guy? is your poll posting finger briken today?

Just giving the noob credit where earned is all.

Perhaps you can regale him next with your half-abortion compromise? :lol:
The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan announced today that a federal lawsuit has been filed against a Dearborn, Michigan high school, Fordson High School, and its Muslim principal, Imad Fadlallah, over the firing of Gerald Marszalek because of MarszalekÂ’s connection to a Christian volunteer coach.

Trouble started between Fadlallah and Marszalek when one of Coach MarszalekÂ’s assistant coaches, Trey Hancock, held a summer wrestling camp in which a Muslim camper converted to Christianity. Principal Fadlallah was so upset by the conversion that he punched the student and informed him he had disgraced his family. Fadlallah also ordered Coach Marszalek to ban the assistant coach from the high school and all wrestling events

Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center commented, “We are getting a glimpse of what happens when Muslims who refuse to accept American values and principles gain political power in an American community. Failure to renew coach Marszalek’s contract had nothing to do with wrestling and everything to do with religion.”

Lawsuit Filed Against Dearborn Schools and Muslim Principal Over Firing of Legendary Christian Wrestling Coach*|*Catholic Exchange

Hmmm. How about if the Christian kid sues the principal? I believe even in Michigan, principals aren't allowed to punch students. Maybe in Pakistan...

So it's only okay for certain groups to behave like this, but when it's those that are not popular there is outrage. Okay ... :cuckoo:

poor angry lil mani. Whatsa matter, lil guy? is your poll posting finger briken today?

Just giving the noob credit where earned is all.

Perhaps you can regale him next with your half-abortion compromise? :lol:

smells like bitterness to me, holmes. I'm sure he'll get all the insight he needs from the next lame ass manipoll. Maybe we can vote on who best kisses some noobtoast ass next.
the source in the OP is laughable. I'd love to see something from a source other than a catholic news agency.

funny though.. if the amount of hatred towards "ragheads" found in this thread were directed at jews we'd be on the 4th page right now wading through the posts of our local reflexive defenders. Thankfully, hating muslims just doesn't have the same impact as hating jews.

s'matter, dear? it bugs you that there's one hate thread NOT directed at jews?

piss off.

Funny that you crawl out of your crypt long enough to validate hatred of muslims, jillybean. And, if equality in israel is "hatred of jews" then I guess Governor Wallace was just fighing against hatred of whites, eh nosferajew? One might think your kind would be slow to wield a pitchfork and torch but, apparently, jews are human enough to hate just like a blond haired german, eh blood drinker?

and yet another shogie lie. i validated nothing of the sort. my comment was solely directed at your trying to drag your jewhatred into a thread having nothing to do with jews.

you don't allow anyone to get to the issues raised in this thread because you feel the need to thump your way around the board.

again... piss off. ;)
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jillian the queen of the damned reached one arm out of her crypt to thank the noobster for talking shit on muslims! She'll be floating outside of your bedroom window tonight buddy!


If something smells bitter I suggest it's time to change the bong water. And as an FYI, a couple ice cubes makes it a bit smoother going down. :cool:
s'matter, dear? it bugs you that there's one hate thread NOT directed at jews?

piss off.

Funny that you crawl out of your crypt long enough to validate hatred of muslims, jillybean. And, if equality in israel is "hatred of jews" then I guess Governor Wallace was just fighing against hatred of whites, eh nosferajew? One might think your kind would be slow to wield a pitchfork and torch but, apparently, jews are human enough to hate just like a blond haired german, eh blood drinker?

and yet another shogie lie. i validated nothing of the sort. my comment was solely directed at your trying to drag your jewhatred into a thread having nothing to do with jews.

you don't allow anyone to get to the issues raised in this thread because you feel the need to thump your way around the board.

again... piss off. ;)
:lol: That was a good one...Soggy is really floundering here. Maybe he's trying to finally admit he's become a Muslim and he's equating your laughing at him with hating Muslims. Next up he'll be sporting a green headband.
s'matter, dear? it bugs you that there's one hate thread NOT directed at jews?

piss off.

Funny that you crawl out of your crypt long enough to validate hatred of muslims, jillybean. And, if equality in israel is "hatred of jews" then I guess Governor Wallace was just fighing against hatred of whites, eh nosferajew? One might think your kind would be slow to wield a pitchfork and torch but, apparently, jews are human enough to hate just like a blond haired german, eh blood drinker?

and yet another shogie lie. i validated nothing of the sort. my comment was solely directed at your trying to drag your jewhatred into a thread having nothing to do with jews.

you don't allow anyone to get to the issues raised in this thread because you feel the need to thump your way around the board.

again... piss off. ;)

Actually, this thread went with nary a fucking commetn until I pointed out that the midigating factor was demonized muslims instead of demonized jews. Page one, garlic breath. And, indeed, what was your FIRST response? I'll quote you if you REALLY want to see how far your human empathy travels outside of the synagogue. Proud words, to be sure.

Again, had I not shoved this thread into motion we ALL know that your silly little chicken little victim ass wouldn't have touched this thread with a ten foot pole. Thus, my initial posts. I know I know.. facts hate da jooo and just want to see them floating in the sea.


no, Jill. I don't think I will piss off. But, if you need something to keep your interest like a dog staring down a treat I could probably shoot a muslim toddler in the face for you. Would that make you feel better?

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