Mutilating children to push a left wing world view....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....we told you it wouldn't stop at wouldn't just stop at reading "Heather has two Mommie"......they are now moving to mutilate young children to push their insanity...

I found this originally listening to Dennis Prager today....he discussed a school system pushing telling children they don't have to be any particular sex...they can decide on their own...even in Kindergarten.....

And now...they want to mutilate children....

Playing with Children, Playing with Gender, Playing with Fire - The Dennis Prager Show

And the article he read....

Transgender Conformity | Katherine Kersten

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy.

Until recently, gender dysphoria in young people was treated by “watchful waiting” or by counseling. In 2007, however, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital introduced a new treatment protocol—originating in the Netherlands—which is fast becoming the norm.

Today, young people who pursue “gender reassignment” begin a process that will consign them to lifelong dependence on the medical system.

Generally, they receive puberty blockers at around age thirteen and begin opposite-sex hormones—estrogen for boys and testosterone for girls—at around age sixteen. Some eventually opt for “sex-reassignment” surgery. This can involve double mastectomies, in girls as young as sixteen, and removing or “creating” penises and vaginas.

Cross-sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair in females and the swelling of breast tissue in males. Most such changes cease when a patient stops using these hormones. The artificial “penises” and “vaginas” constructed through surgery do not function like their authentic biological counterparts. No treatment can cause a biological man to menstruate or give birth to an infant, or make it possible for a woman to produce sperm and father a child.

Gender transition treatments involve significant risks. Puberty blockers stunt growth and decrease bone density during use. Girls who take testosterone may develop serious acne or feel irritable, aggressive, or unbalanced. Individuals taking these hormones require lifelong monitoring for a number of dangerous side effects, including cancer and deep vein thrombosis.

Lifelong infertility may be the greatest risk of cross-sex hormone use by young people. Sterility is inevitable when puberty blockers are followed by cross-sex hormones at an early stage of adolescent sexual development, or if prepubertal children are placed directly on these hormones, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians. Postpubertal adolescents are advised to consider freezing their eggs or sperm before beginning hormone use. “If your teen may want to have a biological child, it’s important to look into sperm banking before treatment is started,” Seattle Children’s Hospital advises parents. Hormone-induced changes “may be irreversible” for girls who receive testosterone, the hospital adds. “It’s very important that a patient starting [female-to-male] therapy be sure this is the course they [sic] want to follow,” its web site warns. Despite these concerns, Seattle Children’s Hospital enthusiastically supports pediatric gender-transition treatment and opened a clinic to provide it in October 2016.

Does anyone really believe a 13 year old can decide what sex they actually are...considering what the actual understanding of the issue shows...that they grow out of their problem.....

In short, the use of sex-reassignment treatments in children amounts to a massive uncontrolled experiment. Such an unscientific approach to irreversible, life-altering treatments is indefensible in the age of “evidence-based” medicine, when lengthy clinical trials are generally required for federal approval of a new medication.

There is little evidence that cross-sex treatments actually benefit gender-dysphoric youngsters. In 2014, Hayes, Inc.—a widely respected research firm that evaluates the safety and value of medical technologies—performed a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on treatment of gender dysphoria. Hayes gave its lowest rating to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children, finding that the literature is “too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions.”

McHugh compares treating the psychological confusion of gender dysphoria with hormones or sex-change surgery to treating anorexia with liposuction. He notes that the most thorough follow-up of individuals who have had sex-reassignment surgery, a 2011 Swedish study, found that sex-reassigned individuals were almost five times more likely to attempt suicide and nineteen times more likely to die by suicide compared to controls. Such treatment is irresponsible. It leaves a patient’s underlying psychological problems undiagnosed and unaddressed. In McHugh’s words,
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Like YOU give a fuck about children?? Your excuse is that too few kids are shot to death for you to give a fuck. At least one child is killed by guns every single day but yet, POINT ZERO 3 PERCENT of the population is transgender.

IOW, by your twisted sick hypocrisy, YOUR agenda is to murder children.

New CDC data understate accidental shooting deaths of kids

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day


asswipe....I posted those numbers today......gun accidents killed 68 kids in 2013 and 48 in 2014.......they went down...asswipe.....

The lies in your links are not supported by actual facts....
Like YOU give a fuck about children?? Your excuse is that too few kids are shot to death for you to give a fuck. At least one child is killed by guns every single day but yet, POINT ZERO 3 PERCENT of the population is transgender.

IOW, by your twisted sick hypocrisy, YOUR agenda is to murder children.

New CDC data understate accidental shooting deaths of kids

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day


asswipe....they use the term Minor.....I listed the exact age groups up to 14 for children......and of the accidental gun deaths there are also the murder of children hidden as accidents....moron....

Here is an actual breakdown...from the CDC....

Accidental death by cause for 2014.....ages <1-14. ( 320 million guns in private hands in 2013) (74.2 million children 2010 census)

Accidental gun...48
( 2013...69)
( 2012...58)
( 2011...74)

Accidental drowning...647
Accidental car deaths...1,083
Accidental falls...53
Compared to accidental gun deaths in 2013...
Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-9 years old: 15

10-15 years old: 24

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)


Accidental gun death: total: 48

<1.... 0

1-4.... 22

5-9.... 14

10-14.... 12

total: 48
Accidental Drowning: Total: 647

<1.... 29

1-4.... 388

5-9.... 125

10-14.... 105

Total: 647
Accidental car deaths: Total: 1,083

<1.... 61

1-4.... 293

5-9.... 345

Total: 1,083
Accidental poisoning: Total: 68

<1.... 9

1-4.... 28

5-9.... 9

10-14.... 22

Total: 68
Accidental Falls: Total: 53

<1.... 8

1-4.... 24


10-14.... 13

Total: 53
Like YOU give a fuck about children?? Your excuse is that too few kids are shot to death for you to give a fuck. At least one child is killed by guns every single day but yet, POINT ZERO 3 PERCENT of the population is transgender.

IOW, by your twisted sick hypocrisy, YOUR agenda is to murder children.

New CDC data understate accidental shooting deaths of kids

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day


There were 74.2 million kids in the country in 2010......and from the left wing report in USA today they say instead of 48 kids in 2014....there

A review of shootings nationwide by The Associated Press and USA TODAY Network found that at least 141 deaths of minors were attributed to unintentional or accidental shootings in 2015 — 83% higher than what the Centers for Disease Control reported.

So even with the lie from your lin........141 accidental gun deaths...not supported by the CDC actual numbers.....out of 74.2 million many died in other ways....

again...take a look....moron...out of 74.2 million kids.....your links are lying....they are trying to massage the numbers by saying they went up 83%......moron....not stating how many kids in the country there actually are....and how guns are the least likely way a kid is going to die.....letting them drive in cars is deadlier....

Compared to accidental gun deaths in 2013...
Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-9 years old: 15

10-15 years old: 24

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)


Accidental gun death: total: 48

<1.... 0

1-4.... 22

5-9.... 14

10-14.... 12

total: 48
Accidental Drowning: Total: 647
<1.... 29

1-4.... 388

5-9.... 125

10-14.... 105

Total: 647
Accidental car deaths: Total: 1,083

<1.... 61

1-4.... 293

5-9.... 345

Total: 1,083
Accidental poisoning: Total: 68
<1.... 9

1-4.... 28

5-9.... 9

10-14.... 22

Total: 68
Accidental Falls: Total: 53
<1.... 8

1-4.... 24


10-14.... 13

Total: 53
Like YOU give a fuck about children?? Your excuse is that too few kids are shot to death for you to give a fuck. At least one child is killed by guns every single day but yet, POINT ZERO 3 PERCENT of the population is transgender.

IOW, by your twisted sick hypocrisy, YOUR agenda is to murder children.

New CDC data understate accidental shooting deaths of kids

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day


From your other lying link.....they include 15, 16 and 17 year old gang members as children in their accidental death category.....that is how they get that number up over 100.....asshole........try to think before you post....

Does anyone think a 17 year old is the same as a 4 year old.....a 5 year old......moron....

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day

Using information collected by the Gun Violence Archive, a nonpartisan research group, news reports and public sources, the news media outlets spent six months analyzing the circumstances of every death and injury from accidental shootings involving children ages 17 and younger from Jan. 1, 2014, to June 30 of this year — more than 1,000 incidents in all.


  • Accidental shootings spike again for ages 15-17, when victims are most often fatally shot by other children but typically survive self-inflicted gunshots.
They mean when the children are active gang members........with little to no real training in the safe handling of guns...
Frankenstein lives....
Like YOU give a fuck about children?? Your excuse is that too few kids are shot to death for you to give a fuck. At least one child is killed by guns every single day but yet, POINT ZERO 3 PERCENT of the population is transgender.

IOW, by your twisted sick hypocrisy, YOUR agenda is to murder children.

New CDC data understate accidental shooting deaths of kids

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day

But it's ok to abort them , post birth abortions. If guns were such a problem , it is well known over three million people own guns legally if they were as dangerous as your MSM idiots brainwash you sheep into thinking, you would seriously know there was a problem.

Look at Chicago they have sever restrictions on guns. but OMG highest murder rate in the Country just about.
Using that save the children bs as a gun cop out.
Like YOU give a fuck about children?? Your excuse is that too few kids are shot to death for you to give a fuck. At least one child is killed by guns every single day but yet, POINT ZERO 3 PERCENT of the population is transgender.

IOW, by your twisted sick hypocrisy, YOUR agenda is to murder children.

New CDC data understate accidental shooting deaths of kids

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day


From your other lying link.....they include 15, 16 and 17 year old gang members as children in their accidental death category.....that is how they get that number up over 100.....asshole........try to think before you post....

Does anyone think a 17 year old is the same as a 4 year old.....a 5 year old......moron....

Chronicle of agony: Gun accidents kill at least 1 kid every other day

Using information collected by the Gun Violence Archive, a nonpartisan research group, news reports and public sources, the news media outlets spent six months analyzing the circumstances of every death and injury from accidental shootings involving children ages 17 and younger from Jan. 1, 2014, to June 30 of this year — more than 1,000 incidents in all.


  • Accidental shootings spike again for ages 15-17, when victims are most often fatally shot by other children but typically survive self-inflicted gunshots.
They mean when the children are active gang members........with little to no real training in the safe handling of guns...

See they gotta take those guns, and yell " Save the Children" , but then turn around the same day and have a few abortions it's her right, her body dontcha know lol.
Wasn't this topic about forcing mutilation on children by misdiagnosis of Transgender?

What a shame that it was hijacked.
Yep.....we told you it wouldn't stop at wouldn't just stop at reading "Heather has two Mommie"......they are now moving to mutilate young children to push their insanity...

I found this originally listening to Dennis Prager today....he discussed a school system pushing telling children they don't have to be any particular sex...they can decide on their own...even in Kindergarten.....

And now...they want to mutilate children....

Playing with Children, Playing with Gender, Playing with Fire - The Dennis Prager Show

And the article he read....

Transgender Conformity | Katherine Kersten

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy.

Until recently, gender dysphoria in young people was treated by “watchful waiting” or by counseling. In 2007, however, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital introduced a new treatment protocol—originating in the Netherlands—which is fast becoming the norm.

Today, young people who pursue “gender reassignment” begin a process that will consign them to lifelong dependence on the medical system.

Generally, they receive puberty blockers at around age thirteen and begin opposite-sex hormones—estrogen for boys and testosterone for girls—at around age sixteen. Some eventually opt for “sex-reassignment” surgery. This can involve double mastectomies, in girls as young as sixteen, and removing or “creating” penises and vaginas.

Cross-sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair in females and the swelling of breast tissue in males. Most such changes cease when a patient stops using these hormones. The artificial “penises” and “vaginas” constructed through surgery do not function like their authentic biological counterparts. No treatment can cause a biological man to menstruate or give birth to an infant, or make it possible for a woman to produce sperm and father a child.

Gender transition treatments involve significant risks. Puberty blockers stunt growth and decrease bone density during use. Girls who take testosterone may develop serious acne or feel irritable, aggressive, or unbalanced. Individuals taking these hormones require lifelong monitoring for a number of dangerous side effects, including cancer and deep vein thrombosis.

Lifelong infertility may be the greatest risk of cross-sex hormone use by young people. Sterility is inevitable when puberty blockers are followed by cross-sex hormones at an early stage of adolescent sexual development, or if prepubertal children are placed directly on these hormones, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians. Postpubertal adolescents are advised to consider freezing their eggs or sperm before beginning hormone use. “If your teen may want to have a biological child, it’s important to look into sperm banking before treatment is started,” Seattle Children’s Hospital advises parents. Hormone-induced changes “may be irreversible” for girls who receive testosterone, the hospital adds. “It’s very important that a patient starting [female-to-male] therapy be sure this is the course they [sic] want to follow,” its web site warns. Despite these concerns, Seattle Children’s Hospital enthusiastically supports pediatric gender-transition treatment and opened a clinic to provide it in October 2016.

Does anyone really believe a 13 year old can decide what sex they actually are...considering what the actual understanding of the issue shows...that they grow out of their problem.....

In short, the use of sex-reassignment treatments in children amounts to a massive uncontrolled experiment. Such an unscientific approach to irreversible, life-altering treatments is indefensible in the age of “evidence-based” medicine, when lengthy clinical trials are generally required for federal approval of a new medication.

There is little evidence that cross-sex treatments actually benefit gender-dysphoric youngsters. In 2014, Hayes, Inc.—a widely respected research firm that evaluates the safety and value of medical technologies—performed a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on treatment of gender dysphoria. Hayes gave its lowest rating to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children, finding that the literature is “too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions.”

McHugh compares treating the psychological confusion of gender dysphoria with hormones or sex-change surgery to treating anorexia with liposuction. He notes that the most thorough follow-up of individuals who have had sex-reassignment surgery, a 2011 Swedish study, found that sex-reassigned individuals were almost five times more likely to attempt suicide and nineteen times more likely to die by suicide compared to controls. Such treatment is irresponsible. It leaves a patient’s underlying psychological problems undiagnosed and unaddressed. In McHugh’s words,
Most Americans support transgender rights and want to keep abortion legal. That's why abortion is legal and we have some transgender rights. Good luck turning back the clock, asshole. (Sorry. I had to throw in "asshole" at the end there but its true)
Yep.....we told you it wouldn't stop at wouldn't just stop at reading "Heather has two Mommie"......they are now moving to mutilate young children to push their insanity...

I found this originally listening to Dennis Prager today....he discussed a school system pushing telling children they don't have to be any particular sex...they can decide on their own...even in Kindergarten.....

And now...they want to mutilate children....

Playing with Children, Playing with Gender, Playing with Fire - The Dennis Prager Show

And the article he read....

Transgender Conformity | Katherine Kersten

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy.

Until recently, gender dysphoria in young people was treated by “watchful waiting” or by counseling. In 2007, however, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital introduced a new treatment protocol—originating in the Netherlands—which is fast becoming the norm.

Today, young people who pursue “gender reassignment” begin a process that will consign them to lifelong dependence on the medical system.

Generally, they receive puberty blockers at around age thirteen and begin opposite-sex hormones—estrogen for boys and testosterone for girls—at around age sixteen. Some eventually opt for “sex-reassignment” surgery. This can involve double mastectomies, in girls as young as sixteen, and removing or “creating” penises and vaginas.

Cross-sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair in females and the swelling of breast tissue in males. Most such changes cease when a patient stops using these hormones. The artificial “penises” and “vaginas” constructed through surgery do not function like their authentic biological counterparts. No treatment can cause a biological man to menstruate or give birth to an infant, or make it possible for a woman to produce sperm and father a child.

Gender transition treatments involve significant risks. Puberty blockers stunt growth and decrease bone density during use. Girls who take testosterone may develop serious acne or feel irritable, aggressive, or unbalanced. Individuals taking these hormones require lifelong monitoring for a number of dangerous side effects, including cancer and deep vein thrombosis.

Lifelong infertility may be the greatest risk of cross-sex hormone use by young people. Sterility is inevitable when puberty blockers are followed by cross-sex hormones at an early stage of adolescent sexual development, or if prepubertal children are placed directly on these hormones, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians. Postpubertal adolescents are advised to consider freezing their eggs or sperm before beginning hormone use. “If your teen may want to have a biological child, it’s important to look into sperm banking before treatment is started,” Seattle Children’s Hospital advises parents. Hormone-induced changes “may be irreversible” for girls who receive testosterone, the hospital adds. “It’s very important that a patient starting [female-to-male] therapy be sure this is the course they [sic] want to follow,” its web site warns. Despite these concerns, Seattle Children’s Hospital enthusiastically supports pediatric gender-transition treatment and opened a clinic to provide it in October 2016.

Does anyone really believe a 13 year old can decide what sex they actually are...considering what the actual understanding of the issue shows...that they grow out of their problem.....

In short, the use of sex-reassignment treatments in children amounts to a massive uncontrolled experiment. Such an unscientific approach to irreversible, life-altering treatments is indefensible in the age of “evidence-based” medicine, when lengthy clinical trials are generally required for federal approval of a new medication.

There is little evidence that cross-sex treatments actually benefit gender-dysphoric youngsters. In 2014, Hayes, Inc.—a widely respected research firm that evaluates the safety and value of medical technologies—performed a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on treatment of gender dysphoria. Hayes gave its lowest rating to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children, finding that the literature is “too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions.”

McHugh compares treating the psychological confusion of gender dysphoria with hormones or sex-change surgery to treating anorexia with liposuction. He notes that the most thorough follow-up of individuals who have had sex-reassignment surgery, a 2011 Swedish study, found that sex-reassigned individuals were almost five times more likely to attempt suicide and nineteen times more likely to die by suicide compared to controls. Such treatment is irresponsible. It leaves a patient’s underlying psychological problems undiagnosed and unaddressed. In McHugh’s words,
Most Americans support transgender rights and want to keep abortion legal. That's why abortion is legal and we have some transgender rights. Good luck turning back the clock, asshole. (Sorry. I had to throw in "asshole" at the end there but its true)

Good luck believing false information, but yeah most ppl could care less about tranny's it when laws are forced down their throats that could jeopardize the children when lunatics fake they are a female etc, and they have nothing to do with being a tranny, they just want to molest kids. So hey why not dress up like a female and get a free show and tell of women and little girls, and or boys.
Yep.....we told you it wouldn't stop at wouldn't just stop at reading "Heather has two Mommie"......they are now moving to mutilate young children to push their insanity...

I found this originally listening to Dennis Prager today....he discussed a school system pushing telling children they don't have to be any particular sex...they can decide on their own...even in Kindergarten.....

And now...they want to mutilate children....

Playing with Children, Playing with Gender, Playing with Fire - The Dennis Prager Show

And the article he read....

Transgender Conformity | Katherine Kersten

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy.

Until recently, gender dysphoria in young people was treated by “watchful waiting” or by counseling. In 2007, however, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital introduced a new treatment protocol—originating in the Netherlands—which is fast becoming the norm.

Today, young people who pursue “gender reassignment” begin a process that will consign them to lifelong dependence on the medical system.

Generally, they receive puberty blockers at around age thirteen and begin opposite-sex hormones—estrogen for boys and testosterone for girls—at around age sixteen. Some eventually opt for “sex-reassignment” surgery. This can involve double mastectomies, in girls as young as sixteen, and removing or “creating” penises and vaginas.

Cross-sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair in females and the swelling of breast tissue in males. Most such changes cease when a patient stops using these hormones. The artificial “penises” and “vaginas” constructed through surgery do not function like their authentic biological counterparts. No treatment can cause a biological man to menstruate or give birth to an infant, or make it possible for a woman to produce sperm and father a child.

Gender transition treatments involve significant risks. Puberty blockers stunt growth and decrease bone density during use. Girls who take testosterone may develop serious acne or feel irritable, aggressive, or unbalanced. Individuals taking these hormones require lifelong monitoring for a number of dangerous side effects, including cancer and deep vein thrombosis.

Lifelong infertility may be the greatest risk of cross-sex hormone use by young people. Sterility is inevitable when puberty blockers are followed by cross-sex hormones at an early stage of adolescent sexual development, or if prepubertal children are placed directly on these hormones, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians. Postpubertal adolescents are advised to consider freezing their eggs or sperm before beginning hormone use. “If your teen may want to have a biological child, it’s important to look into sperm banking before treatment is started,” Seattle Children’s Hospital advises parents. Hormone-induced changes “may be irreversible” for girls who receive testosterone, the hospital adds. “It’s very important that a patient starting [female-to-male] therapy be sure this is the course they [sic] want to follow,” its web site warns. Despite these concerns, Seattle Children’s Hospital enthusiastically supports pediatric gender-transition treatment and opened a clinic to provide it in October 2016.

Does anyone really believe a 13 year old can decide what sex they actually are...considering what the actual understanding of the issue shows...that they grow out of their problem.....

In short, the use of sex-reassignment treatments in children amounts to a massive uncontrolled experiment. Such an unscientific approach to irreversible, life-altering treatments is indefensible in the age of “evidence-based” medicine, when lengthy clinical trials are generally required for federal approval of a new medication.

There is little evidence that cross-sex treatments actually benefit gender-dysphoric youngsters. In 2014, Hayes, Inc.—a widely respected research firm that evaluates the safety and value of medical technologies—performed a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on treatment of gender dysphoria. Hayes gave its lowest rating to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children, finding that the literature is “too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions.”

McHugh compares treating the psychological confusion of gender dysphoria with hormones or sex-change surgery to treating anorexia with liposuction. He notes that the most thorough follow-up of individuals who have had sex-reassignment surgery, a 2011 Swedish study, found that sex-reassigned individuals were almost five times more likely to attempt suicide and nineteen times more likely to die by suicide compared to controls. Such treatment is irresponsible. It leaves a patient’s underlying psychological problems undiagnosed and unaddressed. In McHugh’s words,
Most Americans support transgender rights and want to keep abortion legal. That's why abortion is legal and we have some transgender rights. Good luck turning back the clock, asshole. (Sorry. I had to throw in "asshole" at the end there but its true)

Good luck believing false information, but yeah most ppl could care less about tranny's it when laws are forced down their throats that could jeopardize the children when lunatics fake they are a female etc, and they have nothing to do with being a tranny, they just want to molest kids. So hey why not dress up like a female and get a free show and tell of women and little girls, and or boys.
It appears that you are trying to work out some gay feelings that you are having about yourself.

There are support groups that you can join
Yep.....we told you it wouldn't stop at wouldn't just stop at reading "Heather has two Mommie"......they are now moving to mutilate young children to push their insanity...

I found this originally listening to Dennis Prager today....he discussed a school system pushing telling children they don't have to be any particular sex...they can decide on their own...even in Kindergarten.....

And now...they want to mutilate children....

Playing with Children, Playing with Gender, Playing with Fire - The Dennis Prager Show

And the article he read....

Transgender Conformity | Katherine Kersten

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy.

Until recently, gender dysphoria in young people was treated by “watchful waiting” or by counseling. In 2007, however, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital introduced a new treatment protocol—originating in the Netherlands—which is fast becoming the norm.

Today, young people who pursue “gender reassignment” begin a process that will consign them to lifelong dependence on the medical system.

Generally, they receive puberty blockers at around age thirteen and begin opposite-sex hormones—estrogen for boys and testosterone for girls—at around age sixteen. Some eventually opt for “sex-reassignment” surgery. This can involve double mastectomies, in girls as young as sixteen, and removing or “creating” penises and vaginas.

Cross-sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair in females and the swelling of breast tissue in males. Most such changes cease when a patient stops using these hormones. The artificial “penises” and “vaginas” constructed through surgery do not function like their authentic biological counterparts. No treatment can cause a biological man to menstruate or give birth to an infant, or make it possible for a woman to produce sperm and father a child.

Gender transition treatments involve significant risks. Puberty blockers stunt growth and decrease bone density during use. Girls who take testosterone may develop serious acne or feel irritable, aggressive, or unbalanced. Individuals taking these hormones require lifelong monitoring for a number of dangerous side effects, including cancer and deep vein thrombosis.

Lifelong infertility may be the greatest risk of cross-sex hormone use by young people. Sterility is inevitable when puberty blockers are followed by cross-sex hormones at an early stage of adolescent sexual development, or if prepubertal children are placed directly on these hormones, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians. Postpubertal adolescents are advised to consider freezing their eggs or sperm before beginning hormone use. “If your teen may want to have a biological child, it’s important to look into sperm banking before treatment is started,” Seattle Children’s Hospital advises parents. Hormone-induced changes “may be irreversible” for girls who receive testosterone, the hospital adds. “It’s very important that a patient starting [female-to-male] therapy be sure this is the course they [sic] want to follow,” its web site warns. Despite these concerns, Seattle Children’s Hospital enthusiastically supports pediatric gender-transition treatment and opened a clinic to provide it in October 2016.

Does anyone really believe a 13 year old can decide what sex they actually are...considering what the actual understanding of the issue shows...that they grow out of their problem.....

In short, the use of sex-reassignment treatments in children amounts to a massive uncontrolled experiment. Such an unscientific approach to irreversible, life-altering treatments is indefensible in the age of “evidence-based” medicine, when lengthy clinical trials are generally required for federal approval of a new medication.

There is little evidence that cross-sex treatments actually benefit gender-dysphoric youngsters. In 2014, Hayes, Inc.—a widely respected research firm that evaluates the safety and value of medical technologies—performed a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on treatment of gender dysphoria. Hayes gave its lowest rating to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children, finding that the literature is “too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions.”

McHugh compares treating the psychological confusion of gender dysphoria with hormones or sex-change surgery to treating anorexia with liposuction. He notes that the most thorough follow-up of individuals who have had sex-reassignment surgery, a 2011 Swedish study, found that sex-reassigned individuals were almost five times more likely to attempt suicide and nineteen times more likely to die by suicide compared to controls. Such treatment is irresponsible. It leaves a patient’s underlying psychological problems undiagnosed and unaddressed. In McHugh’s words,
Most Americans support transgender rights and want to keep abortion legal. That's why abortion is legal and we have some transgender rights. Good luck turning back the clock, asshole. (Sorry. I had to throw in "asshole" at the end there but its true)

Most Americans don't actually think about these issues...asshole.....and if they ever stopped to think that they are allowing the killing of babies and that their giving in to the left will lead to 16 year olds mutilating their bodies that would fucking change...asshole.....I through that in because you are an asshole....
Yep.....we told you it wouldn't stop at wouldn't just stop at reading "Heather has two Mommie"......they are now moving to mutilate young children to push their insanity...

I found this originally listening to Dennis Prager today....he discussed a school system pushing telling children they don't have to be any particular sex...they can decide on their own...even in Kindergarten.....

And now...they want to mutilate children....

Playing with Children, Playing with Gender, Playing with Fire - The Dennis Prager Show

And the article he read....

Transgender Conformity | Katherine Kersten

Fortunately, the great majority of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria “identify” with their own sex by late adolescence or adulthood, according to the DSM-5. Estimates range from 70 to 95 percent. For those afflicted, McHugh says, the best treatment is counseling and family therapy.

Until recently, gender dysphoria in young people was treated by “watchful waiting” or by counseling. In 2007, however, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital introduced a new treatment protocol—originating in the Netherlands—which is fast becoming the norm.

Today, young people who pursue “gender reassignment” begin a process that will consign them to lifelong dependence on the medical system.

Generally, they receive puberty blockers at around age thirteen and begin opposite-sex hormones—estrogen for boys and testosterone for girls—at around age sixteen. Some eventually opt for “sex-reassignment” surgery. This can involve double mastectomies, in girls as young as sixteen, and removing or “creating” penises and vaginas.

Cross-sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair in females and the swelling of breast tissue in males. Most such changes cease when a patient stops using these hormones. The artificial “penises” and “vaginas” constructed through surgery do not function like their authentic biological counterparts. No treatment can cause a biological man to menstruate or give birth to an infant, or make it possible for a woman to produce sperm and father a child.

Gender transition treatments involve significant risks. Puberty blockers stunt growth and decrease bone density during use. Girls who take testosterone may develop serious acne or feel irritable, aggressive, or unbalanced. Individuals taking these hormones require lifelong monitoring for a number of dangerous side effects, including cancer and deep vein thrombosis.

Lifelong infertility may be the greatest risk of cross-sex hormone use by young people. Sterility is inevitable when puberty blockers are followed by cross-sex hormones at an early stage of adolescent sexual development, or if prepubertal children are placed directly on these hormones, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians. Postpubertal adolescents are advised to consider freezing their eggs or sperm before beginning hormone use. “If your teen may want to have a biological child, it’s important to look into sperm banking before treatment is started,” Seattle Children’s Hospital advises parents. Hormone-induced changes “may be irreversible” for girls who receive testosterone, the hospital adds. “It’s very important that a patient starting [female-to-male] therapy be sure this is the course they [sic] want to follow,” its web site warns. Despite these concerns, Seattle Children’s Hospital enthusiastically supports pediatric gender-transition treatment and opened a clinic to provide it in October 2016.

Does anyone really believe a 13 year old can decide what sex they actually are...considering what the actual understanding of the issue shows...that they grow out of their problem.....

In short, the use of sex-reassignment treatments in children amounts to a massive uncontrolled experiment. Such an unscientific approach to irreversible, life-altering treatments is indefensible in the age of “evidence-based” medicine, when lengthy clinical trials are generally required for federal approval of a new medication.

There is little evidence that cross-sex treatments actually benefit gender-dysphoric youngsters. In 2014, Hayes, Inc.—a widely respected research firm that evaluates the safety and value of medical technologies—performed a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on treatment of gender dysphoria. Hayes gave its lowest rating to the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in children, finding that the literature is “too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions.”

McHugh compares treating the psychological confusion of gender dysphoria with hormones or sex-change surgery to treating anorexia with liposuction. He notes that the most thorough follow-up of individuals who have had sex-reassignment surgery, a 2011 Swedish study, found that sex-reassigned individuals were almost five times more likely to attempt suicide and nineteen times more likely to die by suicide compared to controls. Such treatment is irresponsible. It leaves a patient’s underlying psychological problems undiagnosed and unaddressed. In McHugh’s words,
Most Americans support transgender rights and want to keep abortion legal. That's why abortion is legal and we have some transgender rights. Good luck turning back the clock, asshole. (Sorry. I had to throw in "asshole" at the end there but its true)

Most Americans don't actually think about these issues...asshole.....and if they ever stopped to think that they are allowing the killing of babies and that their giving in to the left will lead to 16 year olds mutilating their bodies that would fucking change...asshole.....I through that in because you are an asshole....
Well. You are out of luck because abortion is legal and they ain't gonna turn back the clock. You're wasting your time. Trump won't help either. He says he's pro life but if you believe that, then someone should grab you by the pussy.

And you can see here that 87% of Americans are Pro-choice. 87% motherfucker.


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