My daughter repeated kindergarten because she couldn't read. I ended up sending both my kids to private school because I don't trust the public system

That's not real great.

If you're doing well in school, you don't need lessons during breaks. Kids need a chance to be kids, run around, go outside, play. My mom was a teacher and unless I asked for help, the only thing regarding school she made sure of at home was that I did my homework. After it was done, she'd say "Ok, now go outside and play." If I didn't leave, she'd push me out.

On the bus ride home we'd all figure out who had the most homework and the one with the least would be team captain and we'd figure out our football teams for that afternoon. I became the most recruited wide receiver in the 7th grade. But I couldn't throw for anything. I could throw far, but I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn doing it.

But pushing kids, even during breaks when they're supposed to be getting a brain break from school and just be carefree, is not the answer. It doesn't make kids smarter, it makes them burned out.

Are you a teacher? I don't think "pushing" means what you think it means.

I gather you did not enjoy your primary and secondary years.
Why have so many public schools stopped teaching phonics?

When I was six, every single child in my class at Montessori knew how to read.

Many could read at four.

Some even younger.

Why have so many public schools stopped teaching phonics?

My daughter repeated kindergarten because she couldn't read. I ended up sending both my kids to private school because I don't trust the public system.​

By Jane Ridley

December 22, 2024

Susie Coughlin was concerned when her daughter struggled with reading skills at her public school.

The mom of two was disappointed her district didn't teach phonics as part of its literacy program.

She switched her child to a Catholic school where the girl thrived after being taught phonics.
Phonics suck! Want an example? Why isn't phonics spelled foniks?

Did you know that using phonics you can spell fish "g-h-o-u-t-i"?

Teach her to sight read words.
It was good parenting. Wasn’t all day or even every day. An hour or two here and there.. we went to catholic schools and the education was good. But kids need to be pushed, this is why none of them can read or even do basic math. These idiots working at stores cant even count the correct change..
You had to repeat that old wives' tale? Cash registers now allow you to input the cash received and calculate change. Besides, who use cash for transactions anymore? I can't recall the last time I paid cash for anything other than at a farmers market a couple of times a year and I got cash from a teller machine there. There is no cash in my wallet and none in my wife's purse. My daughter who lives with us carries no cash.

Students today are taught to count up from the cost to the amount tendered if required. I should know. I taught math for 21 years.
Are you a teacher? I don't think "pushing" means what you think it means.

I gather you did not enjoy your primary and secondary years.

No but my mom is and growing up with a teacher as a mom you learn quite a bit about the education system.

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