My fellow boomers, do you still care about being "cool"?

I've never cared. I love who and what I love regardless of whatever everyone else is up to.

God bless you always!!!

I never cared about being cool or what others thought of me really.

When I was a kid I distinctly remember grandma telling me "you know all the people you see everyday you don't know or think about? Well you are that to them as well, everyone but a few people in the world care or think about you so don't ever worry about what strangers think of you".

All she taught me was manners and to have pride in myself. In that I might not care what others think but when I am around others I should dress decently, be polite, and have manners. She said I do that for myself and not for others, but if I want to be respected then I need to show I am worthy of respect.

Later in life I realized one day I'll be dead and when I'm gone nothing will have mattered. That made it even easier to not worry about being cool in the eyes of others.
Today's cars are 10X more reliable than the cars of the 60s and 70s.
But the Boomers had some cool cars.

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Yeah when I was a kid I always had to work on my car just like my uncle did. Today's cars as long as you change your oil when you should and don't mistrest them they last much longer before needing any large repairs.

But we traded style, power, and fun in design to be sure. Today's cars can barely survive a fender bender without destroying half the car because they are all plastic, everything is so compact and complicated and electronic I can't do much on modern cards, they lack the power of older cars, and older cars were a joy to drive. I loved the way they looked, now they all look the same.

The Baby Boomers had better music than the kids nowadays have.

Not to be the proverbial old grumpy man but you're right.

If I liked a band I could hear a song by then I'd never heard and know it was them. Most bands had their own unique sound, style, singer and signatures.

I like bands that can play real instruments and compose music. Most music today might have instrument samples in them but the majority of the music just comes out of a computer and soundboard.

Everything is also auto tuned and sampled to death where the singer doesn't even have to be a good singer. And most singers today don't actually sing much, especially hip hop stuff is a person talking words and not singing. Singers the few there are tend to sound the same. Like 70s and 80s rock had a massive amount of singers that sounded drastically different and instantly recognizeable.

I just miss real music.

Why old music is now more popular than new music and what to …

Yeah when I was a kid I always had to work on my car just like my uncle did. Today's cars as long as you change your oil when you should and don't mistrest them they last much longer before needing any large repairs.

But we traded style, power, and fun in design to be sure. Today's cars can barely survive a fender bender without destroying half the car because they are all plastic, everything is so compact and complicated and electronic I can't do much on modern cards, they lack the power of older cars, and older cars were a joy to drive. I loved the way they looked, now they all look the same.

Not to be the proverbial old grumpy man but you're right.

If I liked a band I could hear a song by then I'd never heard and know it was them. Most bands had their own unique sound, style, singer and signatures.

I like bands that can play real instruments and compose music. Most music today might have instrument samples in them but the majority of the music just comes out of a computer and soundboard.

Everything is also auto tuned and sampled to death where the singer doesn't even have to be a good singer. And most singers today don't actually sing much, especially hip hop stuff is a person talking words and not singing. Singers the few there are tend to sound the same. Like 70s and 80s rock had a massive amount of singers that sounded drastically different and instantly recognizeable.

I just miss real music.

It’s based on the recent report by MRC that states that more than 70% of all music consumed in the U.S. is what’s known as catalog, or older than 18 months. In many cases, it’s way older, like decades. Even more important is that old music is clearly driving the profits of the music business these days, even though the latest hits get all all the hype.

Why old music is now more popular than new music and what to …

It’s based on the recent report by MRC that states that more than 70% of all music consumed in the U.S. is what’s known as catalog, or older than 18 months. In many cases, it’s way older, like decades. Even more important is that old music is clearly driving the profits of the music business these days, even though the latest hits get all all the hype.

In 20 years from now how many songs will be considered classics that are from the 70s vs right now?

I know Taylor swift or some rapper sell like hotcakes right now, but how many of their songs will people still listen to often and love 40 years from now? Almost none id wager.

In 2074 I bet Taylor swift won't be on anyone's mind, but people will still know who the beatles, rolling stones, van halen, acdc, Elvis, are. And even today's hottest rappers will be virtually unknown by then. No one will remember 2chains the rapper, but billions will still remember stairway to heaven.

I would argue even motley crue has more musical talent than say any modern day musician for the most part.

Why? Because there is no music industry anymore. No one cares about talent anymore, uniqueness, or instrument skills. Now the music industry revolves around what is hot right now, that's it. It's just making more of what sells.

Even look at today's musicians and what people talk about. I'll go back to Taylor swift. When most times you hear someone talking about her it isn't her music they talk about, it's her personal life. It's something she posted online, a political tweet, who she is dating, what someone caught on camera and so on. 85% of the time when someone talks about Taylor swift it has absolutely nothing to do with her music. That's because she and most of today's musician's aren't musicians, they are tabloid products to sell. They are selling the person, not their musical contributions. Their personal lives sell the albums, their music does not sell the albums. People buy the albums because that person is on social media a lot and so on.

I wasn't big on hair bands in the 80s. Now I would I love to listen to poison, ratt, Mr big or even bon jovi over 95% of what comes out today. Skid row are musical magicians compared to doja kat or whatever her name is.

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