My last two years


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
Before october 2008, I was angry, irritable and depressed all the time.

But thanks to abilify, which is treating my previously undiagnosed atypical bipolar, changing my attitude for the better, and giving up talk radio, which would pms me, I am a much happier/less negative person

I can now walk away when I get upset about politics,

I really enjoy nice people like yourselves
Before october 2008, I was angry, irritable and depressed all the time.

But thanks to abilify, which is treating my previously undiagnosed atypical bipolar, changing my attitude for the better, and giving up talk radio, which would pms me, I am a much happier/less negative person

I can now walk away when I get upset about politics,

I really enjoy nice people like yourselves
Seems like "bi-polar" is the popular diagnosis nowadays. I'm willing to bet diet and exercise would help you more than a prescription would. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to gang up on you. How you deal with your problems is your business and none of mine but you did start a thread on it so here goes:

Alcoholism runs in our family (thanks grandpa!) and I have 5 close family members that go to Alcoholics Anonymous. (I rarely drink) What I've noticed is that my family has gone from attending meetings and dealing with problems and addictions head on to going to a Doctor and getting diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder and getting on some sort of medication.

My obese aunt who will never acknowledge that she's fat (she hasn't been slim since the early 70's) has recently been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. Her daughter has been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. Her grandson and grand daughter have both been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder as well. The one thing no one wants to confront my aunt about? The box of wine she keeps in her bedroom refrigerator (Yes, she has a refrigerator in her bedroom, no problem there huh?) So rather than confront her alcoholism, she has the convenient excuse of Bi-Polar disorder.

Again, I'm not trying to jump on you or nothing, but it seems to me the "little pill" is a convenient, too easy way out for most people when simple communication with relatives and loved ones would be a much better alternative.
There seems to be some nasty side effects with that Abilify stuff.

Be careful.
There seems to be some nasty side effects with that Abilify stuff. Be careful.
Abilify Side Effects
  • Headaches -- in up to 27 percent of people
  • A sedated feeling -- up to 23 percent

  • Agitation -- up to 19 percent (Aren't you trying to get rid of that?)
  • Insomnia -- up to 18 percent
  • Fatigue -- up to 17 percent
  • Anxiety -- up to 17 percent (Again, you're trying to stop that right?)
  • Drowsiness -- up to 16 percent
  • Nausea -- up to 15 percent
  • Vomiting -- up to 14 percent
  • Restlessness -- up to 12 percent
  • Constipation -- up to 11 percent.
Doesn't look like it's worth it to me.
Before october 2008, I was angry, irritable and depressed all the time.

But thanks to abilify, which is treating my previously undiagnosed atypical bipolar, changing my attitude for the better, and giving up talk radio, which would pms me, I am a much happier/less negative person

I can now walk away when I get upset about politics,

I really enjoy nice people like yourselves

The last half of 2009 was a living hell for me. I turned to a therapist and saw a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with depression. Depression runs in my family on both sides! (oh lucky me!) I know I've been dealing with it my whole life, but up until I started talking with someone, I had no idea I had it or how to deal with it.

We all want situations to change in our lives, but how many are willing to look INSIDE for the solutions?

I sat across the desk from the psychiatrist as he wrote out a script for me. It didn't feel right. I was never one to take medications and I didn't want to go this route, but I did. It lasted a few months before I weened myself off.

So many of us are willing to turn to a pill to solve life's problems, when we could be looking within.

Through diet and exercise, positive thought, affirmations and mediation, I have turned my life around. You can do the same! Anyone can!

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