My personal opinion on the Raid:

1. I believe the raid is a fishing expedition looking for something in particular that the FBI better hope they found because if they didn’t then shit will hit the damn fan!

2. Democrats you better hope Biden DOJ didn’t blow it because if they did you better bet when Biden is out of office the GOP will go after him when they are in power!

3. We are in some dark times as a nation and the war is political one with words for now but both sides need to temper their damn reactions and let remember Trump is a slithering snake and I still do not believe he will go to jail and the FBI will be a major bust which will result with Wray being fired or asked for his resignation!
Let me get this straight: Trump stole some classified documents and was dumb enough to keep them at his house in Florida. Wouldn't incriminating documents be destroyed imediately like the ones Sandy Berger took from the national archives to protect Bill Clinton? But Trump was so dumb he kept them in the most obvious place anyone would look? Does that sound credible?

Let me get this straight: Trump stole some classified documents and was dumb enough to keep them at his house in Florida. Wouldn't incriminating documents be destroyed imediately like the ones Sandy Berger took from the national archives to protect Bill Clinton? But Trump was so dumb he kept them in the most obvious place anyone would look? Does that sound credible?


If this is true, then Michelle Obama really has a dick!!
1. I believe the raid is a fishing expedition looking for something in particular that the FBI better hope they found because if they didn’t then shit will hit the damn fan!

2. Democrats you better hope Biden DOJ didn’t blow it because if they did you better bet when Biden is out of office the GOP will go after him when they are in power!

3. We are in some dark times as a nation and the war is political one with words for now but both sides need to temper their damn reactions and let remember Trump is a slithering snake and I still do not believe he will go to jail and the FBI will be a major bust which will result with Wray being fired or asked for his resignation!

You "believe", meaning you don't know.

Why not just wait and see what happens?
Let me get this straight: Trump stole some classified documents and was dumb enough to keep them at his house in Florida.

Has it been proven that he took any classified documents in the 1st place, or that any were found in his house in Florida? I believe the answers to those questions right now is NO.

Wouldn't incriminating documents be destroyed imediately like the ones Sandy Berger took from the national archives to protect Bill Clinton?

One might think so, but that's illegal too. Why would Clinton, Trum, or any other president be that stupid, to expose himself to possible prosecution?

But Trump was so dumb he kept them in the most obvious place anyone would look? Does that sound credible?

No, it doesn't.
if you
1. I believe the raid is a fishing expedition looking for something in particular that the FBI better hope they found because if they didn’t then shit will hit the damn fan!

2. Democrats you better hope Biden DOJ didn’t blow it because if they did you better bet when Biden is out of office the GOP will go after him when they are in power!

3. We are in some dark times as a nation and the war is political one with words for now but both sides need to temper their damn reactions and let remember Trump is a slithering snake and I still do not believe he will go to jail and the FBI will be a major bust which will result with Wray being fired or asked for his resignation!
if you trust trump you're an idiot
if you trust law enforcement of any kind .. you're an idiot

And God forbid the moron who trusts any government.
if you

if you trust trump you're an idiot
if you trust law enforcement of any kind .. you're an idiot

And God forbid the moron who trusts any government.

Don't know why you singled out Trump when Biden and everyone else in DC is equally untrustworthy if not moreso. And our entire judicial system is untrustworthy IMHO, as is just about every other institution we used to trust in this country. The media, academia, Hollywood, not even science is immune to political weaponization. Businesses used to be about profit, but in some cases not anymore. Churches used to be about saving souls, but in some cases not anymore. When catholics can support abortion and be allowed to remain catholics, well there you go.
I singled out trump due to the number of people willing to blindly follow a demagogue, I hate cops, I hate the media and most of all I hate the government.
Don't know why you singled out Trump when Biden and everyone else in DC is equally untrustworthy if not moreso. And our entire judicial system is untrustworthy IMHO, as is just about every other institution we used to trust in this country. The media, academia, Hollywood, not even science is immune to political weaponization. Businesses used to be about profit, but in some cases not anymore. Churches used to be about saving souls, but in some cases not anymore. When catholics can support abortion and be allowed to remain catholics, well there you go.
Pelosi screened the Commission, liar.
She rejected two Republicans who were potential witnesses
McCarthy threw a temper tantrum and blocked Republicans from participating

Didn’t work out that well for you guys
1. I believe the raid is a fishing expedition looking for something in particular that the FBI better hope they found because if they didn’t then shit will hit the damn fan!

2. Democrats you better hope Biden DOJ didn’t blow it because if they did you better bet when Biden is out of office the GOP will go after him when they are in power!

3. We are in some dark times as a nation and the war is political one with words for now but both sides need to temper their damn reactions and let remember Trump is a slithering snake and I still do not believe he will go to jail and the FBI will be a major bust which will result with Wray being fired or asked for his resignation!
There is not really anymore GOP ?? They really dont exist or do anything.

FBI raid is one of the darkest days in US history and has changed me forever
There is not really anymore GOP ?? They really dont exist or do anything.

FBI raid is one of the darkest days in US history and has changed me forever

Some of us have been alerting you for awhile that today's Dimm Party are the real fascists!!

Newt Gingrich refers to them as Bolsheviks.
I believe Newt has the more accurate label!!!
Why should he fight windmills once it became apparent Pelousy had the power to hand-pick 1/6 Commission panel members?


Why did Republicans turn down a bipartisan commission comprised of both Senators and Congressmen of both parties?
Some of us have been alerting you for awhile that today's Dimm Party are the real fascists!!

Newt Gingrich refers to them as Bolsheviks.
I believe Newt has the more accurate label!!!
THERE is ZERO Conservative opposition
THE USA is a giant Bolshevik Ghetto
Defunding the FBI is a step back from your incitement of violence you've been trying to promote on this forum today.
GFY you piece of shit. People like YOU will be getting high off reporting people online like the good little STASI member you are. FTR, asswipe, IMO the very BEST means of Americans destroying these MARXISTS who are in control of DC today is to organize peaceful civil disobedience. They can't roll in with guns blazing against us in that situation. To do that they risk alienating too many too soon. So... report THAT you coward piece of shit.
,GFY you piece of shit. People like YOU will be getting high off reporting people online like the good little STASI member you are. FTR, asswipe, IMO the very BEST means of Americans destroying these MARXISTS who are in control of DC today is to organize peaceful civil disobedience. They can't roll in with guns blazing against us in that situation. To do that they risk alienating too many too soon. So... report THAT you coward piece of shit.
I have no reason to report anybody, I'm only interested in America's commies (as if) fight it out with the fascists..

Death and destruction within is the most sure way of preventing it in Canada and the rest of the world. Americans need something to kill with their guns and your country can't mature to being a settled democracy without that happening first.
Those who are now weeping, moaning and gnashing their teeth over this "raid" had no problems when the same FBI began an "investigation" on Hillary, 11 days before the vote.
In all fairness, Hillary's server was compromised by a few foreign adversaries, it was also left open for the taking by way of Anthony Weiner and his Pakistani girl friend which has not ever been full vetted to my liking, since there's mumbling that she has donated to radical Egyptian groups.
Trumps docs were heavily guarded by Secret service and double locked office per request of the feds who allowed it (because it's normal to store archived docs in an office set aside for them, which location happens to be his resort where his offices are -duh!)
Trump and his cult are SO adamant the search was illegal, why hasn't Rudy, the other "genius" or any other RWNJ filed ANYTHING in another/higher court?

It's Illegal.........................right?

Instead, their orange grifter gets richer off of saps, like his cult and Trump KNOWS his cult.

Former President Donald Trump shattered fundraising efforts following the FBI Mar-a-Lago raid, according to his son Eric.

“Breaking: is shattering all fundraising records and I’m told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history! The American people are [angry]!” Eric Trump wrote on Truth Social.

The former president’s second-oldest son did not say how much was raised in the past two days.

After Trump confirmed the raid occurred at his Palm Beach, Florida, on Monday, he has sent out numerous emails and text messages that include links to donate.

They will never learn.

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