Nancy wants the National Guard to stay in DC thru September, is that justified? (Poll)

Do you support keeping thousands of troops in DC through the summer?

  • Yes, I'll explain why

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • No, I'll explain why

    Votes: 18 81.8%

  • Total voters
Will all 535 members of Congress have personal security at their homes in Montgomery and Fairfax counties?

Like James Brown said:

Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. Her two fruitless and pointless impeachments are only the most obvious manifestation of her idiocy.

But nobody points out that she is an idiot because she is an old woman, and they are afraid that they will be castigated as misogynistic for criticizing a helpless, enfeebled old crone.

Why am I the only one who points out that this woman, the third most exalted public official in the country, represents a congressional district that is possibly the most out of touch locale in the entire fifty states plus Puerto Rico and the Marshall Islands? It would be like the EU electing the crown prince of Monte Carlo to head the European Union.

Her holding the Speaker's position makes a mockery of the entire U.S. government. She is an idiot.

Remember when she said PEOPLE WILL DO WHAT THEY DO, in reference to tearing down statues?

Why doesnt that dried up old hag apply the same standards tl the Capitol protest?
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.

The TRAITORS were the ones INSIDE the building BEFORE the attack started.

That building belongs to the American PEOPLE, not the Politicians. why that building is not open to the public at all times thst either chamber is in session makes no sense to me. They are OUR EMPLOYEES, not the other way around.

it is far better for the politicians to fear the People than the other way around.
This popular theme appeared all during the summer of love, until Nancy crapped her Depends...

My vote is no.
But this is about broadbrushing half the population as terrorists.
You never know when Trump might pop out of the woodworks and send his white supremers and Boogie Bois to take back the White House.

A Q for you, a Q for me.

The liberals bring back the Scarlett Letter.
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.

The TRAITORS were the ones INSIDE the building BEFORE the attack started.

That building belongs to the American PEOPLE, not the Politicians. why that building is not open to the public at all times thst either chamber is in session makes no sense to me. They are OUR EMPLOYEES, not the other way around.

it is far better for the politicians to fear the People than the other way around.
Its owned collectively by 300million people, and the millions to come. Not by a few thousand smelly domestic terrorists acting at the behest of a fat loser pig. Intimidation should have no part of the political process.
Its owned collectively by 300million people, and the millions to come. Not by a few thousand smelly domestic terrorists acting at the behest of a fat loser pig. Intimidation should have no part of the political process.

it is owned completely by each individual Citizen as much as it is owned collectively by the mass of the entire Citizenry.

The Politicians MUST FEAR THE CITIZENRY for a Democratic Republic to operate properly.
No, it is NOT justified. These elected officials work for the People. It is totally unacceptable thst the politicians somehow feel they can create a buffer zone between them and the People they are elected to represent.
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.

Wow, you are like Pelosi, just a drama queen. Thanks for coming out and saying it.
Pelosi is stirring it up, that is the way she is, she takes advantage of every crisis. Somewhere along the line she is going to use them in an example of how violent DC has become.
No, it is NOT justified. These elected officials work for the People. It is totally unacceptable thst the politicians somehow feel they can create a buffer zone between them and the People they are elected to represent.
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.
LOL!! IF it was an "insurrection" they would have had guns and not flags. The insurrection happened during the "summer of love" riots when the democrats supported the rioters.


p.s. The U.S Revolution was supported by and fought by only 3% of the US population. Just sayin'.
Hate to keep pointing this out but none of it would be necessary if you Trump supporters hadn't completely lost your minds and violently stormed the Capitol, threatening Representatives and Senators (and the VP) and ransacking the place..all because of the constantly parroted lie that your savior kept repeating over and over that the election was somehow stolen from him (it wasn't). As I understand it, there are constant threats being issued online to these politicians so I'm not surprised they would be asked to stay. You want to know why it's necessary, look no further than the mindless lemmings that make up Trump's base.
Threats are the same as we speak here. Chest beating. Real threats are the entertainers and media people who are direct with it. We have seen and heard it over the last several years. And oh yeah....the politicians who enabled it. Anyway most of them will not be helped if needed in bad times.
Its owned collectively by 300million people, and the millions to come. Not by a few thousand smelly domestic terrorists acting at the behest of a fat loser pig. Intimidation should have no part of the political process.

it is owned completely by each individual Citizen as much as it is owned collectively by the mass of the entire Citizenry.

The Politicians MUST FEAR THE CITIZENRY for a Democratic Republic to operate properly.
You have just described collective ownership you fucking clown. Get a job with Trump you will fit in.
The Democrats have already branded the National Guard as potential terrorists....

So for the safety of Pelosi and the Democrats, the governors of the states should immediately recall all of the National Guardsmen!!!!! :auiqs.jpg:
I saw Janet Yellen try to explain that the next shoe to drop will be "carbon penalties".
Companies that produce carbon will be penalized financially.
That means higher prices for everything as well as fewer jobs as companies need to cut staff to pay for penalties.
No wonder they want the National Guard to stay longer.
I wonder how many more idiotic "green" policies Xiden intends to roll out this year?
I'm afraid that the democrat's crazy policies are just starting to roll out.
How bad can it get?
We'll see, as more people lose their jobs and energy prices start to skyrocket.
What reason(s) does Nancy claim?

"Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?'” George Orwell, 1984
"Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?'” George Orwell, 1984
Loved your book George, but this sounds like the meaningless, incoherent babble from a fiction novelist, not exactly philosophy.

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