Nancy Won't Rant About THIS For 8 Hours

While begging to let the mehican invaders become voters, SanFranNan might want to take care of something, anything, for her present voters. The city of San Francisco is literally covered in human feces. Transients who lost their jobs to illegals, homeless drug addicts. and the illegals themselves are all dropping deuces on the sidewalks of her Utopia. Residents can now look at a "crap map" to see which area is the most potent on any given day but Nancy couldn't care less. Her mansion and lifestyle are far-removed from what peons have to experience yet all she talks about is hating Trump and daca. :yapyapyapf:


The more immediate problem is that San Francisco lacks a sufficient number of public restrooms. Only 28 toilets in the entire city are open 24 hours a day, while an estimated 500 or so bathrooms are needed to meet the city’s demands.

Mapping San Francisco’s Sidewalk Pooping Problem

In a sense she does, but what you call a rant is a call for funding. Urban areas attract the homeless, the mentally ill and those chased out of their support system do to the callous disregard for those who are different.

I don't imagine this shitty problem is unique to The City, but the hate mongers like to point out problems, and mock cities which seek solutions by charity not fire hoses and jail cells.

The author of the OP doesn't tell us where he lives, "NEARBY" is cowardly, likely because he is embarrassed to share such info.

I've traveled our country more than most, and have gone to nearly every city with a Major League Ball Park, and with few exceptions, I wouldn't live in anyone of them. I've always live in or near The City and again with one or two exceptions, it is the best place in the world to live, IMO. I've been to major cities in Europe, an in fact they are cleaner than most of our urban areas, which are cluttered with McDonald's refuge, and the homeless, addicts or the mentally ill, are stepped over, ignored and hated by callous conservatives.

POSTSCRIPT: Truly dumb people consider this post ^^^ funny. They can't put together two paragraphs in rebuttal.
So they have to scoop dog crap, but not their own crap? Time to be handing out people size pooper scoopers and extra bags. Pay for it with your tax dollars. And pay for the disposal containers on every corner. Pay for it with more of your dollars. Then there are the unfortunates you'll need to hire to empty the container's contents into special trucks you'll need to pay for/provide, and then figure out county quotas to insure you all take your share of the shit, throw up, garbage, dirty diapers.

1. How awful of you socialists to allow the homeless to remain in such a deplorable state. You are suppose to be setting an example for the rest of us concerning the success of the American Welcome Mat. Why aren't these people being moved into your guest rooms and garage apts? You invite them to your land and then treat them like this? Shame Mexifornia, shame. You have turned their dream into a nightmare.
2. Prepare now for the diseases that are to follow by giving more of your paycheck to disaster relief. You are going to need it. Anti up....some more, and watch "Monsters Inside Me" for cursory diagnosis...
And excuse the pun but, you asked for this shit...

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