NASA admits they can't send a human to Mars

Not surprised that the usual partisan assholes don't care about the subject of the thread- just about attacking those they disagree with.

Same thing they contribute to everything else in the world. The next thing the RW nutters will come up with is that the Sandy Hill kids are alive and well and living in a Jade Helm/FEMA facility ... If not on Mars, surely on the moon. They are being bred to serve as Dem voters to take the place of all those illegals on the other side of the non-existent wall.

Dale Smith MindWars CrusaderFrank
Does that sound about right?

This is always an interesting subject but not likely to ever happen. Besides, it would be a lot cheaper and doable to fix the planet we already have.

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We have better things to do with our money...
Which is exactly what the Democrats said in killing the Apollo program.
What is a man going to do on Mars that a thousand rovers cannot?
Save the human race when a big rock hits Earth, a nuclear war starts or a supervolcano erupts.
We cannot logistically sustain a colony on a distant planet. The cost would be prohibitive for the value received
Might as well start a colony on the bottom of the is closer
Agreed, which is why it would have to be self-sustaining.
We have better things to do with our money...
Which is exactly what the Democrats said in killing the Apollo program.

@Divine Wind

Dems wanted to build a wall?

Oh wait, as usual, you cherry pick posts so you can sling insults.

Dems didn't "kill the Apollo program".

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Yes, they did. Bitch all you want but truth is truth. The fact remains more money is spent on entitlements than research that could produce technology to alleviate suffering; self-sustaining energy sources, food "replicators", etc.

This speech before a Congressional committee is 25min long but, IMHO, it's very inspirational.

Bezos will send first human sacrifices to Mars.
Science (and Freedom) isn't Free.

Lots of people have died seeking knowledge. It's a good way to go. Much better than sitting on a porch in a wheelchair sucking on an oxygen canister for 15 years then strapped to bed and filled with tubes for another 5.
Maybe they should be perfecting stuff on the moon it doesnt have to be sacrificial
Bezos will send first human sacrifices to Mars.
Science (and Freedom) isn't Free.

Lots of people have died seeking knowledge. It's a good way to go. Much better than sitting on a porch in a wheelchair sucking on an oxygen canister for 15 years then strapped to bed and filled with tubes for another 5.
Maybe they should be perfecting stuff on the moon it doesnt have to be sacrificial
Agreed as stated above, either a lunar colony or an L-5 colony. Robot mining of asteroids could bring materials to an L-5 colony.
We're NOT going to fucking mars within the next 30 years. Period.

Not unless we're willing to spend half a Trillions dollars real planetary like ship to get there. America is on its last day as a world power and I wouldn't expect during these fucked up times the will or the wanting to do anything great.

America is finished....
Not surprised that the usual partisan assholes don't care about the subject of the thread- just about attacking those they disagree with.
you should have seen all the democrats that worked at the prison. these losers could not even get to work on time! couldn't fill out paperwork, couldn't keep track of con movements, nothing.
And so the inmates, like you, had to teach them how to do it, correct? LOL, and what does your post or mine have to do with going to Mars? Both should be deleted.
Basically, NASA finally admits it's all been wishful thinking. They're not even close to being able to do it, and they won't be close in the foreseeable future. While they say it's all about money, it's far more than money. They just don't have the tech.

NASA finally admits it doesn’t have the funding to land humans on Mars

It doesn't help that they'll miss the best launch window. There a two 'launch window cycles' at play. There's the more important window, which comes every 2.2 years, when Earth is close to "catching up" with Mars. Every Mars launch happens in that window. And there's a less strong 16-year cycle, based on the eccentricity of each planet's orbit. That reaches a minimum in 2018. We'll miss that window, then it won't get that good again until the 2030's. It's maybe a 20% difference in flight time, but if you're trying to have your people not die from radiation, minimizing trip time is vital.

So, realistically, nothing until the 2030s, at the earliest. Maybe Chang-Díaz will have his VASIMR plasma drive working by then, which would help considerably. If it works, it would have much more power than the present Hall thruster plasma drives, and get twice the "gas mileage".

NASA’s longshot bet on a revolutionary rocket may be about to pay off

And another thing, it's been found the Martian soil is so toxic, it will kill all bacteria. Any bacterial life on Mars will have to be buried deep. The new European robot probe will bring a 2-meter drill.

Mars covered in toxic chemicals that can wipe out living organisms, tests reveal
Nasa already has ships that can get to mars in 3 days.

3 days, huh? :p
Non-gravitational speeds.

And NASA is hiding the ships traveling at "non-gravitational speeds" how and why? :popcorn:
The public, particularly popcorn sucking loons such as you just cannot take it right now. You do not have the temerity of reason.Wait until they reveal the the extra-solar object coming this way....
Oh where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.
I hate to say this but America peaked in the 50's, 60s and 70's. Why? Think about it for a second...
During that time we had
1. The best educational system on the planet
2. We dreamed of greatness as a people
3. We wanted better for our children and provided it
4. We had some of the best infrastructure on this planet
5. Our industry lead the world
6. Our healthcare wasn't 35th in the world but closer to the top!!!
7. Our middle class was stronger and our dollar could buy a lot more.

The time for us to have gone to mars was in the 1970's. We're finished and are likely going to be butt boys with russia.
NASA can't send humans to mars. So what's the problem, Trump and his family can still go. And the human race will cheeeer.
How Elon Musk Plans to Create a ‘Self-Sustaining City’ on Mars

"If we can get the cost of moving to Mars to be roughly equivalent to a median house price in the United States, which is around $200,000, then I think the probability of establishing a self-sustaining civilization is very high," Musk writes. "I think it would almost certainly occur."

In order to achieve that price point, Musk outlines several steps to improve the cost of Mars travel by "five million percent": Spaceships must be fully reusable, they should be able to refuel in orbit, and then once again on Mars with fuel that is yielded from production plants built on the planet. Musk states that methane is the ideal propellant because the technical challenges to harvest it on Mars are significantly easier than substances like hydrogen, which he says is too expensive.

Once the engineering demands are met, it would be time to take off — which Musk is hopeful could begin as soon as 2023, according to an illustration in the paper. At least one million people would be needed to establish a self-sustaining city, he writes, estimating that spacecraft would be able to accommodate 100 people every two years. At that rate, he says it'll take "40-100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars."

How Elon Musk Plans to Create a 'Self-Sustaining City' on Mars

It can be done and it will be done. And the visionaries will do it, and the nay sayers will be left with egg on their face.
I hate to say this but America peaked in the 50's, 60s and 70's. Why? Think about it for a second...
During that time we had
1. The best educational system on the planet
2. We dreamed of greatness as a people
3. We wanted better for our children and provided it
4. We had some of the best infrastructure on this planet
5. Our industry lead the world
6. Our healthcare wasn't 35th in the world but closer to the top!!!
7. Our middle class was stronger and our dollar could buy a lot more.

The time for us to have gone to mars was in the 1970's. We're finished and are likely going to be butt boys with russia.
You are far to pessimistic. There are a number of men of vision and means that are working to change this. The present resurgence of the 'knownothings' in this nation is temporary.
Not surprised that the usual partisan assholes don't care about the subject of the thread- just about attacking those they disagree with.

Same thing they contribute to everything else in the world. The next thing the RW nutters will come up with is that the Sandy Hill kids are alive and well and living in a Jade Helm/FEMA facility ... If not on Mars, surely on the moon. They are being bred to serve as Dem voters to take the place of all those illegals on the other side of the non-existent wall.

Dale Smith MindWars CrusaderFrank
Does that sound about right?

This is always an interesting subject but not likely to ever happen. Besides, it would be a lot cheaper and doable to fix the planet we already have.

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Sandy Hill kids? BTW, I wouldn't even waste my time explaining to you that NASA is and has always been nothing but a front to cover up the real space program that has been in place since the late 40s and how the Nazis and Operation Paperclip fit into..... what Admiral Byrd found during Operation High Jump. You and those like you lack the intellect to grasp concepts that don't fit into that tiny mind of yours or fits the programming. I know what I know and I don't need nor seek validation.
We're NOT going to fucking mars within the next 30 years. Period.

Not unless we're willing to spend half a Trillions dollars real planetary like ship to get there. America is on its last day as a world power and I wouldn't expect during these fucked up times the will or the wanting to do anything great.

America is finished....
Probably correct about Mars. If and when the human race does go, it will probably be an international effort due to cost.

Anti-Americans often claim "America is finished". Untrue, but they keep wishing it to be true.
How Elon Musk Plans to Create a ‘Self-Sustaining City’ on Mars

"If we can get the cost of moving to Mars to be roughly equivalent to a median house price in the United States, which is around $200,000, then I think the probability of establishing a self-sustaining civilization is very high," Musk writes. "I think it would almost certainly occur."

In order to achieve that price point, Musk outlines several steps to improve the cost of Mars travel by "five million percent": Spaceships must be fully reusable, they should be able to refuel in orbit, and then once again on Mars with fuel that is yielded from production plants built on the planet. Musk states that methane is the ideal propellant because the technical challenges to harvest it on Mars are significantly easier than substances like hydrogen, which he says is too expensive.

Once the engineering demands are met, it would be time to take off — which Musk is hopeful could begin as soon as 2023, according to an illustration in the paper. At least one million people would be needed to establish a self-sustaining city, he writes, estimating that spacecraft would be able to accommodate 100 people every two years. At that rate, he says it'll take "40-100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars."

How Elon Musk Plans to Create a 'Self-Sustaining City' on Mars

It can be done and it will be done. And the visionaries will do it, and the nay sayers will be left with egg on their face.
Thanks, but that's a pretty big "if".

The National Geographic Channel's "MARS" was both a drama, but interspaced with interviews of people, including Musk, on how to make a colony to Mars achievable. There are a lot of hurdles.

Basically, NASA finally admits it's all been wishful thinking. They're not even close to being able to do it, and they won't be close in the foreseeable future. While they say it's all about money, it's far more than money. They just don't have the tech.

NASA finally admits it doesn’t have the funding to land humans on Mars

It doesn't help that they'll miss the best launch window. There are two 'launch window cycles' at play. There's the more important window, which comes every 2.2 years, when Earth is close to "catching up" with Mars. Every Mars launch happens in that window. And there's a less strong 16-year cycle, based on the eccentricity of each planet's orbit. That reaches a minimum in 2018. We'll miss that window, then it won't get that good again until the 2030's. It's maybe a 20% difference in flight time, but if you're trying to have your people not die from radiation, minimizing trip time is vital.

So, realistically, nothing until the 2030s, at the earliest. Maybe Chang-Díaz will have his VASIMR plasma drive working by then, which would help considerably. If it works, it would have much more power than the present Hall thruster plasma drives, and get twice the "gas mileage".

NASA’s longshot bet on a revolutionary rocket may be about to pay off

And another thing, it's been found the Martian soil is so toxic, it will kill all bacteria. Any bacterial life on Mars will have to be buried deep. The new European robot probe will bring a 2-meter drill.

Mars covered in toxic chemicals that can wipe out living organisms, tests reveal

Apparently, evolution doesn't work on Mars or it would be teeming with microbes and life forms that thrive in perchlorate rich environment
How Elon Musk Plans to Create a ‘Self-Sustaining City’ on Mars

"If we can get the cost of moving to Mars to be roughly equivalent to a median house price in the United States, which is around $200,000, then I think the probability of establishing a self-sustaining civilization is very high," Musk writes. "I think it would almost certainly occur."

In order to achieve that price point, Musk outlines several steps to improve the cost of Mars travel by "five million percent": Spaceships must be fully reusable, they should be able to refuel in orbit, and then once again on Mars with fuel that is yielded from production plants built on the planet. Musk states that methane is the ideal propellant because the technical challenges to harvest it on Mars are significantly easier than substances like hydrogen, which he says is too expensive.

Once the engineering demands are met, it would be time to take off — which Musk is hopeful could begin as soon as 2023, according to an illustration in the paper. At least one million people would be needed to establish a self-sustaining city, he writes, estimating that spacecraft would be able to accommodate 100 people every two years. At that rate, he says it'll take "40-100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars."

How Elon Musk Plans to Create a 'Self-Sustaining City' on Mars

It can be done and it will be done. And the visionaries will do it, and the nay sayers will be left with egg on their face.
Thanks, but that's a pretty big "if".

The National Geographic Channel's "MARS" was both a drama, but interspaced with interviews of people, including Musk, on how to make a colony to Mars achievable. There are a lot of hurdles.


Did the article mention where the colonists will draw potable water?
How Elon Musk Plans to Create a ‘Self-Sustaining City’ on Mars

"If we can get the cost of moving to Mars to be roughly equivalent to a median house price in the United States, which is around $200,000, then I think the probability of establishing a self-sustaining civilization is very high," Musk writes. "I think it would almost certainly occur."

In order to achieve that price point, Musk outlines several steps to improve the cost of Mars travel by "five million percent": Spaceships must be fully reusable, they should be able to refuel in orbit, and then once again on Mars with fuel that is yielded from production plants built on the planet. Musk states that methane is the ideal propellant because the technical challenges to harvest it on Mars are significantly easier than substances like hydrogen, which he says is too expensive.

Once the engineering demands are met, it would be time to take off — which Musk is hopeful could begin as soon as 2023, according to an illustration in the paper. At least one million people would be needed to establish a self-sustaining city, he writes, estimating that spacecraft would be able to accommodate 100 people every two years. At that rate, he says it'll take "40-100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars."

How Elon Musk Plans to Create a 'Self-Sustaining City' on Mars

It can be done and it will be done. And the visionaries will do it, and the nay sayers will be left with egg on their face.
Thanks, but that's a pretty big "if".

The National Geographic Channel's "MARS" was both a drama, but interspaced with interviews of people, including Musk, on how to make a colony to Mars achievable. There are a lot of hurdles.


Did the article mention where the colonists will draw potable water?



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