NASA: ‘There’s a Chance’ of Alien Life Out There, But it Hasn’t Visited Earth

More lies. Otherwise, you would've provided the post #.
I don't have post numbers on my phone. You really will just say anything, won't you?

Yes, all evidence ever collected shows us a deterministic universe full of physical processes governed by laws. That is how we know galaxies were not pooped out by unicorns, and it is how we know abiogenesis is a fact.
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Already said Louis Pasteur showed abiogenesis doesn't happen in a couple of posts.
But he didn't show that, and I have explained precisely why. This is why you and the blogger you plagiarized are internet jockeys living on the fringes and would be laughed out of the room in the company of educated people.
A frightening thought:

Given the geometry of our universe, there may be a limited amount of time for species to contact each other. It may be true that not enough species in the right places and distances from each other will exist before such contact is all but impossible. Developing scientific knowledge and engineering with it takes time. Given the many pratfalls that can befall a species over time, it may end up that time simply runs out before two species from different planets contact each other.

Or not.

Given you believe in billions of years, Fermi's paradox (Fermi is way smarter than your lying arse), has shown they would've made contact already.

Arther C Clark wrote the Universe , which parsed out Fermi's conjecture scientifically and specifically

Fermi's paradox (Fermi is way smarter than your lying arse), has shown they would've made contact already.
No it doesn't, that's merely thought experiment. It doesn't conclusively tell us anything. How very uncientific of you to say otherwise.

For instance, life has existed on Earth for 4 billion years. And we have travelled to no other star systems.

Wrong again. It was his "back of the envelope" calculations to provide solid estimates on the flimsiest of data. Your thinking starts with flimsy and end up with poo. PIPO.

Another assumption in regards to 4 B years, but according to Fermi, Drake and others, the superior ETs who could travel even at 15% the speed of light would've contacted us already. Again, you must have a hole in your head about fine tuning facts and effects of solar wind.

Thus, Fermi is famous while you're still Fort Fun Indiana. At least, I'm relatively famous.
Already said Louis Pasteur showed abiogenesis doesn't happen in a couple of posts.
But he didn't show that, and I have explained precisely why. This is why you and the blogger you plagiarized are internet jockeys living on the fringes and would be laughed out of the room in the company of educated people.

And I had to rebut successfully twice why you were wrong and a liar. Doesn't the poo you spew out of your mouth leave a bad taste? It looks disgusting from this side when I have to read your posts.
Another assumption in regards to 4 B years, but according to Fermi, Drake and others, the superior ETs who could travel even at 15% the speed of light would've contacted us already.
False. That would only be true if we were the only chosen destination, or if they spread out evenly and infinitely in all directions (both absurd propositions). But you didn't think of that, because all of your talking points are plagiarized without a shred of understanding on your part.

Dude, give it up . Pasteur did not rule out abiogenesis, and fermis paradox is rejected on the whole as whimsy.
A frightening thought:

Given the geometry of our universe, there may be a limited amount of time for species to contact each other. It may be true that not enough species in the right places and distances from each other will exist before such contact is all but impossible. Developing scientific knowledge and engineering with it takes time. Given the many pratfalls that can befall a species over time, it may end up that time simply runs out before two species from different planets contact each other.

Or not.

Given you believe in billions of years, Fermi's paradox (Fermi is way smarter than your lying arse), has shown they would've made contact already.

Arther C Clark wrote the Universe , which parsed out Fermi's conjecture scientifically and specifically


Wasn't Arthur C. Clarke an atheist? What did he get?
Another assumption in regards to 4 B years, but according to Fermi, Drake and others, the superior ETs who could travel even at 15% the speed of light would've contacted us already.
False. That would only be true if we were the only chosen destination, or if they spread out evenly and infinitely in all directions (both absurd propositions). But you didn't think of that, because all of your talking points are plagiarized without a shred of understanding on your part.

Dude, give it up . Pasteur did not rule out abiogenesis, and fermis paradox is rejected on the whole as whimsy.

Haha. I just posted twice about PIPO (poo in, poo out). Anyway, Pasteur showed abiogenesis was pseudoscience. Otherwise, where is the evidence? The experiment that we can observe? I say experiment because so far there aren't any. Almost all of your evidence is not observable, not testable and not falsifiable. Thus, it's not scientific.
And I had to rebut successfully twice why you were wrong and a liar.
Of course, you know less than nothing about evolution or pasteur's work, while the global scientific community which does accepts abiogenesis as fact. So, when you plagiarize an insistence that Pasteur ruled out abiogenesis, you merely embarrass yourself.
I say experiment because so far there aren't any
Wrong again, there are many. Literally every single time we test one of the things that must happen during abiogenesis, we confirm it as not only possible, but likely. This is precisely what we would expect to find, when studying a process selected for by physical laws.

Dude, I know you think that just insisting you are right is a valid method, but it isn't. That is why you are an ineducated slob who knows less than nothing about any scientific topic, while scientists are scientists.
Why abiogenesis doesn't happen. Only life begats life. This is a fact unless you believe in mythical evolution or mythical aliens.

Pasteur's Experiment

The steps of Pasteur's experiment are outlined below:

First, Pasteur prepared a nutrient broth similar to the broth one would use in soup.

Next, he placed equal amounts of the broth into two long-necked flasks. He left one flask with a straight neck. The other he bent to form an "S" shape.


Image courtesy of William Harris
Then he boiled the broth in each flask to kill any living matter in the liquid. The sterile broths were then left to sit, at room temperature and exposed to the air, in their open-mouthed flasks.


Image courtesy of William Harris
After several weeks, Pasteur observed that the broth in the straight-neck flask was discolored and cloudy, while the broth in the curved-neck flask had not changed.


Image courtesy of William Harris
He concluded that germs in the air were able to fall unobstructed down the straight-necked flask and contaminate the broth. The other flask, however, trapped germs in its curved neck, preventing them from reaching the broth, which never changed color or became cloudy.


Image courtesy of William Harris
If spontaneous generation had been a real phenomenon, Pasteur argued, the broth in the curved-neck flask would have eventually become reinfected because the germs would have spontaneously generated. But the curved-neck flask never became infected, indicating that the germs could only come from other germs.

Pasteur's experiment has all of the hallmarks of modern scientific inquiry. It begins with a hypothesis and it tests that hypothesis using a carefully controlled experiment. This same process -- based on the same logical sequence of steps -- has been employed by scientists for nearly 150 years. Over time, these steps have evolved into an idealized methodology that we now know as the scientific method. After several weeks, Pasteur observed that the broth in the straight-neck flask was discolored and cloudy, while the broth in the curved-neck flask had not changed.

How the Scientific Method Works
Let's all laugh at this joker for a second. Here is his claim:

Biliogosts who have dedicated their lives to biology don't understand pasteur's work. But an uneducated slob creationist blogger and the uneducated along plagiarizing him do, and both have outsmarted the global scientific community.

And I had to rebut successfully twice why you were wrong and a liar.
Of course, you know less than nothing about evolution or pasteur's work, while the global scientific community which does accepts abiogenesis as fact. So, when you plagiarize an insistence that Pasteur ruled out abiogenesis, you merely embarrass yourself.

I say experiment because so far there aren't any
Wrong again, there are many. Literally every single time we test one of the things that must happen during abiogenesis, we confirm it as not only possible, but likely. This is precisely what we would expect to find, when studying a process selected for by physical laws.

Dude, I know you think that just insisting you are right is a valid method, but it isn't. That is why you are an ineducated slob who knows less than nothing about any scientific topic, while scientists are scientists.

Again and again and again, why are you so wrong? Besides, abiogenesis can't get past creating proteins. Only a cell can do that inside itself. Not outside. This is because of chirality of amino acids.
Let's all laugh at this joker for a second. Here is his claim:

Biliogosts who have dedicated their lives to biology don't understand pasteur's work. But an uneducated slob creationist blogger and the uneducated along plagiarizing him do, and both have outsmarted the global scientific community.


Just what are "Biliogosts?" Haha.

A frightening thought:

Given the geometry of our universe, there may be a limited amount of time for species to contact each other. It may be true that not enough species in the right places and distances from each other will exist before such contact is all but impossible. Developing scientific knowledge and engineering with it takes time. Given the many pratfalls that can befall a species over time, it may end up that time simply runs out before two species from different planets contact each other.

Or not.

Given you believe in billions of years, Fermi's paradox (Fermi is way smarter than your lying arse), has shown they would've made contact already.

Arther C Clark wrote the Universe , which parsed out Fermi's conjecture scientifically and specifically


Wasn't Arthur C. Clarke an atheist? What did he get?

Clark was one of the 'big3' along with Asimov & Heinlein , between the 3 they ruled both sci-fi as well as non sci-fi writers world, along with many awards and accolades from peers and publishers

Clark basically ran with Femi's offerings ,conjecting on the probabilities of life in the universe juxtaposed to the physical realities assumably encountered

i read it almost 1/2 century ago, so cliff notes i am not

A frightening thought:

Given the geometry of our universe, there may be a limited amount of time for species to contact each other. It may be true that not enough species in the right places and distances from each other will exist before such contact is all but impossible. Developing scientific knowledge and engineering with it takes time. Given the many pratfalls that can befall a species over time, it may end up that time simply runs out before two species from different planets contact each other.

Or not.

Given you believe in billions of years, Fermi's paradox (Fermi is way smarter than your lying arse), has shown they would've made contact already.

Arther C Clark wrote the Universe , which parsed out Fermi's conjecture scientifically and specifically


Wasn't Arthur C. Clarke an atheist? What did he get?

Clark was one of the 'big3' along with Asimov & Heinlein , between the 3 they ruled both sci-fi as well as non sci-fi writers world, along with many awards and accolades from peers and publishers

Clark basically ran with Femi's offerings ,conjecting on the probabilities of life in the universe juxtaposed to the physical realities assumably encountered

i read it almost 1/2 century ago, so cliff notes i am not

Fermi's paradox is a whimsical thought experiment that was not taken all that seriously by Fermi himself. For 70 years scientists have assembled a mountain of simple ideas that completely resolve/destroy the fake "paradox". And it only referred to intelligent life, anyway.... something our boy JBond here seems to have no understanding of.
Besides, abiogenesis can't get past creating proteins.
Says who? Some creationist blogger who is as ignorant of all things science as you are? Did you mean to say that scientists have not yet passed this step? You can't even articulate your own thoughts. This is because they are not your own thoughts, and instead are your best attempt at paraphrasing that creationist blogger you plagiarized that one time.... but cant quite remember when or where, as you are a serial plagiarist....

Did you just say that only a cell can create proteins? Let's be crystal clear... is that your claim? Because, as anyone who has ever read any of your posts and who knows you know less than nothing about science at all may guess... that's false.
A frightening thought:

Given the geometry of our universe, there may be a limited amount of time for species to contact each other. It may be true that not enough species in the right places and distances from each other will exist before such contact is all but impossible. Developing scientific knowledge and engineering with it takes time. Given the many pratfalls that can befall a species over time, it may end up that time simply runs out before two species from different planets contact each other.

Or not.

Given you believe in billions of years, Fermi's paradox (Fermi is way smarter than your lying arse), has shown they would've made contact already.

Arther C Clark wrote the Universe , which parsed out Fermi's conjecture scientifically and specifically


Wasn't Arthur C. Clarke an atheist? What did he get?

Clark was one of the 'big3' along with Asimov & Heinlein , between the 3 they ruled both sci-fi as well as non sci-fi writers world, along with many awards and accolades from peers and publishers

Clark basically ran with Femi's offerings ,conjecting on the probabilities of life in the universe juxtaposed to the physical realities assumably encountered

i read it almost 1/2 century ago, so cliff notes i am not

Fermi's paradox is a whimsical thought experiment that was not taken all that seriously by Fermi himself. For 70 years scientists have assembled a mountain of simple ideas that completely resolve/destroy the fake "paradox". And it only referred to intelligent life, anyway.... something our boy JBond here seems to have no understanding of.

These are just your assertions. Can you back them up with anything?

Besides Fermi's paradox calculations, we have the Great Filter Theory of which we were discussing abiogenesis. Thus, you are wrong again. It must really bug you to lose an argument because you have started on ad hominems.

Great Filter
Great Filter - Wikipedia

This is getting to be a ridiculous conversation as whatever I say is not getting through to you because of your "faith-based" beliefs in aliens and abiogenesis. These are like the flying spaghetti monster. They only exist in your imagination.

Nobody in NASA has a clue if there is life outside Earth.

None of the scientists have any more valid information on that than any other human because right now we only have one data point and that is earth.

Until we get another data point from some place else all we have are jackshit guesses.
NASA deals in probabilities

They look at the vastness of the universe and calculate the probability of the existence of life.

Then they look at the vastness of the universe and calculate the improbability of ever getting there
If they are using the Drake equation then they are ridiculously over optimistic.

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