NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

On the other hand.....I'll believe it when I see it. it's hot as hell in South Florida already and summer's JUST begun.
Florida wont be affected as much as Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Illinois, and other states at these latitudes.. The bread basket is going to be hit hard..

Florida will be MORE affected in terms of over crowding as people try to flee frigid areas. Plus, Florida has far more mouths to feed and greater demand for fresh water so it won't take much to tip the scales and cause a total breakdown imo. But yes, those areas will be more affected BY the COLD itself. I agree.
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.
Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)

I've been watching this myself. I'm really glad that so many people (especially Snowflakes) have absolute faith in big gubbment to keep em safe no matter what.
They won't know what hit em. We could def use a thinning of the flock.

It'll be really interesting to see if this actually occurs, but that said, if it does occur, it'll change life as we know it. And REALLY hard times for survivors.

I just Googled "Oceans Cooling" and every scientific source that came up agrees that there is a significant cool down of the oceans taking place right now.

Looking more and more like this is actually going to happen.
I just Googled "Oceans Cooling" and every scientific source that came up agrees that there is a significant cool down of the oceans taking place right now.

This is about to get very real for a whole lot of people. The first year or two of the initial temp drop won't be real bad, but after the weather patterns return to a more neutral flow is when the major temp drops occur. After that we had better have contingency plans to feed us.

Very few people understand the shift in solar output and what its affect will have on the earth. Several of my colleagues are having real hard time with this wake up call. They have been fixated on the CO2 monster and they have missed the forest due to the trees. CO2's influence is greatly exaggerated and many are about to learn the hard way why.
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.
Several of my colleagues are having real hard time with this wake up call. They have been fixated on the CO2 monster and they have missed the forest due to the trees. CO2's influence is greatly exaggerated and many are about to learn the hard way why.

haha...Well said.....

I'm set. I'm so far South I'm a 3 hour boat ride from Cuba (not that I would ever go there).
But when the water runs out due to infrastructure failures, and the food shortages set in, it's gonna get wild down here. no where to run but into the Everglades or by boat into the sea. I'm pretty sure one of the first things we'll start seeing is the Nat Guard deployed. We'll probably become a Police / Military state until a large enough number of people are gone.

If this thing runs it's course like the Maunder Minimum, 70 years of crop failures, will turn back the clock about 200 years at least.

If it's gonna happen we "should" start really seeing some significant changes by 2022 or sooner. Unless the Sun gets really active again.
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.

He's wrong. You do NOT have to worry about any silly "Ice Age". Please, ignore it and go about your life. Nothing to see here....move along.
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.
Lets just say this has happened before and it didn't end well for a whole lot of people.... I have geological and physical evidence to support my position. What have you got? Broken models?
I will just leave this hear to think about:

D.J. Easterbrook, in Evidence-Based Climate Science (Second Edition), 2016

1.3 Maunder Minimum
The Maunder Minimum is the most famous cold period of the Little Ice Age. Temperatures plummeted in Europe (Figs. 14.3–14.7), the growing season became shorter by more than a month, the number of snowy days increased from a few to 20–30, the ground froze to several feet, alpine glaciers advanced all over the world, glaciers in the Swiss Alps encroached on farms and buried villages, tree-lines in the Alps dropped, sea ports were blocked by sea ice that surrounded Iceland and Holland for about 20 miles, wine grape harvests diminished, and cereal grain harvests failed, leading to mass famines (Fagan, 2007). The Thames River and canals and rivers of the Netherlands froze over during the winter (Fig. 14.3). The population of Iceland decreased by about half. In parts of China, warm-weather crops that had been grown for centuries were abandoned. In North America, early European settlers experienced exceptionally severe winters.

Source: Maunder Minimum - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.
Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)

I've been watching this myself. I'm really glad that so many people (especially Snowflakes) have absolute faith in big gubbment to keep em safe no matter what.
They won't know what hit em. We could def use a thinning of the flock.

It'll be really interesting to see if this actually occurs, but that said, if it does occur, it'll change life as we know it. And REALLY hard times for survivors.

I just Googled "Oceans Cooling" and every scientific source that came up agrees that there is a significant cool down of the oceans taking place right now.

Looking more and more like this is actually going to happen.
I googled "oceans cooling" and got a bunch of denier sites.
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.
Lets just say this has happened before and it didn't end well for a whole lot of people.... I have geological and physical evidence to support my position. What have you got? Broken models?
Empirical evidence.
NASA Warns Solar Minimum Could Lead To Mini Ice Age

"Researchers knew that this solar minimum was coming, but were not expecting it to arrive until 2020. It appears that the mini ice age will now be coming a year early.

The last time that a solar minimum happened, a mini ice age did occur and it lasted for over 70 years. This was a period in history known as the Maunder minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. For people living during this era, shorter seasons and food shortages were a common occurrence."

NASA's latest report from SHO-Boulder Co is freighting. Many of the counts we watch, to see how deep a solar minimum will be, are going throught the roof. The neutron counts and cosmic ray counts are so high we are breaking records almost daily. We have shot right past 2009's highest ever mark in both counts making it clear the sun is going into a deep minimum.

Rapid cooling of our the stratosphere and other atmospheric layers have scientist very worried that the cooling trend that is now going on three years will be much deeper than anticipated.

Looks like the AGW crowds is going to have to deal with massive cooling and glaciation of many regions over the next few decades.
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.
Lets just say this has happened before and it didn't end well for a whole lot of people.... I have geological and physical evidence to support my position. What have you got? Broken models?
Empirical evidence.
Please ..... I want to hear this one... Link!
Dunno if it means anything but early winter here after a mild autumn. Just sayin'.

Snowfields open early after huge snowfall

We were discussing the cooling pattern shift already happening in Australia in our weekly forecast meeting. The Northern Hemisphere is about two years behind the Southern Hemisphere change on average. Look for rapid ice increase in Antarctica over the coming months as surface temperatures are averaging about 5 deg F below normal.

Add to this the AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) is now in its cooling phase and will remain so for about 15-30 years.

Times are about to get dicey... Europe's new windmills are going to have a real challenge keeping up with power demands.
On the other hand.....I'll believe it when I see it. it's hot as hell in South Florida already and summer's JUST begun.
Florida wont be affected as much as Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Illinois, and other states at these latitudes.. The bread basket is going to be hit hard..
Man can not live by bread alone.My infrared is showing about 20 decent deer eating rice tops and the lake is full of snook, peacock bass, rainbow bass ( a cichlid)tilapia and crawfish /prawn by the thousands of tons.
Hopefully your geese will come earlier than normal. Too many skeeters when it's dry.

No starving for us

On the other hand.....I'll believe it when I see it. it's hot as hell in South Florida already and summer's JUST begun.
Florida wont be affected as much as Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Illinois, and other states at these latitudes.. The bread basket is going to be hit hard..
Man can not live by bread alone.My infrared is showing about 20 decent deer eating rice tops and the lake is full of snook, peacock bass, rainbow bass ( a cichlid)tilapia and crawfish /prawn by the thousands of tons.
Hopefully your geese will come earlier than normal. Too many skeeters when it's dry.

No starving for us

I have family in the pan handle... I've got my refuge all ready picked out.... And we can be self sufficient from day one..
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.

He's wrong. You do NOT have to worry about any silly "Ice Age". Please, ignore it and go about your life. Nothing to see here....move along.
SHhhhhhhh don't tell him... let him go... The all consuming grasshoppers are always the first to go...
Do you guys really have to jerk each other off like that right out here in public?
This happened in 2009 as well. Did we have a mini ice age?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.
Lets just say this has happened before and it didn't end well for a whole lot of people.... I have geological and physical evidence to support my position. What have you got? Broken models?
Empirical evidence.
Please ..... I want to hear this one... Link!
Did you miss all the floods and tornadoes this week?
Ocean heat has been keeping us from that demise but that will soon change as the heat reserve is now gone. This year or next, as the cold water surfaces, its going to get real cold real fast! When the shift in global patterns occurs, the poles will again freeze rapidly and longer cold will remain over the mid latitudes.

Hide and watch... The 1645-1715 cold is about to repeat itself. (aka: Maunder Minimum)
Riiiiiight. Almost every scientist in the world is wrong, but you know what's going on.
Lets just say this has happened before and it didn't end well for a whole lot of people.... I have geological and physical evidence to support my position. What have you got? Broken models?
Empirical evidence.
Please ..... I want to hear this one... Link!
Did you miss all the floods and tornadoes this week?

Your a fucking IDIOT!

Do you realize that we are at normal levels according to the 1980's and 1990's? Do you realize the water content is similar to 1982 as is the general weather pattern...

You said you had empirical evidence, pony up big boy! Be prepared to show how you determined the weather patterns are MAN CAUSED and not natural cycles of the earth...

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