NASA will use laser communication that is up to 100 times faster data rates than todays communicatio


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
NASA will use laser communication that is up to 100 times faster data rates than todays communication


A NASA team has been tapped to build a new type of communications modem that will employ an emerging, potentially revolutionary technology that could transform everything from telecommunications, medical imaging, advanced manufacturing to national defense. NASA's first-ever integrated-photonics modem will be tested aboard the International...

What nasa does is a hell of a lot better then what the amish loserterians do. They ride horsies around and act like the taliban.
Uncle Ferd was smitten with a Amish lady once...

... but she wanted him to join the Amish community...

... an' work onna Amish farm...

... so dat was alla dat.
The actual propagation speed won't be any faster. Radio waves travel at the speed of light anyway. The difference is that a lot more information will be packed into the same length of signal. There will still be the exact same delay between the transmission and the receiving of the signal, but at a much higher resolution of the signal.
Figger on dat tricklin' down to the public...

... in about 20 years...

... much like today's desktop computers...

... bein' equal to the supercomputers of 20 years ago.
The actual propagation speed won't be any faster. Radio waves travel at the speed of light anyway. The difference is that a lot more information will be packed into the same length of signal. There will still be the exact same delay between the transmission and the receiving of the signal, but at a much higher resolution of the signal.
That's the same reason that fiber optic lines can carry more data over a set interval than copper wires can. It's just a much bigger "pipe".
So, 100 times the BANDWIDTH?

Right. 100 times the digital bandwidth. Analog bandwidth,as in RF transmission, is an entirely different thing.

Well, I'm all for it. Out here in the middle of nowhere, I'm finally reaching speeds of 25Mbits. Meanwhile, my asshole friends in KC are enjoying 1Gigabit Google Fiber for less than what I pay for DSL.
So, 100 times the BANDWIDTH?

Right. 100 times the digital bandwidth. Analog bandwidth,as in RF transmission, is an entirely different thing.

Well, I'm all for it. Out here in the middle of nowhere, I'm finally reaching speeds of 25Mbits. Meanwhile, my asshole friends in KC are enjoying 1Gigabit Google Fiber for less than what I pay for DSL.

Sure, but you probably don't have to put up with the traffic like they do.
So, 100 times the BANDWIDTH?

Right. 100 times the digital bandwidth. Analog bandwidth,as in RF transmission, is an entirely different thing.

Well, I'm all for it. Out here in the middle of nowhere, I'm finally reaching speeds of 25Mbits. Meanwhile, my asshole friends in KC are enjoying 1Gigabit Google Fiber for less than what I pay for DSL.

Sure, but you probably don't have to put up with the traffic like they do.

As I understand it, their fiber optic network isn't affected by the number of active users the same way that cable is. I could be wrong though, since I've never had such a nice connection. lol
So, 100 times the BANDWIDTH?

Right. 100 times the digital bandwidth. Analog bandwidth,as in RF transmission, is an entirely different thing.

Well, I'm all for it. Out here in the middle of nowhere, I'm finally reaching speeds of 25Mbits. Meanwhile, my asshole friends in KC are enjoying 1Gigabit Google Fiber for less than what I pay for DSL.

Sure, but you probably don't have to put up with the traffic like they do.

As I understand it, their fiber optic network isn't affected by the number of active users the same way that cable is. I could be wrong though, since I've never had such a nice connection. lol

They are coming up with a new, faster and better ways to do things almost every day. If you take the time to think about it, you will be truly amazed.
So, 100 times the BANDWIDTH?

Right. 100 times the digital bandwidth. Analog bandwidth,as in RF transmission, is an entirely different thing.

Well, I'm all for it. Out here in the middle of nowhere, I'm finally reaching speeds of 25Mbits. Meanwhile, my asshole friends in KC are enjoying 1Gigabit Google Fiber for less than what I pay for DSL.

Sure, but you probably don't have to put up with the traffic like they do.

As I understand it, their fiber optic network isn't affected by the number of active users the same way that cable is. I could be wrong though, since I've never had such a nice connection. lol

They are coming up with a new, faster and better ways to do things almost every day. If you take the time to think about it, you will be truly amazed.

Too many things for me to wrap my head around them all, but I'm definitely keeping a close eye on 3D printers. That's our next tech revolution IMO.

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