National Public Radio has become Nearly Wall-to-Wall anti-Israeli Propaganda

Strong leaders would have said. You are holding Americans Hostage. You have 24 hours or im gonna start breaking shit.

Weak leaders go to our enemies and bribe them to be nice. Strong ones say Or Else and the other side knows they arent joking

That's because by that time it's "Coast-to-Coast"! :D

Or from the couch to the porcelain oasis, but lets hope not
I often listen to NPR because I like talk radio while I'm driving and the AM Conservative talkers are so popular and successful that advertising takes a lot of their air time. But, I'd listen to NPR anyway, because I don't want an insulated view of the world. I like to hear from different sides and then come to my own conclusion, not be spoon fed what my opinion is "supposed to be" from any side. I have contributed in the past, but this fund-drive season, they'll have to do without my money.

Haven't taken a formal sample, but just turning them on at random times, I find the majority of times, I tune into an anti-Israeli story or one starts almost immediately. I'd guess about 70% of the air time is now stuff like this:

The progressive Jewish group If Not Now went to Capitol Hill last week to talk to lawmakers and hold a rally.

While the group sang a call-and-response of "cease-fire now" and "not in our name" next to the Reflecting Pool, Matan Arad-Neeman, the group's spokesman, explained why they were there.

"We've only seen — what is it — 17 members of Congress so far call for a cease-fire. And I'm so grateful for their moral courage," he said. "But the rest of Congress needs to step up and end this bloodshed."

. . .

"In the 1970s you see the emergence of a real special relationship there, where the United States gives Israel quite generous support and to a large extent gives it unconditionally," explained Stephen Walt, professor of international relations at Harvard's Kennedy School.
I put the word "unconditionally" in red and italics to recreate the morally outraged tone with which Walt said it.

This was while driving home to day. The very next story had the narrator calling the October 17 Surprise attack by Hamas "the start of Israel's war against Hamas."

In another story - all of this in less than an hour - the narrator spoke in similar moralist tones that "Israel's stated aim is the eradication of Hamas." I'm sure that is true. What that story left out as that Hamas stated aim is to eradicate Israel. Not the Israeli government, not the Israeli military, but all of Israel, they make no distinction between civilians, civilians helping the military, and the military.

This story - yes, also within that hour drive home - is a professor of international law explaining how Israel is violating international law. Not a word about whether Hamas is complying with international laws of warfare, or whether it is a signatory to any of them.

NPR brags that only about 10% of its funding comes from federal sources. It's time for them to really have bragging rights by reducing that number to zero percent.

Even their weekend game show I used to listen to on PBS has been turned into a propaganda feed. I used to watch McNiel-Lehrer on PBS, but they died and nobody replaced them. The new 'Firing Line' is junk too. The 'world news' channel they have now is 24/7 Whitey Sucks lies, pandering to black and brown racists all day and all night.
As a general rule, NPR appeals to libturds almost exclusively. And lots of libturds are opposed to the very existence of Israel as a nation.

The long term effects of old 1960's Soviet era Cold War propaganda still fashionable in academia. The Left in the U.S was generally sympathetic to Israel before 1967, when it was still a French client state; when LBJ and the U.S. stepped in and shut out the Soviets' attempts to replace the French then the Left turned on Israel almost overnight, tying it into their pro-Communist 'anti-war movement' scam orchestrated by Commies in the colleges and 'civil rights' organizations. Many of them also posed as 'right wingers' and 'libertarians', and still do.
The long term effects of old 1960's Soviet era Cold War propaganda still fashionable in academia.
The MIC is behind most every pro war propaganda , all one needs do is follow the $$$

Any anti-war rhetoric usually suffers the fate of their slings and arrows , discrediting dissenters as questionable patriots or painting them conspirators

It is literally Orwell's shtick , alive and well in every other thread we read here

The MIC is behind most every pro war propaganda , all one needs do is follow the $$$

Any anti-war rhetoric usually suffers the fate of their slings and arrows , discrediting dissenters as questionable patriots or painting them conspirators

It is literally Orwell's shtick , alive and well in every other thread we read here

Unfortunately almost certainly true .
But at least the Normies seem to be making some "good" effort and that alone restores a smidgen of hope for our species .
But more direct action please . imho .
There’s not much of an other side until those Palestinians return the 200 plus civilian prisoners. Until then no one need to be talking about cease fire.

Okay, what about the 6000 Palestinians the Zionists are holding as hostages?

If they want a damn ease fire , release the hostages first , who have no military significance.

It’s all bullshit. Hamas wants to kill and pretty much hs said so right there in their charter

Um, yeah, killing the enemy is what you do in a war. both sides are doing it.

It would have been nice if Bibi had negotiated in good faith with the Palestinian Authority rather than enabling Hamas so he could claim that Abbas doesn't speak for all Palestinians. But that's what he did, and it bit him in the ass.

I'm afraid there is no other side of the argument.

You simply can't go into another country, brutally murders more than a thousand of its civilian woman and children, take a few hundred more hostage, threaten those with death and expect no retaliation.
But this is what the Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians for the last 70 years!
Tell us what justification there is to murder, rape and kidnap innocents in your sick and twisted head?

None. But both sides do it, so no one has a "moral high ground" here.

Since Israel’s bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip began on October 7, Israeli forces have also intensified their nightly raids into Palestinian homes, villages and cities in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In the past 25 days, Israel has doubled the number of Palestinians in its custody, from 5,200 people to more than 10,000.

This includes at least 4,000 labourers from Gaza who were working in Israel and who have been detained mainly in military bases. Separately, Israel has also arrested 1,740 other Palestinians in overnight army raids in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7.

But it's okay when they do it, amiright?
None. But both sides do it, so no one has a "moral high ground" here.

Since Israel’s bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip began on October 7, Israeli forces have also intensified their nightly raids into Palestinian homes, villages and cities in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In the past 25 days, Israel has doubled the number of Palestinians in its custody, from 5,200 people to more than 10,000.

This includes at least 4,000 labourers from Gaza who were working in Israel and who have been detained mainly in military bases. Separately, Israel has also arrested 1,740 other Palestinians in overnight army raids in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7.

But it's okay when they do it, amiright?
So . . . you won't be voting for any supporters of Israel, I take it?
It would have been nice if Bibi had negotiated in good faith with the Palestinian Authority rather than enabling Hamas so he could claim that Abbas doesn't speak for all Palestinians. But that's what he did, and it bit him in the ass.
Reeks of the same partisan war going on here Joe....~S~
None. But both sides do it, so no one has a "moral high ground" here.

Since Israel’s bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip began on October 7, Israeli forces have also intensified their nightly raids into Palestinian homes, villages and cities in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In the past 25 days, Israel has doubled the number of Palestinians in its custody, from 5,200 people to more than 10,000.

This includes at least 4,000 labourers from Gaza who were working in Israel and who have been detained mainly in military bases. Separately, Israel has also arrested 1,740 other Palestinians in overnight army raids in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7.

But it's okay when they do it, amiright?
Shitforbrains evildoer says arresting people is the equivalent to raping and murder.

The left are totally broken.
Realistically, the Zionists have bought both parties.

I'll vote for the party that best serves my interests.

The Zionist squatters will get theirs, eventually.
Maybe you should stay in the West Bank for awhile like I have.
Shitforbrains evildoer says arresting people is the equivalent to raping and murder.

The left are totally broken.

The Zionists have already murdered 10,000 Palestinians, including 4000 children. IN addition to the 10,000 Palestinians they are holding without due process. (5000 of which they had before this even started).

There are no clean hands here.

Maybe you should stay in the West Bank for awhile like I have.
I have no desire to benefit from a Crime against humanity.
Okay, what about the 6000 Palestinians the Zionists are holding as hostages?

Um, yeah, killing the enemy is what you do in a war. both sides are doing it.

It would have been nice if Bibi had negotiated in good faith with the Palestinian Authority rather than enabling Hamas so he could claim that Abbas doesn't speak for all Palestinians. But that's what he did, and it bit him in the ass.

But this is what the Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians for the last 70 years!
6,000 hostages held by Israel!

Where do these NAZIS dig up this bullshit?
The Zionists have already murdered 10,000 Palestinians, including 4000 children. IN addition to the 10,000 Palestinians they are holding without due process. (5000 of which they had before this even started).

There are no clean hands here.

I have no desire to benefit from a Crime against humanity.

Pathetic NAZI

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