Nationwide #CloseTheCamps Protests Call for Shutting Down Migrant Detention Centers Amid Outrage Ove


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I just want to remind everybody that these same detention centers would have been used by the Obama administration.

Also where are we going to store captured illegals after the detention centers are shut down? Do we just stop doing that?

Over 170 #CloseTheCamps protests will take place today to demand lawmakers shut down "inhumane" migrant detention centers

Immigration advocacy groups will hold nationwide protests on Tuesday to demand the closure of detention centers along the U.S.-Mexico border amid reports of inhumane and unsanitary conditions.

Over 170 demonstrations are scheduled to take place across the country, including in border communities and cities like New York and Los Angeles. The #CloseTheCamps mobilizations were organized within the last 72 hours by public policy organizations like MoveOn, United We Dream, American Friends Service Committee, and Families Belong Together.
I'd like to know who is organizing these protesters and I'd bet its all lefty loons. Border Patrol is over run with fake asylum seekers and anyone with common sense knows this.

BP should boot the whole lot of them back to Mexico and to hell with their asylum request. Mexico already offered them all asylum so let them take those assholes in.
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