Necessary Lies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies are acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
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Yeah, what the OP said...
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report
Right wingers should stop practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God as written in Scripture).
Well, to be a little more specific, we have the lie that racial inequality is the result of racism.

This pernicious lie will become more and more harmful, particularly in academe but not only in academe, if the Democrats run the table.

Look for a Biden Administration to renew the preposterous guidance that disciplinary actions must be "normalized" by race; if 10% of white yoots are disciplined, then only 10% of Black yoots may be disciplined. If X percentage of whites are accepted at a school, then that percentage of Blacks must also be accepted, and so on.

We have the lie that all illegals are "hard working" and productive. We will all pay dearly for that lie.

We have the lie that traits like industriousness, punctuality, marital fidelity, and candor are White and racist.

We have the lie that if we park our SUV's we can stop "global warming" (or whatever they choose to call it that day), or hurricanes...even EARTHQUAKES!

We have the lie that Scandanavia is a group of prosperous socialist countries (Don't tell the Scandanavians; they tend to get pissed).

Truly, the list never ends.
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
The Democrats recruit with propaganda such as
(1)All Republicans are racists and sexists
(2)GOP tax cuts go only to the rich
(3)We are the party for women and racial minorities
(4)A woman can do what she likes with her own body.Actually, she cannot. Prostitution and
heroin use are illegal. So is cocaine and methamphetamine use. The child growing inside a pregnant woman is a different life.
Well, to be a little more specific, we have the lie that racial inequality is the result of racism.

This pernicious lie will become more and more harmful, particularly in academe but not only in academe, if the Democrats run the table.

Look for a Biden Administration to renew the preposterous guidance that disciplinary actions must be "normalized" by race; if 10% of white yoots are disciplined, then only 10% of Black yoots may be disciplined. If X percentage of whites are accepted at a school, then that percentage of Blacks must also be accepted, and so on.

We have the lie that all illegals are "hard working" and productive. We will all pay dearly for that lie.

We have the lie that traits like industriousness, punctuality, marital fidelity, and candor are White and racist.

We have the lie that if we park our SUV's we can stop "global warming" (or whatever they choose to call it that day), or hurricanes...even EARTHQUAKES!

We have the lie that Scandanavia is a group of prosperous socialist countries (Don't tell the Scandanavians; they tend to get pissed).

Truly, the list never ends.

My Rule #1 might cover all of that:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
People argue that the problem with the country is a lack of morals. That is not the problem. The problem is a lack of principles.

It's bad when the other guy does it but excusable when your guy does it.
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
The Democrats recruit with propaganda such as
(1)All Republicans are racists and sexists
(2)GOP tax cuts go only to the rich
(3)We are the party for women and racial minorities
(4)A woman can do what she likes with her own body.Actually, she cannot. Prostitution and
heroin use are illegal. So is cocaine and methamphetamine use. The child growing inside a pregnant woman is a different life.
Well, to be a little more specific, we have the lie that racial inequality is the result of racism.

This pernicious lie will become more and more harmful, particularly in academe but not only in academe, if the Democrats run the table.

Look for a Biden Administration to renew the preposterous guidance that disciplinary actions must be "normalized" by race; if 10% of white yoots are disciplined, then only 10% of Black yoots may be disciplined. If X percentage of whites are accepted at a school, then that percentage of Blacks must also be accepted, and so on.

We have the lie that all illegals are "hard working" and productive. We will all pay dearly for that lie.

We have the lie that traits like industriousness, punctuality, marital fidelity, and candor are White and racist.

We have the lie that if we park our SUV's we can stop "global warming" (or whatever they choose to call it that day), or hurricanes...even EARTHQUAKES!

We have the lie that Scandanavia is a group of prosperous socialist countries (Don't tell the Scandanavians; they tend to get pissed).

Truly, the list never ends.

My Rule #1 might cover all of that:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
Everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is bullshit. Or can't hom skoolers figure that out?
Well, to be a little more specific, we have the lie that racial inequality is the result of racism.

This pernicious lie will become more and more harmful, particularly in academe but not only in academe, if the Democrats run the table.

Look for a Biden Administration to renew the preposterous guidance that disciplinary actions must be "normalized" by race; if 10% of white yoots are disciplined, then only 10% of Black yoots may be disciplined. If X percentage of whites are accepted at a school, then that percentage of Blacks must also be accepted, and so on.

We have the lie that all illegals are "hard working" and productive. We will all pay dearly for that lie.

We have the lie that traits like industriousness, punctuality, marital fidelity, and candor are White and racist.

We have the lie that if we park our SUV's we can stop "global warming" (or whatever they choose to call it that day), or hurricanes...even EARTHQUAKES!

We have the lie that Scandanavia is a group of prosperous socialist countries (Don't tell the Scandanavians; they tend to get pissed).

Truly, the list never ends.

My Rule #1 might cover all of that:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
You mean right wingers.
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
The Democrats recruit with propaganda such as
(1)All Republicans are racists and sexists
(2)GOP tax cuts go only to the rich
(3)We are the party for women and racial minorities
(4)A woman can do what she likes with her own body.Actually, she cannot. Prostitution and
heroin use are illegal. So is cocaine and methamphetamine use. The child growing inside a pregnant woman is a different life.

Here's my premise: I don't believe their 'recruits' actually believe it.

They are simply too cowardly to confront the lying low-lives, because they have seen the damage that would be done to them...and they don't have the guts that conservatives have.

"The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. "
People argue that the problem with the country is a lack of morals. That is not the problem. The problem is a lack of principles.

It's bad when the other guy does it but excusable when your guy does it.

Liberals have deemed conservatives evil people. Therefore, all laws and reasonable human decency is not needed.

The left is truly a brainwashed cult. They now control the Dem party and they are sharply left. They are even left of the European left.
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.

In the case of many democrat voters we know personally, I do not believe they themselves are evil or freely/intentionally want to support evil. More a matter of them having been effectively programmed by radical leftist and deep state run media talking heads. Take my mother-in-law for example. She immigrated to America forty-eight years ago. For some reason, while DJT was running for President in 2016, she became convinced that if elected, he would deport her back to her native country—a Third World collapsing hellhole.

Talking heads on MSNBC nurtured and deepened this irrational belief of hers to the point where she now essentially believes Donald Trump is some kind of orange cannibal. I do not hate or even dislike my mother-in-law—she's an amazing woman in many ways. However, through the power of propaganda, she now despised Trump so much she'd rather see our nation collapse than spend another day under his rule. I believe most democrat voters have been misled similarly to the point of anti-human, anti-American beliefs. They just can't seem to see it.
1. There is the belief that the one person you cannot lie to is yourself. That’s a lie. The greatest ability we humans have is the ability to rationalize the correctness of any view that benefits us. Rationalize is a lying term for lie.

If it were not the case, there would be far, far fewer Democrats.

2. The following is a distillation of both the Democrat Debates, and of news headlines:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… it is the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

But no thinking, self-respecting individual will admit to himself that that is what he will vote for. Hence, the affectation: necessary lies.

3. First, a lie of omission: pretend not to recognize, realize, that that is the Democrat agenda, and what you support. When it is brought up, as I do at every opportunity, there is the sort of Democrat who will simply ignore the reference and move on.

4. The second sort of reprobate will admonish the one who brings it up….not denying any of it….merely admonishing not to mention the incriminations. This:

“Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
See are making the mistake if you bring it up, not the evil inherent in the agenda itself.
More twists in that lie than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

5. But, of course, the most common response, due to the lack of character and integrity of the sort who support Democrats, is to outright lie.

“And then the infantacide referring to the comments made by the Gov of Virginia who was discussiung babies born with zero hope of survival..” This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

Not unexpected, either, is the indication one gets based on the spelling. We have all seen how truly dumb so many Democrats are.

And just to spotlight what a lie that is, any murder of babies is part of the Democrat doctrine, here is the actual quote:
In an interview on WTOP, a Washington D.C. radio station, [Democrat] Northam said, “So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

... Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children. "
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

For Democrats, any child is eligible for this….’consideration'....infanticide.

And any lies is acceptable to hide what they, and their party, stand for.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report

“Liberals have discovered a new word.

Lie: “to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.”

Like a teenager who just learned a new SAT word, the left is using and misusing this word to characterize President Trump’s statements. From his most recent “last night in Sweden” remark to his assertion that the murder rate is at its highest mark in 47 years, liberals have incorrectly labeled Trump as “intending to deceive.”

The left used Trump’s vague statement to impart sinister suspicion. “How dare he make up a terrorist attack!?” and “liar!” were but a few of the apoplectic freak-outs. Meanwhile, the person beside me heard it entirely differently. “He’s referring to information he gathered regarding Sweden last night,” this person said.

Trump’s clarification on Twitter that his “last night” remark indeed referred to a Friday night Fox News segment on crime in Sweden validated the latter interpretation over the former. Nevertheless, the former interpretation was adopted as gospel.

The left’s “lying” narrative was again on full display when Trump stated that the murder rate was the highest it has been in 47 years. The liberals accused Trump of intentionally planting a false statistic, but they ought to have done a cursory Google search, which would have clarified exactly what Trump was getting at: the U.S. had just seen the biggest increase in murders in 45 years.

Trump used this statistic several times throughout the campaign, and Politifact rated his statement as “mostly true.” But this time Trump left out one word — increase — and the left lost it, resorting to the “lying” label.

The truth is liberals are using every tactic possible to drown the Trump presidency. False allegations of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and now lying each have their own chapter in the Trump takedown playbook.

As it turns out, the only lies being told are not by President Donald Trump but by liberals, who will hypocritically mischaracterize Trump’s every action. They do so intentionally – the very definition of a “lie.” Liberal ‘lies’ about President Trump
People argue that the problem with the country is a lack of morals. That is not the problem. The problem is a lack of principles.

It's bad when the other guy does it but excusable when your guy does it.

This might have progressed beyond hot air with examples and documentation.

Put a little effort in.
Well, to be a little more specific, we have the lie that racial inequality is the result of racism.

This pernicious lie will become more and more harmful, particularly in academe but not only in academe, if the Democrats run the table.

Look for a Biden Administration to renew the preposterous guidance that disciplinary actions must be "normalized" by race; if 10% of white yoots are disciplined, then only 10% of Black yoots may be disciplined. If X percentage of whites are accepted at a school, then that percentage of Blacks must also be accepted, and so on.

We have the lie that all illegals are "hard working" and productive. We will all pay dearly for that lie.

We have the lie that traits like industriousness, punctuality, marital fidelity, and candor are White and racist.

We have the lie that if we park our SUV's we can stop "global warming" (or whatever they choose to call it that day), or hurricanes...even EARTHQUAKES!

We have the lie that Scandanavia is a group of prosperous socialist countries (Don't tell the Scandanavians; they tend to get pissed).

Truly, the list never ends.

My Rule #1 might cover all of that:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
Everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is bullshit. Or can't hom skoolers figure that out?

Ivy League grad here.

You should try to apply to college again....they might not turn you down this time.
People argue that the problem with the country is a lack of morals. That is not the problem. The problem is a lack of principles.

It's bad when the other guy does it but excusable when your guy does it.

This might have progressed beyond hot air with examples and documentation.

Put a little effort in.

The examples have been posted in nearly every thread.

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