Neo-Cons, Answer Me This...

If you people believe with all your heart and all your might that government is the problem, then why should the American people elect people with such beliefs to serve in government offices?

Wouldn't that be like a self-fulfilling prophecy or something?

The mother of all self-conflicting interests if you will.

That's it in a nutshell: However, it was you that voted for a candidate in Barack Obama that "promised" everything hundreds of times to every crowd he was in front of--:lol::lol:

Granted both Republicans & democrats do this. It's called being a good "politician."

They get elected & do a 180 degree turn on all of their promises. Obama campaigned as a moderate--like Bill Clinton--& once in the oval office--5 minutes later he moved so fast to the far out left that it was astonishing.

The promises this man has broken already outnumber the coins I still have left in my pocket.

The tea party movement is after all of these politicians regardless of party affiliation. We are sick & tired of this big spending government--& the bribery & extortion that has been made legal by them.


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JFK and RFK as neo-cons? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Cold warriors, yes: right along with Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, and Nixon. Neo-cons? Not a one of them.

Go wrap your neo-con butts up elsewhere.
JFK, neo-con.

Wrong. Jack and Bobby Kennedy had far more in common with today's neo-cons than any Democrat alive today, with the possible exception of Joe Lieberman. JFK was a passionate Cold War liberal, at a time when patriotism was not yet twisted into its opposite. Jack really did earn his combat medals, unlike copycat buffoon John F. Kerry. And Jack's eldest brother Joe died fighting in World War Two.

...A neocon is a liberal mugged by reality. Well, JFK was mugged by reality in more ways than one: By the death of brother Joe, by his own experiences in combat, and by his carefully hidden ailments. JFK actually resembled today's media's Satan Made Flesh, President George W. Bush, more than any Boomer Leftie now in a position of power. Would somebody please tell them?

...Chances are that JFK would be pretty tough on terrorists and fascist regimes rushing toward nukes. Once you're mugged by reality, you just don't want it to happen again.

Scratch John F. Kennedy and your find a neocon.

Full article here:

American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.

EXACTLY--the democrat party of today--does not even closely resemble the democrat party of the 60's & prior decades. It was the democrat party that was the hawks--it was JFK who also believed in trickle down economics & was the 1st one to do it--prior to Ronald Reagan. JFK gave the largest tax cut to Americans prior to Ronald Reagan & it worked.

In fact, if JFK were alive today-- he would have dis-owned his brother Teddy Kennedy decades ago.
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JFK, neo-con.

Wrong. Jack and Bobby Kennedy had far more in common with today's neo-cons than any Democrat alive today, with the possible exception of Joe Lieberman. JFK was a passionate Cold War liberal, at a time when patriotism was not yet twisted into its opposite. Jack really did earn his combat medals, unlike copycat buffoon John F. Kerry. And Jack's eldest brother Joe died fighting in World War Two.

...A neocon is a liberal mugged by reality. Well, JFK was mugged by reality in more ways than one: By the death of brother Joe, by his own experiences in combat, and by his carefully hidden ailments. JFK actually resembled today's media's Satan Made Flesh, President George W. Bush, more than any Boomer Leftie now in a position of power. Would somebody please tell them?

...Chances are that JFK would be pretty tough on terrorists and fascist regimes rushing toward nukes. Once you're mugged by reality, you just don't want it to happen again.

Scratch John F. Kennedy and your find a neocon.

Full article here:

American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.

EXACTLY--the democrat party of today--does not even closely resemble the democrat party of the 60's & prior decades. It was the democrat party that was the hawks--it was JFK who also believed in trickle down economics & was the 1st one to do it--prior to Ronald Reagan. JFK gave the largest tax cut to Americans prior to Ronald Reagan & it worked.

In fact, if JFK were alive today-- he would have dis-owned his brother Teddy Kennedy decades ago.



You are quite correct. Kennedy was very much pro-business. Even his overtures toward the labor unions were half-hearted.

His Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara was a full blown neo-con.

Bobby was more in line with traditional liberalism than Jack, who had far more in common with the growing neocon movement within the Democrat Party at that time.

By the late 60s figures such as Senator Scoop Jackson epitomized the neocon. An individual who supported expansion of government influence both domestically and abroad.

The "neocons" of today are found within both political parties. They were imbedded within the Bush administration, and now have found some favor in the Obama administration. Grow government, and grow direct military intervention. That is the neocon way. Under Obama, the neocons have simply doubled down on the domestic programming of the at-home population, while happily maintaining their military operations abroad.

In essence, Obama is as much a neocon as GW Bush...
Now I've seen everything.

ROTFLMWIAO @ Democrats as Neo-Cons.

Consequently the term is chiefly applicable to certain Americans and their strong supporters. In economics, unlike traditionalist conservatives, neoconservatives are generally comfortable with a welfare state; and, while rhetorically supportive of free markets, they are willing to interfere for overriding social purposes

...New" conservatives initially approached this view from the political left. The forerunners of neoconservatism were most often socialists or sometimes liberals who strongly supported the Allied cause in World War II, and who were influenced by the Great Depression-era ideas of the New Deal, trade unionism, and Trotskyism, particularly those who followed the political ideas of Max Shachtman.[citation needed] A number of future neoconservatives, such as Jeane Kirkpatrick, were Shachtmanites in their youth; some were later involved with Social Democrats USA.

...Many supported Democratic Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson, derisively known as the Senator from Boeing, during his 1972 and 1976 campaigns for president. Among those who worked for Jackson were future neoconservatives Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith and Richard Perle.

...Michael Lind, a self-described former neoconservative, explained:[22]

Neoconservatism... originated in the 1970s as a movement of anti-Soviet liberals and social democrats in the tradition of Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Humphrey and Henry ('Scoop') Jackson, many of whom preferred to call themselves 'paleoliberals.' [After the end of the Cold War]... many 'paleoliberals' drifted back to the Democratic center...

Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keep trying Sinatra....maybe it will stick.

Looks like others have been trying to blame the dems for neocons as well. All the way back to the revoloutionary war :)
The history speaks for itself. Neoconservatism was born from the socialist wing of the Democrat Party with a trend toward global military involvement. JFK, LBJ, Henry Jackson, and now Obama - all Democrats and all neocons...

Consequently the term is chiefly applicable to certain Americans and their strong supporters. In economics, unlike traditionalist conservatives, neoconservatives are generally comfortable with a welfare state; and, while rhetorically supportive of free markets, they are willing to interfere for overriding social purposes

...New" conservatives initially approached this view from the political left. The forerunners of neoconservatism were most often socialists or sometimes liberals who strongly supported the Allied cause in World War II, and who were influenced by the Great Depression-era ideas of the New Deal, trade unionism, and Trotskyism, particularly those who followed the political ideas of Max Shachtman.[citation needed] A number of future neoconservatives, such as Jeane Kirkpatrick, were Shachtmanites in their youth; some were later involved with Social Democrats USA.

...Many supported Democratic Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson, derisively known as the Senator from Boeing, during his 1972 and 1976 campaigns for president. Among those who worked for Jackson were future neoconservatives Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith and Richard Perle.

...Michael Lind, a self-described former neoconservative, explained:[22]

Neoconservatism... originated in the 1970s as a movement of anti-Soviet liberals and social democrats in the tradition of Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Humphrey and Henry ('Scoop') Jackson, many of whom preferred to call themselves 'paleoliberals.' [After the end of the Cold War]... many 'paleoliberals' drifted back to the Democratic center...

Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Going Neocon
Is Obama getting mugged by reality?

...In these, three convictions often linked with neoconservative thought have been affirmed:

1. No matter how technologically advanced and interconnected the world becomes, there will be bad actors, and their obstinacy will remain intact. Every regime cannot be made to acquiesce through appeals to common humanity. Some can only be made pliant through threat and, if necessary, force.

2. Populations living under despotic leadership are at all times engaged in a desperate struggle for liberty. Moreover, these populations look to America, the world’s longest-running constitutional democracy, for moral and material support. All the shallow resentment of the arrogant “world police” evaporates when truncheons start coming down on the heads of dissidents. America needs to be there when support is requested.

3. A willingness to apply overwhelming and innovative military force remains critical to America’s wars — regardless of their asymmetric natures. Similarly, America cannot afford to abandon or wind down her military efforts as a response to solely temporal considerations. Short wars have to be won; long wars, more so.

...For there is a deeper neoconservative concern that serves as the foundation upon which the architecture of democracy promotion and hawkishness are built.

...If Obama has not yet been mugged by reality, he is at least being shaken by ever-dropping approval ratings.


Full article here:

Going Neocon by Abe Greenwald on National Review Online
To keep people who want to use the government to take all of your belongings out of power. Obviously.

When you have a choice between people who want to take your stuff and interfere in your life and people who dont, its pretty much a no brainer here.
Lefties are folks who have a single tool and want to solve every problem with that single tool. As they saying goes, "they have a hammer and see every problem as a nail."

Greater government is only a solution for things that government really is good at doing. Hitting people, killing things, blowing things up. Conservatives have no issue with government being used for those purposes.

For alternative problems, alternative solutions should apply.

If you want to make things, build things, do anything constructive, then government really isn't a good solution.
Lefties are folks who have a single tool and want to solve every problem with that single tool. As they saying goes, "they have a hammer and see every problem as a nail."

Greater government is only a solution for things that government really is good at doing. Hitting people, killing things, blowing things up. Conservatives have no issue with government being used for those purposes.

For alternative problems, alternative solutions should apply.

If you want to make things, build things, do anything constructive, then government really isn't a good solution.
Let's have a discussion about Hallitburton, Blackwater, XE, et al...
Lefties are folks who have a single tool and want to solve every problem with that single tool. As they saying goes, "they have a hammer and see every problem as a nail."

Greater government is only a solution for things that government really is good at doing. Hitting people, killing things, blowing things up. Conservatives have no issue with government being used for those purposes.

For alternative problems, alternative solutions should apply.

If you want to make things, build things, do anything constructive, then government really isn't a good solution.

You mean that single tool like cutting taxes solves everything? beat me to it.

The irony of that hammer/nail analogy is STAGGERING!
Lefties are folks who have a single tool and want to solve every problem with that single tool. As they saying goes, "they have a hammer and see every problem as a nail."

Greater government is only a solution for things that government really is good at doing. Hitting people, killing things, blowing things up. Conservatives have no issue with government being used for those purposes.

For alternative problems, alternative solutions should apply.

If you want to make things, build things, do anything constructive, then government really isn't a good solution.
Let's have a discussion about Hallitburton, Blackwater, XE, et al...

Well, if a private enterprise is better at doing government functions than the government, then have government do functions it really isn't meant for is even less of a good idea.

And if government is out doing all kinds of things it is not good at, then reducing it to its core competencies and getting it to do only the things it can do well, and not spending money where it shouldn't, would mean we could lower taxes.

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