Nephew of ebola man duncan blames racism for his death!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
It's the white taxpayers that paid for duncan's treatment. Likely pushing a million bucks. Now it appears the family is looking to sue the hospital.

The PJ Tatler Duncan Family Plays the Race Card After Ebola Patient Zero Dies

oct 8 2014
Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man who lied on his exit forms and brought Ebola to the United States, died today.

It took less than half a day for his family to come out and blame racism for Duncan’s death.

Today, Duncan’s nephew Josephus Weeks appeared on MSNBC with Ronan Farrow. Weeks clearly blamed the care that his uncle received on race.

. Farrow asked Weeks whether he believed that discrimination played a role in Duncan’s death.

“Well, yeah,” Weeks responded, “go in there and, like, you know, ostracized, you know, like we didn’t belong there.”

Farrow asked Weeks why he believes that his uncle was turned away after his first visit to the hospital.

Weeks again played the race card: “I mean, again, he didn’t have insurance. And he’s a poor black man. And I believe they didn’t believe he deserved the care that, you know, everybody else should get. And you don’t treat people like that.”

It sounds like Jackson is coaching him, and that the family is setting up to bring a lawsuit against the hospital.

It should be pointed out that Duncan lied on his exit form from Liberia regarding whether he had been exposed to Ebola. It should also be pointed out that that probably made him an illegal alien in the United States. It should also be pointed out he failed to disclose his exposure to the virus during his first visit to the hospital.
Yep, if he would have been white, he would have gotten the good drugs they keep in the backroom for white people.
They should be suing the Ebola virus, they would get farther...
I had wondered why they called for the help of Jesse Jackson before his death. maybe Jackson had the guy killed to push his race card.
Oh this could get really wild. I can see lawsuits everywhere. They can sue the hospital. Fine and dandy. But if they open up Pandora's lawsuit box if Duncan infected anyone else those people can sue Duncan's family.

You just know that lawyers are getting ready to chase ambulances. With hazard suits on of course.

And the airlines have got to be readying lawyers for lawsuits potentially coming at them from passengers or staff who could be affected by the disease.

Oh and then the TSA agents could sue the government. The possibilities are endless.

Aye carumba! What a dog's breakfast.

I had wondered why they called for the help of Jesse Jackson before his death. maybe Jackson had the guy killed to push his race card.
Jesse has been in Dallas for a few days. The local newscasters say he is here to cash in on some big money. We've been saying for days Jesse smelled a lawsuit. Now if Reverend Al shows up we'll know the hospital is going to pay through the nose. I just hope Cousin Jesse doesn't come down with Ebola. It would be a shame to lose him.
This is sinful. He is mourning so Jackson and trash like him are using him to push their false narrative
I've thought of purposefully contracting Ebola. I mean, what's to worry about- I have Obamacare. :thup:
I had wondered why they called for the help of Jesse Jackson before his death. maybe Jackson had the guy killed to push his race card.
Jesse has been in Dallas for a few days. The local newscasters say he is here to cash in on some big money. We've been saying for days Jesse smelled a lawsuit. Now if Reverend Al shows up we'll know the hospital is going to pay through the nose. I just hope Cousin Jesse doesn't come down with Ebola. It would be a shame to lose him.
Think about this for a second
obama administration down played Ebola which caused the hospital to do the same thing.
Oh this could get really wild. I can see lawsuits everywhere. They can sue the hospital. Fine and dandy. But if they open up Pandora's lawsuit box if Duncan infected anyone else those people can sue Duncan's family.


Duncan had no money. Nobody's gonna sue his family or estate.
Oh, nice, here we go again - the race card.
I wonder when people stop using it as an argument... They didn't manage to help him because they couldn't. Period.
I think it's disgusting to start a stupid quarrel about the dead guy's race.
I had wondered why they called for the help of Jesse Jackson before his death. maybe Jackson had the guy killed to push his race card.
Jesse has been in Dallas for a few days. The local newscasters say he is here to cash in on some big money. We've been saying for days Jesse smelled a lawsuit. Now if Reverend Al shows up we'll know the hospital is going to pay through the nose. I just hope Cousin Jesse doesn't come down with Ebola. It would be a shame to lose him.

It is to be hoped that the "Reverend" Al Sharpton shows up and lay his hands on and kisses his Liberian brother's dead and wet body, in blessing.
The poor,poor black man...he could barely scrape up the money to fly to liberia and back. Shame he didnt use that money to start an insurance policy. Oh well,live and le...oh wait.
Oh, nice, here we go again - the race card.
I wonder when people stop using it as an argument... They didn't manage to help him because they couldn't. Period.
I think it's disgusting to start a stupid quarrel about the dead guy's race.

What the hell do you think this thread is all about?
Did you not read what duncans nephew said?
Did I miss it when you called out Josephus Weeks for his blatant racism? Surely I did...right?
Oh, nice, here we go again - the race card.
I wonder when people stop using it as an argument... They didn't manage to help him because they couldn't. Period.
I think it's disgusting to start a stupid quarrel about the dead guy's race.

What the hell do you think this thread is all about?
Did you not read what duncans nephew said?
Did I miss it when you called out Josephus Weeks for his blatant racism? Surely I did...right?

Did you read what I had written properly?
The guy died not because he was black or white, he died because of the disease. But everybody is kicking his race around. Everybody including his relatives.
And I think that it is the sign of the fact how racist out society really is.
Jesse has been in Dallas for a few days. The local newscasters say he is here to cash in on some big money. We've been saying for days Jesse smelled a lawsuit. Now if Reverend Al shows up we'll know the hospital is going to pay through the nose. I just hope Cousin Jesse doesn't come down with Ebola. It would be a shame to lose him.

Jesse's move is simple extortion....he tells corporations they can avoid problems by donating to his "rainbow coalition". He pried a MILLION DOLLARS out of NASCAR to go away....still not a single black driver on the circuit.
Oh, nice, here we go again - the race card.
I wonder when people stop using it as an argument... They didn't manage to help him because they couldn't. Period.
I think it's disgusting to start a stupid quarrel about the dead guy's race.

What the hell do you think this thread is all about?
Did you not read what duncans nephew said?
Did I miss it when you called out Josephus Weeks for his blatant racism? Surely I did...right?

Did you read what I had written properly?
The guy died not because he was black or white, he died because of the disease. But everybody is kicking his race around. Everybody including his relatives.
And I think that it is the sign of the fact how racist out society really is.

I can read just fine.
Apparently you cant.
My response was obviously directed at the blatant racism shown by duncans nephew and the ridiculous "he's poor" statement when he can obviously afford a plane ticket to liberia.

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