Netflix users?


Jan 29, 2011
Any here planning to dump them due to the increase? I was..but then I thought about it. Unlimited streaming movies from an extremely large selection and 1 dvd out at a time for 16 bucks a month is way cheaper than Charter Cable and their very small selections of free movies. I'm keeping Netflix. What about you?
We are using their one month free trial right now, thinking about joining. So you think it's the best deal out there? Good movies and such?
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We are using their one month free trial right now, thinking about joining. So you think it's the best deal out there? Good movies and such?

I think they have a great selection, myself. Lots of foreign flicks, too. I like them because they give us Starz...which has the Spartacus series. They don't have HBO though. least I can watch Spartacus. And many other movies. I like the selection, personally. I have watched more movies than any other time in my life..and some I wouldn't even know about without netflix. And they are cheaper than my cable service.
I'm a big fan of Netflix but with this price increase, I'll probably just keep the streaming feature and Redbox the new releases.
Any here planning to dump them due to the increase? I was..but then I thought about it. Unlimited streaming movies from an extremely large selection and 1 dvd out at a time for 16 bucks a month is way cheaper than Charter Cable and their very small selections of free movies. I'm keeping Netflix. What about you?

I called them about the reported price increase and they told me that my monthly streaming fee of $7.99 will not change. The change is coming from a DVD rental, combined WITH streaming. Netflix has gone global now and has changed the way they are bundling the services. So it is my understanding that IF one is streaming AND renting, there will be an increase. Streaming only, remains the same. Netflix said they are separating the two ways to receive their services and are pricing them individually.

I love Netflix and it's selections of films. If I want to see a DVD they don't have streaming, I just go to my Amazon app and stream it from there beginning at $2.99. I have only done this 3 times in many months.
Amazon starts at .99!

I'm watching Dog Whisperer episodes @ $1.99 a pop now.

I was talking about streaming movies, not TV shows, but maybe there are movies for less than $2.99...just haven't been there often enough to notice.
Netflix is not compatible with Linux...sooo...nope.
For whatever reason netflix is the only streaming video site on the web whose licence only works if the user is using Internet Explorer running Media Player.
Yes i got the email as well i only rent dvd 3 at a time and my rate has gone down .

dont see the need to stream i would have to buy new equipment to do that .

there selection of movies on streaming is very limited
where as in dvd they have a vast selection not beaten by any other service .

i watch on average 3 movies per week 12 per month which equals under 2 dollar per movie excellant value

blockbuster is no match and they censor the movies its hard to find a independent or no rated european movie with them .
Any here planning to dump them due to the increase? I was..but then I thought about it. Unlimited streaming movies from an extremely large selection and 1 dvd out at a time for 16 bucks a month is way cheaper than Charter Cable and their very small selections of free movies. I'm keeping Netflix. What about you?

We used Netflix for many years and I had no complaints what-so-ever, until the price increase went into effect. And that was for regular DVD's. The price for BlueRays was even higher. So, several months back now, we cancelled our subscription to Netflix. We would rent movies through Comcast's On Demand, but now we have Red Box at our local grocery store. We've used it twice now. lol But it's cheap and convenient! Besides the fact that I now have to go back to returning movies. Oh well. It saves us lots of $$$$$!
And I think I might buy a season. I figure, there's nothing wrong with watching dog training over and over, it's all about repetition anyway.
Amazon starts at .99!

I'm watching Dog Whisperer episodes @ $1.99 a pop now.

I was talking about streaming movies, not TV shows, but maybe there are movies for less than $2.99...just haven't been there often enough to notice.

There are. And they have daily specials for streaming movies, too.

I watch more streaming movies than tv.

Also hulu sometimes has surprising stuff, and for free...but if you want something particular sometimes it takes a lot of looking.
Any here planning to dump them due to the increase? I was..but then I thought about it. Unlimited streaming movies from an extremely large selection and 1 dvd out at a time for 16 bucks a month is way cheaper than Charter Cable and their very small selections of free movies. I'm keeping Netflix. What about you?

Yeah I've gotten that message too.

Don't you just love the way their "do nothing" option really just means that your cost of the service just went up 50%?

I may can the one DVD a month option. Hate to do since I and a friend often watch the DVDs that you cannot watch on instant stream. But I might (after I see all of Deadwood) because of the sleazy way they're trying to impose a 50% increase and pretending that they're doing me a FAVOR.
We are using their one month free trial right now, thinking about joining. So you think it's the best deal out there? Good movies and such?

I think they have a great selection, myself. Lots of foreign flicks, too. I like them because they give us Starz...which has the Spartacus series. They don't have HBO though. least I can watch Spartacus. And many other movies. I like the selection, personally. I have watched more movies than any other time in my life..and some I wouldn't even know about without netflix. And they are cheaper than my cable service.

Grace, you might be able to catch HBO shows on internet sites like sidereel or hulu. I know you can watch Showtime shows there. That's how we've watched some of Dexter.

We had a free 1 month trial of Blockbuster (as the stores were going out of business). After an initial mixup that worked pretty well. I flew through the first four seasons of Rescue Me using it.

We have a free trail for one month of Netflix. I think we'll give it a try and see how we like it although I'm not sure we'll sign up. I hate that movie rental stores are a thing of the past. I enjoyed the 'spur of the moment' freedom it gave you and just browsing around the store. I guess the Redbox type things are as close as I'll get to a rental store, eh?

We have Xfinity (Comcast) though and we get On Demand but renting a new release movie from there is $5. Redbox and the like seem like a better option for occasional rentals.

Actually, we've been having problems with On Demand for the past few months. Basically it was a crap shoot as to whether it would work or not. The service guy just left. I don't know why people complain about Comcast. He was on time, did the work, was uber helpful and super nice . . . ok, so he was cutie pie too. :D He replaced bad splitters we had put in -- um, that the hubs had put in :rolleyes: -- and spent 45 minutes outside replaced old ground box and wiring, etc. Fingers crosssed that O.D. works on demand.
Netflix is not compatible with Linux...sooo...nope.
For whatever reason netflix is the only streaming video site on the web whose licence only works if the user is using Internet Explorer running Media Player.

I use Chrome, and Netflix works fine.

Your use to only be IE...but it still doesn't work with Linux.
Reason being they rely on Silverlight for the DRM

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