Nevada to consider driver privilege cards for illegal aliens

Of course, Democraps are criminals supporting other criminals.

Hopefully when an illegal drives into Colorado and kills someone....the family sues the shit out of Nevada and the legislators that pass the law.
A damn university in Cali is giving 200 ( I think) scholarships to illegals. Fuckin makes me sick. Watch someone get killed by an illegal. If that happens I hope they sue the shit out of the state!!!!!!!!
What a waste of money! It's not like these illegals will really ever amount to anything but other drop outs. Watch and see, the few that graduate will be complaining because they aren't citizens and can't find a job.
A CA taxpayer should sue the school for fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer money.

Someone living in CA isn't paying taxes so that an illegal can be singled out and given taxpayer benefits. Illegals benefit from driving on our roads, invading our hospitals and schools, etc....but giving them taxpayer money to attend college is illegal.

A damn university in Cali is giving 200 ( I think) scholarships to illegals. Fuckin makes me sick. Watch someone get killed by an illegal. If that happens I hope they sue the shit out of the state!!!!!!!!
No concern that the people these idiots are considering offering driving privileges to just might not have the ability to read English road signs which just might put the legal citizens in danger... No problem at all.
Since Democraps don't care about breaking the law by supporting criminals....the best way to stop them is get lawyers to warn them that they will be sued to death once an illegal "sponsored" by Nevada kills or hurts someone in a wreck.

No concern that the people these idiots are considering offering driving privileges to just might not have the ability to read English road signs which just might put the legal citizens in danger... No problem at all.
Give the illegals anything they want, cause what they get the demoncraps can't have cause the illegals already got it. get it?
It's against federal law to encourage illegals to reside in america and that is what giving them drivers licenses does. Naturally obozo refuses to enforce the law.
I would set up something to hand out these cards.. and when they go to take the photo, you have INS agents come out and whisk them away
It's against federal law to encourage illegals to reside in america and that is what giving them drivers licenses does. Naturally obozo refuses to enforce the law.

demoncraps don't give two shits about American law. Son, we gots sancturary cities here in America.

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