Never-fail prediction system shows 2012 win for Obama

I didn't realize that the United States was in the business of enforcing UN resolutions? Why would the UN not enforce it's own broken resolutions? If it was because they were weak, why wouldn't the UN support us in enforcing their resolutions? Why didn't we listen to the UN weapon's inspector, Hans Blix?

I thought conservatives hated the UN? I guess you hate it until you need to use it to support Bush's war adventurism. You can't have it both ways.

Every time this lousy house of cards is set up, it is easily toppled.

Why did we get involved in Kosovo under Clinton if we were not in the business of enforcing UN resolutions?

And I hold Congress accountable for not doing due diligence. It cost HRC my vote in the last primary. Then again, there portion of the blame is much smaller in my eyes. The President made the case for war, the President either knowingly or unknowingly crooked the facts to trump up a case for war, and the President is the Commander in Chief.

What makes you think they did not use due diligence? Do you honestly think the evidence at the time did not support the resolution? Do you think Congress has some sort of time machine where they can go back and change the past? Are you actually John Kerry?

"Pre-emptive war" is an idiotic doctrine and I don't think war would have been justified if there were WMDs (at least not a unilateral action). As it stands, there were no WMDs, we looked stupid and lost esteem in the world's eyes, we strengthened Iran and China, we weakened ourselves financially and for what? Because Bush believed that Iraq had WMDs.

Preemptive war is an established international doctrine, and is perfectly legal under all articles of war ever drawn up. Only idiots wait for to get smacked upside the head before they block the swing.

Rehash all you want. Bush was the President. Only he could "pull that trigger". It doesn't matter how idiotic the Democrats were. In the end, Bush made the decision to go to war and that decision was made long before Democrats started screaming about it.

Dredging up quotes is as idiotic as pointing out that Clinton thought he had WMDs too. Obviously, Clinton didn't feel he had sufficient proof justify invasion.

Or maybe he realized something that the dullard Bush didn't: Invading Iraq would result in a slow bleed insurgency fight that would last years. Maybe he actually listened to Shinseki. Ironic that the "draft dodger" knew his tactics and military history better than the mighty warrior king from the TANG.

Wow, you must think Clinton is the smartest person in the history of the universe.
Overall, 42% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) at least somewhat disapprove.

I do believe this is his worst numbers to date........ Even if you think Rasmussen is wrong.
You have GOT to be shitting us.:eek:

EVERY politician does that... makes promises when they know they have no control over the ultimate outcome. You've never heard of campaign promises? You seriously think politicians have control over the ultimate outcomes of the promises they make in order to get elected?

That statement is so utterly stupid, it goes in my sig for the moment. Thanks! :rofl:

I'm not talking about campaign promises. I'm talking about promises with numbers attached to them. For example, no politician in office is going to promise that gas is never going to go above X dollars per gallon while they're in office because they know they don't (and can't) control the price of oil. Of course, Bachmann does seem to be an exception in that regard since she recently made some kind of pledge that gas would go to $2.00 per gallon if and when she was elected. But again, that's a campaign promise and not a promise made after being elected.

Nice attempt to backpedal.

[ame=]Obama will cut deficit in half FEB 2009 - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds like numbers to me, and totally beyond his control.

Things would be so much different in this country today if he had actually worked to keep that promise. Hell, even if he didn't succeed, but had actually worked to keep that promise things would be much better than they are right now.

I didn't realize that the United States was in the business of enforcing UN resolutions? Why would the UN not enforce it's own broken resolutions? If it was because they were weak, why wouldn't the UN support us in enforcing their resolutions? Why didn't we listen to the UN weapon's inspector, Hans Blix?

I thought conservatives hated the UN? I guess you hate it until you need to use it to support Bush's war adventurism. You can't have it both ways.

Every time this lousy house of cards is set up, it is easily toppled.

Why did we get involved in Kosovo under Clinton if we were not in the business of enforcing UN resolutions?

The differences are, of course, in Kosovo we were acting under the behest of the UN and fulfilling one of our obligations as a member of the security council. We didn't unilaterally decide we were going to uphold UN resolutions that the UN had no interest in upholding. You see, the whole point of the UNITED Nations is that the nations work together.

Don't be obtuse. You know the "UN violations" talking point is just a lame excuse to try and justify Bush's war buildup.

Oh, the other difference? Clinton didn't lie about our reasons for going into Kosovo. Whether you agree with it or not, preventing genocide was always the stated mission.

What makes you think they did not use due diligence? Do you honestly think the evidence at the time did not support the resolution? Do you think Congress has some sort of time machine where they can go back and change the past? Are you actually John Kerry?

It's their job to keep the President straight. They should have actually looked into what the war would have really entailed instead of getting wrapped up in the idiotic saber rattling.

Of course I don't think they can "go back in time". Stop being such a drama queen. You see, in this country there is this notion were we actually expect our elected officials to make the right decisions at the right time and not pull a "damn that was a mistake" or (worse) just change the facts around.

Preemptive war is an established international doctrine, and is perfectly legal under all articles of war ever drawn up. Only idiots wait for to get smacked upside the head before they block the swing.

Pre-emptive war is idiotic as applied to the modern battlefield. It makes us the bully, the aggressor, and sets us up for looking retarded and losing the esteem of the world when that magical smoking gun just doesn't materialize.

No organized nation is going to "smack us upside the head". We are a fucking nuclear super-power. We are extremely proficient at destroying governments (not so good at picking up the pieces).

"War to prevent war" is some sort of Orwellian talking point that some suckers in our society are apparently stupid enough to buy into.

Wow, you must think Clinton is the smartest person in the history of the universe.

No. Just smarter than Bush.
The differences are, of course, in Kosovo we were acting under the behest of the UN and fulfilling one of our obligations as a member of the security council. We didn't unilaterally decide we were going to uphold UN resolutions that the UN had no interest in upholding. You see, the whole point of the UNITED Nations is that the nations work together.

The difference is Clinton did it, but thanks for laying out your stance as a hack.

Don't be obtuse. You know the "UN violations" talking point is just a lame excuse to try and justify Bush's war buildup.

I am not being obtuse. I am pointing out that Clinton using the UN as an excuse made it easier for Bush when he used the same argument to justify Iraq.

That actually means you are being obtuse and not understanding the simple fact that every single time a president oversteps his authority and does not get slapped down it makes it easier for the next president that wants to do something to get away with it. That is not a partisan issue, except in the minds of people who object only when one side does it.

Oh, the other difference? Clinton didn't lie about our reasons for going into Kosovo. Whether you agree with it or not, preventing genocide was always the stated mission.

Neither did Bush. Agree with it or not, even Blix thought Saddam was hiding something, and was asking for more authority to make unannounced inspections because he believed he could find it.

It's their job to keep the President straight. They should have actually looked into what the war would have really entailed instead of getting wrapped up in the idiotic saber rattling.

What makes you think they didn't? The Pentagon wargames everything, and has all the scenarios laid out, they then assign values to each of the results. They don't get it right all the time, but claiming they don't think about is ignorance.

Of course I don't think they can "go back in time". Stop being such a drama queen. You see, in this country there is this notion were we actually expect our elected officials to make the right decisions at the right time and not pull a "damn that was a mistake" or (worse) just change the facts around.

Who expects people to always make the right decisions? I do not know what country you live in, but in the America I live in I expect people, even leaders, to make mistakes. The military expects this also, which is why they always debrief after a mission, and lay out everything that happened. They point what went right, and what went wrong.

I have more respect for anyone who can admit that they were wrong than I do anyone who thinks they can always make the right decision. People are human, they make mistakes, and it is really easy to second guess with the benefit of hindsight. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt when they do things wrong.

Pre-emptive war is idiotic as applied to the modern battlefield. It makes us the bully, the aggressor, and sets us up for looking retarded and losing the esteem of the world when that magical smoking gun just doesn't materialize.

You think it makes more sense to watch, as a thought experiment, China building up a massive naval and amphibious capability, watch them move their army to a staging area, and wait until they actually attack Taiwan before we do something?

Tell me something, do you actually use your brain, or is it just there to keep your heart beating?

No organized nation is going to "smack us upside the head". We are a fucking nuclear super-power. We are extremely proficient at destroying governments (not so good at picking up the pieces).

Ever wonder why Saddam thought he could get away with invading Kuwait? Could it possibly be because he thought he could actually stand up to the US military if we decided to stop him? Or did he believe that the US was extremely unlikely to actually intervene because he was not challenging us directly?

"War to prevent war" is some sort of Orwellian talking point that some suckers in our society are apparently stupid enough to buy into.

By that logic we should never have gotten involved in Europe during WWII. People who are not willing to fight to protect others will eventually end up dying because no one will fight for them. I hate the idea of us being the police of the world, but there are times when the only real choice is to fight. Anyone who does not understand that simple fact is a complete idiot.

No. Just smarter than Bush.

And, as I pointed out, even if Clinton is smarter than Bush, Bush is still smarter than you.
Some of the *things* obama promised but didnt follow thou on
close quatamino bay ... still open
cut govt waste ... excuse me while i laugh
not have any * lobbyist *in his cabinet ... its full of them
bring the troops home .... they are still waiting
promised to work with the republicans and not be partisan .. so he passes legislation behind closed doors
promised not to raise taxes ... of course raising the tax on cigarettes giving one example dont count

i want him to make one promise he will keep

then ill forgive him for not doing the rest
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If Obama wins I am going to become and illegal alien and improve my current living conditions, free house, free food, free health care, it just keeps getting better and better.
If Obama wins I am going to become and illegal alien and improve my current living conditions, free house, free food, free health care, it just keeps getting better and better.
With a better disposable income than those that have to work for it I suspect?
joking it up about 'shovel ready not being so shovel ready'?

That's not a scandal. it's not even in poor taste. This:

[ame=]Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Was in poor taste.

10.1% UE when he promised never over 8%.
we found tons of bombs, some uranium, and the machines to makes all sorts of chemical/biological weapons but not specifically wmd's.

you will have to excuse me for not playing along

There was no promise, dingleberry. Will you people let that shit go?
I really don't care how hard the mainstream media pushes the election of their golden boy if the economy stay's or get worse than what it is no way in hell will he win, yet if he does win it will show just how corrupt our electorial process is.
I really don't care how hard the mainstream media pushes the election of their golden boy if the economy stay's or get worse than what it is no way in hell will he win, yet if he does win it will show just how corrupt our electorial process is.
Democrats are bailing on him...and it won't be long before the Media follows suit...patience...
There was no promise, dingleberry. Will you people let that shit go?

Of course there was, you anal dwelling Obama butt monkey.

When the White House releases a report that says 'If we enact the stimulus, this is where unemployment will be...', and uses said report to push the legislation to the public... it's a promise.

If it wasn't a promise, then it was a lie.

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