never seen so much short-attention-span folks as here at the forum!


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
You do your research, you find very interesting information and you post it here and it gets a few replies but then people just move on... to some other poster who has... done the research, found interesting information and posted it.............who in turn moves on to someone else who has done some research, found interesting information, posted it here

No wonder our country is in such disrepair and anxiety and etc....

I don't know what the answer is.... other than the answer I have given many times before:


We all need to focus on HIM and His commandments and His WORK. There is so much work to be done to Christianize our insane world.

Someone once had a saying for this:

busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

that's how busy we should be trying to Christianize this sick world. It's not going to get better until everyone does his or her share.
Some could stop taking part in all the new frivolous topics that are only meant for trolling.
You do your research, you find very interesting information and you post it here and it gets a few replies but then people just move on... to some other poster who has... done the research, found interesting information and posted it.............who in turn moves on to someone else who has done some research, found interesting information, posted it here

No wonder our country is in such disrepair and anxiety and etc....

I don't know what the answer is.... other than the answer I have given many times before:


We all need to focus on HIM and His commandments and His WORK. There is so much work to be done to Christianize our insane world.

Someone once had a saying for this:

busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

that's how busy we should be trying to Christianize this sick world. It's not going to get better until everyone does his or her share.
We might be in the 'famine of the word' end time period. The church will finally "Come out of her" and "separate yourselves" and see the vengeance of God upon the wicked. :mad:
Well OP everyone's plate is too full to dwell on the mundane for too long.

That and a lot of folks here take themselves and what they post way too serious.

I bet they are no fun at parties. ;)
Well OP everyone's plate is too full to dwell on the mundane for too long.

That and a lot of folks here take themselves and what they post way too serious.

I bet they are no fun at parties. ;)
I'm not sure I want to go to a party with that Jesus-shouter, either.
You do your research, you find very interesting information and you post it here and it gets a few replies but then people just move on... to some other poster who has... done the research, found interesting information and posted it.............who in turn moves on to someone else who has done some research, found interesting information, posted it here

No wonder our country is in such disrepair and anxiety and etc....

I don't know what the answer is.... other than the answer I have given many times before:


We all need to focus on HIM and His commandments and His WORK. There is so much work to be done to Christianize our insane world.

Someone once had a saying for this:

busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

that's how busy we should be trying to Christianize this sick world. It's not going to get better until everyone does his or her share.
Seriously, you think this religious nut stuff is what we should all perseverate on hour after hour? I think you may need a different forum!
I don't know what the answer is.... other than the answer I have given many times before:

Unfortunately your imagined solution suits some people but not the majority . It is completely illogical. Zero evidential link.
It also lacks empirical support evidence.

But cults can believe what they choose as long as their peculiar beliefs do not harm others.
Christians tend to be law abiding tax payers so their irrationalities can be tolerated.
A bit like pets that bark but mean well .Often a nuisance but with some redeeming features .
We might be in the 'famine of the word' end time period. The church will finally "Come out of her" and "separate yourselves" and see the vengeance of God upon the wicked. :mad:
um.... maybe you could elaborate some?
Unfortunately your imagined solution suits some people but not the majority . It is completely illogical. Zero evidential link.
It also lacks empirical support evidence.

But cults can believe what they choose as long as their peculiar beliefs do not harm others.
Christians tend to be law abiding tax payers so their irrationalities can be tolerated.
A bit like pets that bark but mean well .Often a nuisance but with some redeeming features .
well, you just spoutate from where you are at

I have studied history of the Church and there was a time when the Church Christ founded was the center of any given society (town or city). It used to be everyone believed the same thing about God and Christ and true dogma. Now, because of this any-religion-goes BS, we have... Oh we're shocked! We have CHAOS

gee... whoda thunk that would happen? !

Seriously, you think this religious nut stuff is what we should all perseverate on hour after hour? I think you may need a different forum!
You are the one who is wrong. And there is no such word as "perseverate"


Most people don't know the first thing about the Church CHRIST founded on Earth. That is not their fault (it is largely Luther's & other false teachers') but when they get clues about such, they should pay attention and seek and find, as Christ instructed
Well OP everyone's plate is too full to dwell on the mundane for too long.

That and a lot of folks here take themselves and what they post way too serious.

I bet they are no fun at parties. ;)
The noob, Rumpole, takes himself way too seriously.

Then again, he’s likely just a bot. Those pesky Red Chinese are like that.
You are the one who is wrong. And there is no such word as "perseverate"

Not well educated, I see. You didn't even bother to look it up: you didn't remember it so you assumed the word didn't exist.

Perseverate: to repeat something insistently or redundantly. Like you do with your irrelevant Jesus trope. Now I suppose you'll say "trope" isn't a word either!!

Why not go onto a Christian list? Worn out your welcome at all of them?
so go to Hell instead

your choice
So people who don't do what you tell them to (especially women, I'm SURE) all go to Hell, in your happy little fantasy? You aren't really a well man, are you? Mentally?
Not well educated, I see. You didn't even bother to look it up: you didn't remember it so you assumed the word didn't exist.

Perseverate: to repeat something insistently or redundantly. Like you do with your irrelevant Jesus trope. Now I suppose you'll say "trope" isn't a word either!!

Why not go onto a Christian list? Worn out your welcome at all of them?
There are red squiggly lines on that word

both of your posts

there was a time when the Church Christ founded was the center of any given society (town or city). It used to be everyone believed the same thing about God and Christ and true dogma. Now, because of this any-religion-goes BS, we have... Oh we're shocked! We have CHAOS
Few in this age haven't heard of the gospel. And, "as in the days of Noah" regarding corruption of nearly everything, we certainly are.

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

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