Never Stand In Line Again.


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
When former U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, was called into the Oval Office by Barack Obama, he knew things weren't going to go well when the President accused him of not supporting him in his political role as President.

"It"s not my job to support you as a politician, Mr. President, it's my job to support you as Commander-in-Chief," McChrystal replied and he handed Obama his resignation.

Not satisfied with accepting McChrystal's resignation the President made a cheap parting shot. "I bet when I die you'll be happy to pee on my grave."

The General saluted. "Mr. President, I always told myself after leaving the Army I'd never stand in line again.
One month from the post above there are exactly zero contributions from anyone.

And this thread isn't that far below the average number of responses to either your posts or threads you start.

Why do you suppose that is, repqueen?
One month from the post above there are exactly zero contributions from anyone.

And this thread isn't that far below the average number of responses to either your posts or threads you start.

Why do you suppose that is, repqueen?
You don't have to respond to a joke post to appreciate it. This is the HUMOR forum! Get a goddamned grip!
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McCrystal being a four star was the joke?

I am laughing out loud, but not at the original post. What kind of people think it is funny for a career asslicking clown like McCrystal to kill Americans incompetently and still get promoted? That is just not funny.

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