NEW: 2nd-grade teacher who was arrested for being drunk in class is no longer facing charges because "it is not illegal to teach drunk."

I suspect it's not against the law to show up for a lot of jobs drunk or hungover that doesn't make doing so right but we are in an era where professionalism, standards and accountable no longer matter so I can't say this is surprising.

"it is not illegal to teach drunk."​

No kidding. My high school art teacher used to come to 1st period, tell us to draw and fall
asleep at his desk.
Not sure how how teachers could teach what they teach and not be drunk. All teachers are drunk.
If the teacher was dismissed, I thank the authorities for making the rest of us aware of how far their own brain trains are not travelling these days. Perhaps they should be checked to see if they are drunk.

God bless you and the students always!!!


P.S. Considering the fact that drinking impairs a person's judgement, I can't help but wonder what kind of things the teacher was "teaching" them kids.
God bless lawyers.

It seems wild and outlandish but there is some understandable reasoning. Being against the schools code of conduct is separate from being illegal. The authorities could not find enough evidence to prosecute for DWI.

Should showing up intoxicated to work be a crime? Is it the governments business or is this a employer/ employee issue
This is where we are at in Democrat Hell in 2024.

This is what and who Democrats represent and are doing to the rest of us.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for insanity.

X, U can safely bet the farm that her attorney's name is mister 'TEACHER$ UNION'. Commies of a feather flock together!
If there are no laws against this, one's should simply be made up on the spot and charge her with them?

Is that really what you are arguing here?

Can she and should she be fired? Yes.

Very few jobs where it is illegal to show up drunk ... it's tolerated on some construction sites as long as they're not running equipment ... the basic grunt can nail 2x4s to X's even whilst drunk ... go into the crawl space of your home, see all the beer cans? ... painters are the worst, on the other side of a paint can opener is a beer bottle opener ...

I preferred to work for companies that didn't tolerate that ... fired yes, prison no ...


I have one of these in each of my many tool boxes ... and I don't paint ...
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