New Hampshire governor wants to ban cell phones from schools

Don't want me in such a game? Don't show me how to play it.

God bless you always!!!

Read carefully: Cell phones INCREASE violence in schools, ENCOURAGE cyberbullying; and ARE often used in illegal, immoral, and otherwise detrimental ways.
^^^ Why should the responsible kids be punished because the other kids have brain trains that can only travel so far a distance?

God bless you always!!!

So do telegraph lines. Irrelevant. You are better than this.

There is a land line in my classroom. In the event of an emergency, it is encouraged that we use the land line to call out and/or to call the main office. There is no telegraph line in my classroom.
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So do telegraph lines. Irrelevant. You are better than this.
Oh no he’s not. He doesn’t even know the US is an empire. He denies it over and over, but offers no evidence or explanation or than words have meaning…lol.
View attachment 1065957

You left out the "at common law" part. Jones wasn't sued under common law. He was sued under civil law that exists in statutes. There is a difference between common law and statutory law.

You also left out the part where he repeatedly defied the court and refused to comply with discovery orders for evidence.
Common law includes civil law, you moron.

As for your second argument, the 7A makes no exceptions. Judges can't say, "I don't think you are being cooperative so i am cancelling your 7A rights." THINK
Jones had a jury trial. He refused to provide a defense and lost. That's how it works. If you get sued and refuse to provide a defense, you lose.

No - the judge never let the jury decide the case. Never even let jones present his evidence. The judge just announced jones was liable and let the jury decide damages. DO SOME RESEARCH, you insect!!
Common law includes civil law, you moron.

As for your second argument, the 7A makes no exceptions. Judges can't say, "I don't think you are being cooperative so i am cancelling your 7A rights." THINK

You are gaslighting yourself again. I posted proof above that he had a jury trial.
Yes, Alex Jones did have a jury trial. In October 2022, a Connecticut jury ordered him to pay nearly $1 billion in damages to the families of Sandy Hook victims for his defamatory claims about the 2012 school shooting2. This was one of the trials he faced for spreading false information.
You are a liar. That was no jury trial. The jury was not allowed to decide if jones was liable or not. The judge declared he was liable and told the jury to set damages.
Common law includes civil law, you moron.

As for your second argument, the 7A makes no exceptions. Judges can't say, "I don't think you are being cooperative so i am cancelling your 7A rights." THINK

You didn't even read the link previously supplied. You should try it before calling someone more informed than you a moron.

So let's make pictures in case that is your preferred learning style.


Here is the next important part...

Now we'll try to bring it together for you.

Alex Jones was sued under Defamation law in the various jurisdictions where his cased were tried. The Defamation laws under which he was tried were codified by the State Legislatures as part of Statutory law which can Civil and Criminal components. Defamation is Civil Law allowing redress for passed by a Legislature (so therefore NOT "Common Law").

Civil =/= Common

Hope this helps.


You are a liar. That was no jury trial. The jury was not allowed to decide if jones was liable or not. The judge declared he was liable and told the jury to set damages.

According to the trial records, indeed it was a jury trial.

Your opinion, though, is meaningless.
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