New here


Mar 30, 2012
To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.
Enjoy the conspiracy threads.
Oh yeah, conspiracies, I love them. And while we're on that subject, I must ask, is everyone ready for the BIG event? I am. Well . . . almost. I think I may need more aluminum foil. Can never have enough of that you know. Oh, an popcorn too. Popcorn goes good with conspiracies, especially doom conspiracies. :popcorn: Love doom too.
[ame=]Psyco - Lighten up Francis - YouTube[/ame]
Welcome....i think i'm going to have to get used to you. Or maybe not...... :)
To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.

I don't think I've heard an adult use the word 'icky' in quite some time :lol:
Anywho.......Hello0o0oo00oooo and welcome~
I'm one of "those" that wants to be left alone. I do not want to be forced to become whatever anyone else would desire I become, be it a capitalist, or commie, or religious/superstitious, or a citizen, or white, or black, or whatever. I'm part of the leave me alone and get out of my face crowd.
To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.
[ame=]AC/DC - Who Made Who (Official Video) HD 1020p - YouTube[/ame]
I'm one of "those" that wants to be left alone. I do not want to be forced to become whatever anyone else would desire I become, be it a capitalist, or commie, or religious/superstitious, or a citizen, or white, or black, or whatever. I'm part of the leave me alone and get out of my face crowd.

Like a sociopath?
Like a sociopath?

Yeah, but only out of necessity, because of the increasing number of parasites among humanity. I think it's a natural survival instinct, you know, to withdraw and hide when you think a predator/parasite is looking to take advantage of you. Of course, if necessary, I can become quite socially engaged too, when provoked to defend my inalienable rights. :Boom2: :D
I'm one of "those" that wants to be left alone. I do not want to be forced to become whatever anyone else would desire I become, be it a capitalist, or commie, or religious/superstitious, or a citizen, or white, or black, or whatever. I'm part of the leave me alone and get out of my face crowd.

I liked all that. I like being one, unto myself, setting my own agendas, with no constraints. I have no needs that are not being met. I "really" like that, a lot! :lol:

***WELCOME*** to USMB, inALIENable.
To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.

It takes all kinds to have some fun. Welcome.
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I'm one of "those" that wants to be left alone. I do not want to be forced to become whatever anyone else would desire I become, be it a capitalist, or commie, or religious/superstitious, or a citizen, or white, or black, or whatever. I'm part of the leave me alone and get out of my face crowd.

[ame=]Cracker - Turn On Tune In Drop Out - YouTube[/ame]
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.

I used to feel that way when I was about 14, too.

It'll pass.
I'm quite happy and content when left alone. I am self employed and work only enough to fund myself and nobody else (unless you count my pets), and I use the remainder of my time engaged in my hobbies which are photography, electronics and amateur radio, and autonomous aviation (LOL, I build and fly vertical drones, my current being a multiWii Y6 design). I don't like alcohol but enjoy smoking medicinal to unwind the mind now and then. When I'm left alone in my own little world, everything is perfect. It's only when some of you rejects out there start fucking up my private little world that I start to become unhinged, and potentially dangerous. What the hell is wrong with some of you humans out there that just can't seem to mind your own life, business, and affairs, why do you think you have a right to disturb another persons life and start making demands of them, hum?

Seriously, fuck off WORLD, namely you commietards out there that just won't leave others alone. What do we have to do to get you off Our backs, kill you all?

Gawd, seriously, what's wrong with some humans? What's wrong with many of them?

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