New here

I'm quite happy and content when left alone. I am self employed and work only enough to fund myself and nobody else (unless you count my pets), and I use the remainder of my time engaged in my hobbies which are photography, electronics and amateur radio, and autonomous aviation (LOL, I build and fly vertical drones, my current being a multiWii Y6 design). I don't like alcohol but enjoy smoking medicinal to unwind the mind now and then. When I'm left alone in my own little world, everything is perfect. It's only when some of you rejects out there start fucking up my private little world that I start to become unhinged, and potentially dangerous. What the hell is wrong with some of you humans out there that just can't seem to mind your own life, business, and affairs, why do you think you have a right to disturb another persons life and start making demands of them, hum?

Seriously, fuck off WORLD, namely you commietards out there that just won't leave others alone. What do we have to do to get you off Our backs, kill you all?

Gawd, seriously, what's wrong with some humans? What's wrong with many of them?
See, this is what I don't get. Some self-impose isolation from the public for whatever reason, yet come to a messageboard to communicate with the public.

Whatever. Welcome.
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To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.

hmm, okay

Well on the plus side, you won't be boring.

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Reactions: Jos
I'm quite happy and content when left alone. I am self employed and work only enough to fund myself and nobody else (unless you count my pets), and I use the remainder of my time engaged in my hobbies which are photography, electronics and amateur radio, and autonomous aviation (LOL, I build and fly vertical drones, my current being a multiWii Y6 design). I don't like alcohol but enjoy smoking medicinal to unwind the mind now and then. When I'm left alone in my own little world, everything is perfect. It's only when some of you rejects out there start fucking up my private little world that I start to become unhinged, and potentially dangerous. What the hell is wrong with some of you humans out there that just can't seem to mind your own life, business, and affairs, why do you think you have a right to disturb another persons life and start making demands of them, hum?

Seriously, fuck off WORLD, namely you commietards out there that just won't leave others alone. What do we have to do to get you off Our backs, kill you all?

Gawd, seriously, what's wrong with some humans? What's wrong with many of them?

Fuck you too.
LOL, for years I've been asking why is it that some people just can't leave others alone and never once have any of these in-your-face creatures explained themselves and this idea in their head that I and others are here to service their demands and must believe what they believe.

Why do some people seem to have a cow when someone simply wants to be left the hell alone? Why do some people think they have some kind of god given right to impose their beliefs and demands upon others?

Get it through your thick skulls all you tards out there: some of us do not want to be commies, muslims, christians, jews, nazis, citizens, racists, white, black, socialists, poor, rich, enslaved, married, gay, angry, etc., etc., etc. The sign on my door that reads No Soliciting applies to one and all.

Seriously, for the life of me, I just can't understand some of you out there.

Hey, muslims, commies, boy scouts, global warming alarmists, whatever kind of interfering troublemaking tard you happen to be, knock it off with your threats and intimidations and demands that I and others must subscribe to and bow down to your demands and beliefs. Creeps.
LOL, for years I've been asking why is it that some people just can't leave others alone and never once have any of these in-your-face creatures explained themselves and this idea in their head that I and others are here to service their demands and must believe what they believe.

Why do some people seem to have a cow when someone simply wants to be left the hell alone? Why do some people think they have some kind of god given right to impose their beliefs and demands upon others?

Get it through your thick skulls all you tards out there: some of us do not want to be commies, muslims, christians, jews, nazis, citizens, racists, white, black, socialists, poor, rich, enslaved, married, gay, angry, etc., etc., etc. The sign on my door that reads No Soliciting applies to one and all.

Seriously, for the life of me, I just can't understand some of you out there.

Hey, muslims, commies, boy scouts, global warming alarmists, whatever kind of interfering troublemaking tard you happen to be, knock it off with your threats and intimidations and demands that I and others must subscribe to and bow down to your demands and beliefs. Creeps.

Welcome, sweetie!! :D
To summarize,

I am anti-authoritarian (... unless you got a note from my creator saying you are the boss of me)

I hate commies (don't you parasites out there dare try to make me your slave or sugar daddy)

I believe "income" taxes are immoral (it's a form of involuntary slavery - tax spending, not earnings)

I am not religious (a.k.a. superstitious)

. . . and ...

I wish space aliens would come to Earth and harvest 90% of humanity. :lol:

oh, p.s., I also don't like humans very much any more . . . they are icky . . . and dangerous too.

we all be sooooo ickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! and you be sooooo wonderrrrrrful!!!

LOL, for years I've been asking why is it that some people just can't leave others alone and never once have any of these in-your-face creatures explained themselves and this idea in their head that I and others are here to service their demands and must believe what they believe.

Why do some people seem to have a cow when someone simply wants to be left the hell alone? Why do some people think they have some kind of god given right to impose their beliefs and demands upon others?

Get it through your thick skulls all you tards out there: some of us do not want to be commies, muslims, christians, jews, nazis, citizens, racists, white, black, socialists, poor, rich, enslaved, married, gay, angry, etc., etc., etc. The sign on my door that reads No Soliciting applies to one and all.

Seriously, for the life of me, I just can't understand some of you out there.

Hey, muslims, commies, boy scouts, global warming alarmists, whatever kind of interfering troublemaking tard you happen to be, knock it off with your threats and intimidations and demands that I and others must subscribe to and bow down to your demands and beliefs. Creeps.

Hard to be enlightened when you shun authority figures like teachers.
I'm quite happy and content when left alone. I am self employed and work only enough to fund myself and nobody else (unless you count my pets), and I use the remainder of my time engaged in my hobbies which are photography, electronics and amateur radio, and autonomous aviation (LOL, I build and fly vertical drones, my current being a multiWii Y6 design). I don't like alcohol but enjoy smoking medicinal to unwind the mind now and then. When I'm left alone in my own little world, everything is perfect. It's only when some of you rejects out there start fucking up my private little world that I start to become unhinged, and potentially dangerous. What the hell is wrong with some of you humans out there that just can't seem to mind your own life, business, and affairs, why do you think you have a right to disturb another persons life and start making demands of them, hum?

Seriously, fuck off WORLD, namely you commietards out there that just won't leave others alone. What do we have to do to get you off Our backs, kill you all?

Gawd, seriously, what's wrong with some humans? What's wrong with many of them?

Hear that ticking sound, Francis? ................................................
Hear that ticking sound, Francis? ................................................

What the Fuck is with that Francis shit all the time, are you a tard?

Haha, you have to live with yourself and that's funny.

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