New Information About James Biden’s $200,000 Check to Joe Biden Emerges

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
The Oversight Committee says Joe is "refusing to provide applicable loan documentation to show he loaned his brother money"

There should be a check or a bank transfer that proves the Usurper loaned his brother money. Why is Joe scared of providing that information?

It's tie for Biden to either fish or cut bait. The DNC knows he can't 'win' another election by hiding in his basement so --

They want him gone. But he refuses to leave. So, they're going to make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to run again.

I've said before and I'll remind everybody -- The DNC has given up on winning the presidency. No way they can do that, so what they're doing now is trying to get the biggest drag on the DNC (Biden) to step away.

For WaPo to print a story like this; because the WaPo is, literally, nothing more than the DNC's Company Blog. For them to print this means Biden has not only the RNC and Trump to contend with but the entire Deep State.

How long can he last? What kind of "Cover Story" will the DNC use when he steps aside? Who will take his place...... Or should I say, what sacrificial lamb will be the DNC's spear-catcher next Fall. We live in interesting times, people.

I fucking LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that he wont leave.

The POS cult fucks refuse to admit he is a senile dementia patient. They are lying bags of shit and now they can deal with what they created.

HE is in perfect mental health and his age was not an issue in 2020....its not like his voters did not know his age.

The cult says Biden is perfect....therefore he should run in 2024,
Does it matter? Whoever ends up in the Oval Office will be controlled by the deep state.
Not as much with OMB. It's why he's so hated.

But, yeah, if they can't control him implicitly, they'll find a way to control his people, his cabinet, his appointments, etc.

The best we can hope for is for Trump to fight them long enough for the inevitable rot to settle in and for the Deep State to self-destruct.

Just with OMB being the favorite to win, we're seeing the facade start to crack. If he wins outright, they will panic and maybe, just maybe, they'll start to implode
Not as much with OMB. It's why he's so hated.

But, yeah, if they can't control him implicitly, they'll find a way to control his people, his cabinet, his appointments, etc.

The best we can hope for is for Trump to fight them long enough for the inevitable rot to settle in and for the Deep State to self-destruct.

Just with OMB being the favorite to win, we're seeing the facade start to crack. If he wins outright, they will panic and maybe, just maybe, they'll start to implode
Trump won’t fight the DS. He’ll be controlled by the DS. He’s not smart enough to know when he’s being controlled.
It just cracks me up that the lies of the cult fucks are so easily visible.

NO one but them believed Biden was fit to serve.

If you willingly voted for Biden, you are a tumbling dickweed and a stupid motherfucker.

RIDE OR DIE not jump off yet.
Trump won’t fight the DS. He’ll be controlled by the DS. He’s not smart enough to know when he’s being controlled.
No, you're wrong. Totally, completely and 100% absolutely wrong.

He'll fight it.

The question is: Will he succeed? And: Is he smart enough to succeed in fighting it?

THOSE are the relevant questions.

His problem is, and always has been, he does everything alone. And the job of POTUS is too big to do alone.

Another problem is, he is too trusting of family. He needs to put his daughter and her worthless husband on The Curb.

He also needs to be less loyal. If somebody can do the job, give it to him/her. If they can't, as in the case of the totally worthless and out-of-touch Jeff Sessions, don't give him or her the job.

If they CAN'T do the job after you've appointed them -- Then FIRE THEM!! I still think the reason he got into so much trouble was his reluctance to fir the piece of shit Comey. Comey should have been fired within ten seconds of Trump taking Office.

Bill Barr should have been fired after the first Month at Justice. Worthless and even worse -- Gutless.

Trump should have learned by now. But you never know. Old Dog, New Tricks and all like that.
No, you're wrong. Totally, completely and 100% absolutely wrong.

He'll fight it.

The question is: Will he succeed? And: Is he smart enough to succeed in fighting it?

THOSE are the relevant questions.

His problem is, and always has been, he does everything alone. And the job of POTUS is too big to do alone.

Another problem is, he is too trusting of family. He needs to put his daughter and her worthless husband on The Curb.

He also needs to be less loyal. If somebody can do the job, give it to him/her. If they can't, as in the case of the totally worthless and out-of-touch Jeff Sessions, don't give him or her the job.

If they CAN'T do the job after you've appointed them -- Then FIRE THEM!! I still think the reason he got into so much trouble was his reluctance to fir the piece of shit Comey. Comey should have been fired within ten seconds of Trump taking Office.

Bill Barr should have been fired after the first Month at Justice. Worthless and even worse -- Gutless.

Trump should have learned by now. But you never know. Old Dog, New Tricks and all like that.

It is a tough gig to learn on the job.

Trump had no idea how corrupt the Fed is and how deep the deep state actually is.

Rudy Guiliani is sure finsing out how Biden's DOJ is the NAZI GESTAPO.
No, you're wrong. Totally, completely and 100% absolutely wrong.

He'll fight it.

The question is: Will he succeed? And: Is he smart enough to succeed in fighting it?

THOSE are the relevant questions.

His problem is, and always has been, he does everything alone. And the job of POTUS is too big to do alone.

Another problem is, he is too trusting of family. He needs to put his daughter and her worthless husband on The Curb.

He also needs to be less loyal. If somebody can do the job, give it to him/her. If they can't, as in the case of the totally worthless and out-of-touch Jeff Sessions, don't give him or her the job.

If they CAN'T do the job after you've appointed them -- Then FIRE THEM!! I still think the reason he got into so much trouble was his reluctance to fir the piece of shit Comey. Comey should have been fired within ten seconds of Trump taking Office.

Bill Barr should have been fired after the first Month at Justice. Worthless and even worse -- Gutless.

Trump should have learned by now. But you never know. Old Dog, New Tricks and all like that.
Oh please. While potus he did nothing to curtail the DS. He expanded the war budget every year. Refused to release the JFK documents, because he feared the CIA. Did nothing to stop the government’s control on the MSM. Did nothing to reduce the power of the intelligence agencies. Refused to free Assange. Supported Israel unconditionally. And on and on…
The deep state created this brainless Biden monster.

The cult fucks went along with everything, even though the emperor had no clothes.

Now the cult fucks want to be rid of the whore they slept with.

Oh please. While potus he did nothing to curtail the DS. He expanded the war budget every year. Refused to release the JFK documents, because he feared the CIA. Did nothing to stop the government’s control on the MSM. Did nothing to reduce the power of the intelligence agencies. Refused to free Assange. Supported Israel unconditionally. And on and on…
Your view on OMB is typically myopic. To the point of absurdity. I guess, when you live in a fishbowl surrounded only by people who think exactly as you do -- Blindly, then that is bound to happen.

Trump rolled back or eliminated hundreds of regulations. Many of which were Deep State regulations that made no sense on Climate, drilling etc. Good job keeping up.

Here is an incomplete list -- Hundreds of examples of stupid regulations that Trump either killed or seriously rolled back.

Now go pick up your Leisure Suit from the Cleaners, I hear The Village People are on tour in your neck of the woods.
Does it matter? Whoever ends up in the Oval Office will be controlled by the deep state.
Surley not, if we can persuade the Boneheads that Dear Uncle Volodya would be a fine choice .
Before he came to power Russia was in a state which makes broken down US still look like Paradise in comparison .
Yet in five or six years an unbelievable miracle of change occurred which history has not yet recorded and written about .
I think the sales of indigestion medication would go stratospheric in such an imaginary scenario but Mr P has all of Trump's talents plus a brain, plus a powerful backing party and control of the media .
The irony is that it's a Biden Body Double! The real guy was either killed, died or is a captive somewhere while Obama has his Third Term
It's tie for Biden to either fish or cut bait. The DNC knows he can't 'win' another election by hiding in his basement so --

They want him gone. But he refuses to leave. So, they're going to make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to run again.

I've said before and I'll remind everybody -- The DNC has given up on winning the presidency. No way they can do that, so what they're doing now is trying to get the biggest drag on the DNC (Biden) to step away.

For WaPo to print a story like this; because the WaPo is, literally, nothing more than the DNC's Company Blog. For them to print this means Biden has not only the RNC and Trump to contend with but the entire Deep State.

How long can he last? What kind of "Cover Story" will the DNC use when he steps aside? Who will take his place...... Or should I say, what sacrificial lamb will be the DNC's spear-catcher next Fall. We live in interesting times, people.

When the LYING media stops lying for are FUCKED.

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