New Paper: Body condition of Barents Sea polar bears increased since 2004 despite sea ice loss


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
I wonder if Polar Bears taste good, since there are so many of them around these days.

Watts Up With That?

New Paper: Body condition of Barents Sea polar bears increased since 2004 despite sea ice loss

From Polar Bear Science

Posted on May 5, 2020 |


A recent paper that attempted to correlate pollution levels and body condition in Barents Sea polar bears reports it found body condition of female bears had increased between 2004 and 2017 despite a pronounced decline in summer and winter sea ice extent.


“Unexpectedly, body condition of female polar bears from the Barents Sea has increased after 2005, although sea ice has retreated by ∼50% since the late 1990s in the area, and the length of the ice-free season has increased by over 20 weeks between 1979 and 2013. These changes are also accompanied by winter sea ice retreat that is especially pronounced in the Barents Sea compared to other Arctic areas” [Lippold et al. 2019:988]

I wonder if Polar Bears taste good, since there are so many of them around these days.

Watts Up With That?

New Paper: Body condition of Barents Sea polar bears increased since 2004 despite sea ice loss

From Polar Bear Science

Posted on May 5, 2020 |


A recent paper that attempted to correlate pollution levels and body condition in Barents Sea polar bears reports it found body condition of female bears had increased between 2004 and 2017 despite a pronounced decline in summer and winter sea ice extent.

View attachment 332738

“Unexpectedly, body condition of female polar bears from the Barents Sea has increased after 2005, although sea ice has retreated by ∼50% since the late 1990s in the area, and the length of the ice-free season has increased by over 20 weeks between 1979 and 2013. These changes are also accompanied by winter sea ice retreat that is especially pronounced in the Barents Sea compared to other Arctic areas” [Lippold et al. 2019:988]

Good to hear. That means their adapting and wont go extinct.


Spoke too soon. The link goes back to a climate change denialist blog.
Last edited:
I wonder if Polar Bears taste good, since there are so many of them around these days.

Watts Up With That?

New Paper: Body condition of Barents Sea polar bears increased since 2004 despite sea ice loss

From Polar Bear Science

Posted on May 5, 2020 |


A recent paper that attempted to correlate pollution levels and body condition in Barents Sea polar bears reports it found body condition of female bears had increased between 2004 and 2017 despite a pronounced decline in summer and winter sea ice extent.

View attachment 332738

“Unexpectedly, body condition of female polar bears from the Barents Sea has increased after 2005, although sea ice has retreated by ∼50% since the late 1990s in the area, and the length of the ice-free season has increased by over 20 weeks between 1979 and 2013. These changes are also accompanied by winter sea ice retreat that is especially pronounced in the Barents Sea compared to other Arctic areas” [Lippold et al. 2019:988]

Good to hear. That means their adapting and wont go extinct.


Spoke too soon. The link goes back to a climate change denialist blog.

Your narrow minded reply is hilarious, since she posted a bunch of published papers for that article, some of them from people who don't agree with her.

They aren't adapting, they faced this before in the early interglacial (which lasted for centuries), and the previous Eemian interglacial that was even warmer than now.

You can remain ignorant with your petty bias, or join the community of people who try to understand what is going on.
Polar Bear Science

Pack Ice around Bear Island in the Barents Sea on 15 May: last time was 2003
Posted on May 15, 2020


It’s very open drift ice (1-4/10th concentration) but still: Bear Island (Bjørnøya) in the southern Barents Sea was still surrounded by pack ice at 15 May 2020. As far as I can tell from the Norwegian Ice Service archived ice charts, this hasn’t happened since 2003.



More ice than usual, hmmmm I thought Gore, Wadhams and other warmists/alarmists said there were supposed to be no more summer ice by year 2015 or so....

Polar Bear populations refuses to go down, despite that loss of ice since 2007...

It appears that the Polar Bears are doomed narrative, has withered away.

Low Arctic Summer ice cover hasn't hurt their population level at all, maybe that is why warmist/alarmists have gone quiet over it?


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