New pup


Oct 2, 2007
No pic yet, I can't find my stupid camera...

This weekend the kids and I were at the ballpark (we had 3 games on Saturday) and the mom of one of my son's teammates was there with a 15 - week old St. Bernard pup.

It's the last of the litter; they own the parents and have one litter a year. I managed to resist until now, but omg he was just too cute. He looked right into my face and that was it.

He'd never been out in public before; I don't think he'd ever had a leash on before, and he was so mellow and good. By the time I saw him he was pretty much fed up with people running up to him and loving on him...I let him sit with his head under my legs at the bleachers for a few, then I took him to the Explorer, gave him some water, and let him hang out in the car for the rest of the games. I went over every little bit to hoist him down and let him pee and water him, the kids ran over every now and then to show him off.
After the game we were traveling out of town (2 hour drive) to see family...all of whom have dogs. My mom has poodles, my son a big hound. I knew it had to be pretty intense of him, he's spent his life in a kennel but I banked on his age (15 weeks, not 8), his temperament (mellow) and his apparent good health carrying him through, and bless his heart, it did. We went home between two of the games and he met Mylo the Mighty, and that's when he started to perk up and take some real interest in us and everything else. He ran around the yard for a few minutes, then we went back for the final game. He hung out in the rig and rested, then we made the trip; he sat in between my very happy kids the whole way. We stopped a couple of times and he couldn't have been a better pup on the leash and about going to the bathroom and stuff.

My mother fell in love with him. She has a big fenced yard and porch; my plan was for him to spend the night outside; he's been an outside dog all his life. But he had other plans. Apparently he's a house dog. He is good about sleeping on his blankie, and he stays out of trouble.

What most impressed me was his stamina. A weekend like he just had - what with being removed from everything he knows, being dragged to a completely foreign situation (the game), being mauled by so many people, traveling, meeting new animals...that could be recipe for disaster for a younger, more volatile or timid animal. But he did great and seems none the worse for wear.

Mylo isn't thrilled but she's coping. My bed is her domain and he doesn't get to challenge that, so I think that helps her with any confidence issue she might have. I gave her lots of loves last night, and she seems to be okay with him now. He's great about food, has no issues over it, and she seems likewise unconcerned.

I think I'll leave him in the yard when the kids are at school and I'm at work; I considered leaving him in the house, but Mylo stays in the house and I think he would be best outside. I'm a little scared someone will take him, but I guess that's just a risk we'll have to take. I have a good yard for him; grass, shade, an enclosed porch and big doghouse.

Anyway, kinda long and boring post I know but that's our news over the weekend...we now have a new family member. We visited my son yesterday; we went out to eat and left Klaus in my son's big fenced yard with HIS dog, a big walker hound, and Klaus did great. Then we took him to Petco and picked up his food, collar, leash, name tag.....

Spending so much money on an animal that I have fallen head over heels for is pretty much the kiss of death. I suspect that he will come to a bad end; that's what usually happens if I spend a shitload of money on an animal and REALLY like it. I am not a person who generally goes for purebred dogs, or dogs that cost me much. I keep an open mind about dogs; I've gotten my best ones from shelters, not breeders. I go for dogs that fit well with my family, I don't want to breed them, and I'm in no way committed to getting puppies; I actually prefer getting grown dogs that might not have a great chance at a good life otherwise. Mylo was grown when I got her...she'd been tied up most of her life and ignored, and we've given her a wonderful life for the last 5 years. But I just clicked with Klaus, and he seems a perfect fit for the kids. My son is over the moon about having a big, manly dog. Mylo has her good points but she isn't exactly a tough looking dog, lol. Plus we don't take her anywhere, she's just too volatile, loud, neurotic. When we go out, Mylo stays home and it's for the best. But Klaus will be going with us everywhere, and already was baptised into that sort of role this weekend and did great. He is the last of the litter, so it's possible he has traits that makes him undesirable to St. Bernard ppl; I may have to deal with those issues later, but that's okay, I don't mind, we love him and we'll give him a good life.

I know nothing about St. Bernards. I know they don't live very long and have issues with hips, knees, and bloat. I've seen his parents but not up close and personal cuz they're kinda mean (because they're kept penned up all the time). I have no idea if he has a good conformation or not; he's just a giant puppy right now and I have never been around this type of pup before. I do know he's in good health so far; his skin, coat, his eyes are all in really good shape; he has a beautiful typ-ey head. He was a little smelly when we got him (from the kennel) but that wore off over the weekend. I groomed him really well and his skin is in great condition..that's where you usually can tell what sort of condition a pup is in; their skin will be flaky and itchy if they have had a bad diet or parasites, but he's got good skin and a great pelt.

So that was our excitement over the weekend. Now we have two dogs, sheesh, like we needed that, but oh well, we'll make it work!
St. Bernard's are great dogs. The biggest issue is they drool alot, just like mastiff's do. If you don't mind dealing with slobber then have fun with your new puppy.
I've been reading up on St. appears that lots of exercise and monitoring feeding are the two most important things when it comes to raising a healthy one; I think we've got that covered. I've never been a fan of free choice feeding for dogs, it seems to conflict with what they would experience in the most natural of settings, and most dogs that have free choice feed are unhealthy, I've found. They have skin issues, or they're too fat, or they have stomach and digestive problems. My dogs, even my small ones, get appropriate cooked meat when the family has it...I don't feed them garbage, or spoiled food, or anything (usually) processed or with additives (flour) if I can help it.

Though Mylo does steal food, literally, from the kids' mouths when she gets the opportunity which means that despite her allergies to wheat products and beef, she's usually dealing with a little allergic reaction at any time because you can pretty much guarantee she has either had some bread or stolen a few bites of beef or something within the last 72 hours.

We have a big fenced yard for the pup, and the kids keep him moving and he seems to keep himself moving pretty well when we aren't there...I've been checking on him throughout the day today and he's usually trotting around. I'm going to drop by his previous owners' house here in a few and see exactly what sort of set up they have and get a closer look at his parents to see what issues we might be facing. He seems to be pretty darned fit, though. We just have to watch for him injuring himself doing things like getting in and out of the Explorer...
[ame=]YouTube - Dog Training : How to Train Your Dog to Lie Down[/ame]
Mountain dogs are such big sweet fun.

I have a bernese mountain dog mix now and had a Greater swiss mountain dog mix in the past.

They are great big lovers.

Enjoy your not so little boy and try to integrate your two babies together eventually, they are so much more happy when they pack up.
Well they're together when we're home...and when he's got a little training on him, he'll probably be in the house sometimes when I'm at work and such. I just don't leave Mylo out; she barks and irritates everyone. And since she's a pretty small dog and has the run of the house, that works okay for her. He needs to move around more during the day so I do want him outside where maybe he'll be more inclined to exercise even if I'm not there. We'll see how they do outside together for longer periods throughout the week when I'm here to monitor them...I HOPE that eventually I can leave them both out for varying lengths of time.

My co-worker suggested this might be a good time to share the movie "Cujo" with the kids! LOL! Guess what I have planned for tonight, after we have obedience class???

Yes, I'm home-schooling the puppy. Hopefully he won't be one of those "not learning at home" kids.
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Klaus did great today...he didn't cause any problems, he was mellow in the yard, mellow when I came home. And I've been researching the breed and he appears to have good conformation and to meet the breed standard. I wouldn't care if he didn't, I'm not going to breed St. Bs or anything (he's getting fixed post haste, neither of his parents are registered anyway) but if I have one I want to know about it. I found out that:
1. A St. B has a groove from the knot on their skull down to their nose, and if it's not there, it's a serious fault.
2. The height of the muzzle at its base should be longer than the length of the muzzle (!)
3. A St. Bernard should be square...the measurement from the point of the shoulder to his butt should be the same as from the withers down.

I also learned that St. Bernard judges get a lot of cool perks when they judge...they get at least $100 but no more than $500 per show (or $4 per dog judged). They are provided a room and meals for themselves and one guest from the night prior to the show to the night of the last class judged.
Congratulations!!! The giant breeds are lots of fun. :)
Sweet! Please find yer camera and post pics. St. Bs are big, lumbering teddy bear type dogs. . . that's how I've always thought of them.
I will post pics as soon as I find my camera in the festering foment that is my house. I have no idea where it's at. And a few days before I lost it, I lost the charger...also in my house.
Congrats on your new pup.

Hope you have a big storage locker for the food and plenty of money to buy it with. LOL

Seriously. St.'s are great dogs and I know you will have loads of fun with your new best bud.
if there is no pic there is no know the rules....stop inventing your little make believe dogs there allie and post a pic....its not that got photobucket right?
Yes but I can't find my stupid camera!

I'm working on it, really I am!
I don't have a cell phone! Someone is supposed to come over to start on my house tomorrow..I'm hoping that when she does and I come home, I will feel motivated to clean my room and find my phone. I'm daunted because I just have no idea where to look, and it's going to be one of those things where I just have to start and find it when I find it.

This was a cell phone dead space until 2 years the time they got a cell tower, I had gotten used to living without a phone...I had the internet and my camera, so I was good. I don't miss it, until I lose one or the other...
I will post pics as soon as I find my camera in the festering foment that is my house. I have no idea where it's at. And a few days before I lost it, I lost the charger...also in my house.


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