"New resolution could remove Jerry Nadler as judiciary committee chair"

Little Green men wrote

The biggest liar on the board doesn’t believe the transcript released by The DNI and

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

Read the full summary of President Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky
View attachment 281384

How stupid does a person have to be to try to debate a subject without even reading the transcript?

You're dealing with willful ignorance in that they haven't read that document. They probably haven't read any of the documents that have been released.

The result is that they make total fools of themselves to all of cyberspace.
I think that Bulldog has a private person's opinion confused with Nancy Pelosi who admitted she had not read the transcript. Note her lies about what she said President Trump said. Nowhere in the transcript does it say what this total ninny of an alleged Speaker of the House said it said. And there was no quid pro quo, no crime committed. That was confirmed by the AG today. Also, it says no crime was committed in his much-published live discussion with the Ukraine prime minister.

It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

You have no case, sir. I've provided one above and this one below by lawyers who know you must have a case before you do an impeachment. The Democrats have nothing at all.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

If Nadler had any integrity , he'd recuse himself in the matter of Donald J. Trump.

Nads and Trump have a long history, with Nadler fighting Trump over Trump's Tremendous redevelopment projects in Nadler's district.

Nadler didn't like being shown up as a pathetic loser, there is no way he can be non partisan now in regards to Trump.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

Sir, or madam, you are mistaken. You will find no quid pro quo (something of fiduciary gain) on the part of President Trump herein, and no crime was committed. I saw the video yesterday, two or three times. And the AG said there is NO CASE. Trump has not violated the Constitution in any way. He's doing his job, draining the swamp, just like he promised.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

You have no case, sir. I've provided one above and this one below by lawyers who know you must have a case before you do an impeachment. The Democrats have nothing at all.

Not according to Miss Lindsey...

Pelosi is now moving the goal posts as fast as she can to continue the Democrat witch hunt against President Donald Trump, who is innocent of their false claims. It's a Fake Story, to try to turn over President Trump's win three years ago. The Whistleblower still has not been divulged.
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It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

You have no case, sir. I've provided one above and this one below by lawyers who know you must have a case before you do an impeachment. The Democrats have nothing at all.

Not according to Miss Lindsey...


Seawytch said: "Not according to Miss Lindsey..."​
Did you spell Lindsay Graham's name on purpose? Not funny.

Do you approve of the Democrats spying on President Trump? They have never stopped IMHO.
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The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

Take it apart for us. Who said it was fake and what's their proof?
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

You have no case, sir. I've provided one above and this one below by lawyers who know you must have a case before you do an impeachment. The Democrats have nothing at all.

Not according to Miss Lindsey...


Seawytch said: "Not according to Miss Lindsey..."​
Did you spell Lindsay Graham's name on purpose? Not funny.

Do you approve of the Democrats spying on President Trump? They have never stopped IMHO.

Oh, I'm sorry. Should I say the Senator from the fainting couch instead?

Democrats didn't spy on Trump.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!
Not a chance.

Dishonesty and sleaze gets you promoted in the Democrat Party.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

You have no case, sir. I've provided one above and this one below by lawyers who know you must have a case before you do an impeachment. The Democrats have nothing at all.

Yes they do.....a wet dream.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public.
Apparently Pelosi is trying to regain control over the House Democrats. They're really making it appear as if she's not in charge any more.
She isn't in control - AOC is - and there is nothing Pelosi can do to regain control.

DNC Chair Perez was incorrect when he said AOC is "the party's future" ... she is the present and Dems will have to run in 2020 on her socialist silliness.
The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

How did I know that sooner or later, some idiot would say that? You people are soooo predictable.



Trump lied again. He promised to release the transcript, but instead released what the White house claims would be on a real transcript.
LOL. You are gonna need a hellava lot more therapy. Whatever they have done so far just isn't working.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public.
Apparently Pelosi is trying to regain control over the House Democrats. They're really making it appear as if she's not in charge any more.
She isn't in control - AOC is - and there is nothing Pelosi can do to regain control.

DNC Chair Perez was incorrect when he said AOC is "the party's future" ... she is the present and Dems will have to run in 2020 on her socialist silliness.

May it be so.

AOC.....the eternal gift.

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