New Richest Man in the World.

This guy should be thankful he doesn't live in the US... Obama and liberals would be cursing "Big Mobil Phones" like they do "Big Oil"... They would try to tax the hell out of his companies...

"Many plutocrats did just that. Indeed, last year's wealth wasteland has become a billionaire bonanza. Most of the richest people on the planet have seen their fortunes soar in the past year.

This year the World's Billionaires have an average net worth of $3.5 billion, up $500 million in 12 months. The world has 1,011 10-figure titans, up from 793 a year ago but still shy of the record 1,125 in 2008. Of those billionaires on last year's list, only 12% saw their fortunes decline."

worlds-billionaires-2010: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Yeah! Those poor put-upon American millionaires and billionaires. I just love reading stories about this while watching the devastation of regular working-class people in the last 4 years... hundreds of thousands of which lost their jobs and homes. Warm fuzzies all around...
We confuse RICH for HEROIC.

Not untypical of those last grasping gasps of dying empires heard throughout history.

When society worships Mammon, profit is the only prophet people really care about.
This guy should be thankful he doesn't live in the US... Obama and liberals would be cursing "Big Mobil Phones" like they do "Big Oil"... They would try to tax the hell out of his companies...

"Many plutocrats did just that. Indeed, last year's wealth wasteland has become a billionaire bonanza. Most of the richest people on the planet have seen their fortunes soar in the past year.

This year the World's Billionaires have an average net worth of $3.5 billion, up $500 million in 12 months. The world has 1,011 10-figure titans, up from 793 a year ago but still shy of the record 1,125 in 2008. Of those billionaires on last year's list, only 12% saw their fortunes decline."

worlds-billionaires-2010: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Yeah! Those poor put-upon American millionaires and billionaires. I just love reading stories about this while watching the devastation of regular working-class people in the last 4 years... hundreds of thousands of which lost their jobs and homes. Warm fuzzies all around...

I think it's great! If we keep competition open, free and fair maybe someday one of us here on USMB will be the World's Richest Man. Wouldn't that be great? It might be you or it might be me. Hmmm...who believes rich people are inherently evil and who doesn't? I think I'll have a better chance of being a billionaire because I'll work for it; you, on the other hand, will expect it redistributed to you.
Maybe Bill Gates shouldn't have given away that billion dollars for charity.

Then he would still be the richest
Yeah! Those poor put-upon American millionaires and billionaires. I just love reading stories about this while watching the devastation of regular working-class people in the last 4 years... hundreds of thousands of which lost their jobs and homes. Warm fuzzies all around...

It wouldn't hurt you to think about how many jobs are financed by millionaires and billionaires.

Just sayin'.
Poor guy...probably has to pay too much taxes, too.

Amazes me how conservatives defend the filthy rich, and think they are so oppressed because they pay a lot of taxes, yet still have enough money to live like kings. Poor poor oppressed rich people. Unbelievable
I think I'll have a better chance of being a billionaire because I'll work for it; you, on the other hand, will expect it redistributed to you.

*rolls eyes* and can we have the next talking point PLEASE!
We do seem to be eager to send money to China to make more billionaires over there.
Wealth redistribution.
It wouldn't hurt you to think about how many jobs are financed by millionaires and billionaires.

Just sayin'.

Really? And how many jobs have been shed the last decade? I certainly didn't see them "creating jobs" with those unnecessary tax cuts. BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T. Tell me, will one of you retards explain to me what they did with that extra money? Please? The economy isn't booming and there were no jobs created. In fact, jobs continued to disappear. Seems to me that this is one of the main reasons that the rich got richer, mas oui?
Really? And how many jobs have been shed the last decade? I certainly didn't see them "creating jobs" with those unnecessary tax cuts. BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T. Tell me, will one of you retards explain to me what they did with that extra money? Please? The economy isn't booming and there were no jobs created. In fact, jobs continued to disappear. Seems to me that this is one of the main reasons that the rich got richer, mas oui?
I probably addressed this in another thread, but technology is a huge job killer these days. Who needs hundreds of people in factory to build cars now when robots can pretty much do the bulk of the work... for nothing more than a one-time development cost and then minimal maintenance costs? Other examples exist all over all industries.

That, combined with the fact that people in other countries will work for a fraction of what American workers will, is why a lot of (lower level) jobs are being lost.

I say this because the tone of your posts leads me to believe that you think employers are cutting jobs for the hell of it.
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Really? And how many jobs have been shed the last decade? I certainly didn't see them "creating jobs" with those unnecessary tax cuts. BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T. Tell me, will one of you retards explain to me what they did with that extra money? Please? The economy isn't booming and there were no jobs created. In fact, jobs continued to disappear. Seems to me that this is one of the main reasons that the rich got richer, mas oui?

The NASDAQ 10 years ago was over 5,000.

It dropped below 1,300 a year ago.

Now it's 2,350 ish.

A lot of wealth was detroyed in the past decade. I suggest that you think about monetary and fiscal policy which created a huge money supply in search of assets, and the cabal of Cronies (Politicians, Bankers, MegaCorps, and Unions - largely public employees) that profited from this.

Most millionaires are professionals or enterpreneurs who are Self-Made. They create jobs with their practices and business ventures. They are not the same as the Cronyists who collude with the government to transfer risk to the tax payer while the Cronies get the benefits.

It also wouldn't hurt you to think about how many jobs we would have now in the absence of the capital provided by very wealthy people. If you think private employment is ugly now, replace this scenario with a low tech version in which we live like a shell shocked third world country.
How much of that lost wealth was real wealth and not just potential/percieved wealth?
Ask the people who lost it.
Poor guy...probably has to pay too much taxes, too.

Amazes me how conservatives defend the filthy rich, and think they are so oppressed because they pay a lot of taxes, yet still have enough money to live like kings. Poor poor oppressed rich people. Unbelievable
You know, I don't really give a shit that Gates is a billionaire. He can lose it all for all I care. What I care about is my family and myself and if we can become billionaires - great. I just want the opportunity and not have it taken away by pathetic losers who expect it to be given to them.
It also wouldn't hurt you to think about how many jobs we would have now in the absence of the capital provided by very wealthy people. If you think private employment is ugly now, replace this scenario with a low tech version in which we live like a shell shocked third world country.

Don't worry. If we continue on the same path of corporatism, we'll get there. It astounds me that anyone is ok with the concentration of wealth at the top and the fact that it is controlled by so few. That does not a healthy economy make. The American dream may not be dead, but its pulse is very low.
You know, I don't really give a shit that Gates is a billionaire. He can lose it all for all I care. What I care about is my family and myself and if we can become billionaires - great. I just want the opportunity and not have it taken away by pathetic losers who expect it to be given to them.

You act like we are the only country that makes millionaires and billionaires. Can you in the UK, France, Ireland, Germany? Now China? Yes. Guess which country had the most millionaires in 2007? It was Norway. Your family could become a millionaire anywhere. Who is asking to have anything given to them? Again, I am ready for your next talky point.

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