New Rule: Tough Love Dems | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Except MLK wasn't a despicable marxist like you freaks. He knew the value of truth and honor. Something you'll never know.

I'm not Marxist either dipshit. That's just what you call living black people who speak about economic justice.
I'm not Marxist either dipshit. That's just what you call living black people who speak about economic justice.

Perhaps you should stop acting like one. And you like some others on this board need to drag yourselves into the 21st century.

Na. You just call people names because, intellectually, you have nothing else to offer.
Sometimes calling people names is intellectually justified. Like when white people as a majority vote for a convicted fraud and adjudicated sexual abuser who is still facing multiple felony charges for trying to subvert democracy.:dunno:
Sometimes calling people names is intellectually justified. Like when white people as a majority vote for a convicted fraud and adjudicated sexual abuser who is still facing multiple felony charges for trying to subvert democracy.:dunno:
Everything you say is indoctrinated, dribble B.S. Keep repeating the same old lies and propaganda. Prove to everybody how you are not 100% indoctrinated. The American People saw through all the lies and btch slapped you.
Everything you say is indoctrinated, dribble B.S. Keep repeating the same old lies and propaganda. Prove to everybody how you are not 100% indoctrinated. The American People saw through all the lies and btch slapped you.
Everything I say is just a simple fact. Feel free to cry about it. :itsok:
It's you that's pretending and I'm sure that will never end, you have been assimilated.


I'm not a slave to any system you frail white cosplayer. That's why I can be a capitalist and still critical of it's short comings. :itsok:
Everything I say is just a simple fact. Feel free to cry about it. :itsok:
No it's not. You're pissed because overnight you found out that everyone knew how stupid you were this entire time. You fell for every single scam. Smart People like Me always give stupid people, such as yourself, enough rope to hang themselves.
312 > 226 FACT
In the first video, Bill Maher talks about differences between how progressive whites view black people, and how black people actually view themselves.

In the second video, we see a very real example of this. The first half of the video is progressive whites talking about black people. The second half of the video is black people talking about themselves.

It's not a question of ignorance. It is a question of people having been brainwashed by the Borg Collective.

I'm not a slave to any system you frail white cosplayer. That's why I can be a capitalist and still critical of it's short comings. :itsok:

Of course you are, you're a slave to the grievance industry. But that's okay, you're far from being alone.

No it's not. You're pissed because overnight you found out that everyone knew how stupid you were this entire time. You fell for every single scam. Smart People like Me always give stupid people, such as yourself, enough rope to hang themselves.
312 > 226 FACT

It's also a fact that the Democrat candidates win the majority of the college educated while Republicans win the majority of the uneducated. That's just a fact my guy. :itsok: :lol:
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