new study: Americans now hate people in the opposite political party more than they love their own party, with disrupting implications about behavior

I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.
I’m vehemently opposed to the democrat party because of their agendas of segregation, anti-Americanism, economic stifling and general Marxist ideology but 99% of my neighbors, friends, colleagues and workmates are democrats.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.
The American experiment has failed.

But many idealistic people refuse to smell the coffee.

For certain reasons that must remain unspecified, this country simply cannot continue much longer as one nation.

By the end of this century (or sooner), the various groups that make up this strange nation will peacefully agree to a parting of the ways.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.

As I have said a thousand times now.... Shoot them all. I don't care who is engaging in evil. Does not matter to me at all. Because evil is evil, no matter who does it.

Every time someone said "well I think X riot was started by white supremacists", my answer has always been, all the way back in May 8th.... Shoot them all.

I'm against crime, and criminals, and anarchy, and riots. I don't care who does it. Shoot them. Shoot them all dead. Then we won't have riots by BLM people, or White Supremacists.

And that's the difference between me and you, and between good people, and left-wingers.

For you, who does it, is what matters. That's all you care about.

If a black man kills boy, you don't care. At not enough to start a thread on it, and your side of left-wingers won't care to make it national headlines.

Screenshot_2020-10-30 black man kills boy - Google Search.png

How long was this story the top headline of New York Times, or CNN, or MSNBC? Never.

How many threads were created on this forum, by you about Darius Sessoms?

But you hear so much as a rumor about White Supremacists causing something, and you have dozens of threads on this forum, and it is all over the left-wing news.

Again, we're just flat out better people than you. We care about everyone. You only care when it fits your political narrative.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.

As I have said a thousand times now.... Shoot them all. I don't care who is engaging in evil. Does not matter to me at all. Because evil is evil, no matter who does it.

Every time someone said "well I think X riot was started by white supremacists", my answer has always been, all the way back in May 8th.... Shoot them all.

I'm against crime, and criminals, and anarchy, and riots. I don't care who does it. Shoot them. Shoot them all dead. Then we won't have riots by BLM people, or White Supremacists.

And that's the difference between me and you, and between good people, and left-wingers.

For you, who does it, is what matters. That's all you care about.

If a black man kills boy, you don't care. At not enough to start a thread on it, and your side of left-wingers won't care to make it national headlines.

View attachment 408806

How long was this story the top headline of New York Times, or CNN, or MSNBC? Never.

How many threads were created on this forum, by you about Darius Sessoms?

But you hear so much as a rumor about White Supremacists causing something, and you have dozens of threads on this forum, and it is all over the left-wing news.

Again, we're just flat out better people than you. We care about everyone. You only care when it fits your political narrative.

I'm against all violence too.
That you're sticking up for white supremacists is sad.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.

As I have said a thousand times now.... Shoot them all. I don't care who is engaging in evil. Does not matter to me at all. Because evil is evil, no matter who does it.

Every time someone said "well I think X riot was started by white supremacists", my answer has always been, all the way back in May 8th.... Shoot them all.

I'm against crime, and criminals, and anarchy, and riots. I don't care who does it. Shoot them. Shoot them all dead. Then we won't have riots by BLM people, or White Supremacists.

And that's the difference between me and you, and between good people, and left-wingers.

For you, who does it, is what matters. That's all you care about.

If a black man kills boy, you don't care. At not enough to start a thread on it, and your side of left-wingers won't care to make it national headlines.

View attachment 408806

How long was this story the top headline of New York Times, or CNN, or MSNBC? Never.

How many threads were created on this forum, by you about Darius Sessoms?

But you hear so much as a rumor about White Supremacists causing something, and you have dozens of threads on this forum, and it is all over the left-wing news.

Again, we're just flat out better people than you. We care about everyone. You only care when it fits your political narrative.

I'm against all violence too.
That you're sticking up for white supremacists is sad.

I notice you skated past the black man and white child link

Why? Could it be you're a delusional fraud nobody with an ounce of sense takes serious?

That's my bet
we need to come together, my friends

Can't do it. Easy to say, but impossible to come together OP. No meeting of the minds...NEVeR...EVER...EVER OP.

If anything the patriots I've polled in the rustbelt are looking for a hunting license to kill as many of the filthy dems as they can when the USA goes extraconstitutional. There is a massive amount of Class lll here and the gun nuts are praying for a day to rid America of as many cancerous dem growths as they can.

If it is ain't right.jpg

C'mon man, the fact that you even asked this question OP shows your simple mindedness to this topic. On a survival forum a poll was done about who you would rather rule America. The choice was would you rather be under military rule or dems.

65% voted military rule.

There is no going back OP unless the dems come to their senses, repent and change their ways.

Do you see the dems moving in that direction OP??

No, every day the dems get more and more extreme.

Virtue Signaler llr.jpg

Beside misguided and delusional people, the Dem's base is composed of many varieties of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill.





Illegal Aliens


Young People



Dope Lovers

Gun haters



Welfare Lovers

Medicare for all hopefuls







Mainstream Media

Hollywood - Entertainers








Prostitutes / Sex Workers

Anarchists / Insurgents

Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.

Now, not all dems are filthy scum, just the majority of them are. Some of the dems are confused and delusional, but well meaning people.

The squad Nano lr cens.jpg

Either way, a vote for a dem is a vote to destroy America. So not any difference between the well meaning useful idiots and the filthy POS variety of dem.

Take this poor soul that does not know their ass from Randy's donut hole. This was taken from a dem run forum that banned me after 2 posts...City-Data Forum


"Say every single state, city, suburb, town, and every square inch of America were completely Democrat, what do you think it would like? We'd live in a utopia or a society where there is no class system, where everyone was equal, where we would all have full available access to whatever healthcare we needed, where there is never any need for war, where just all love and care for each other."

Do you see how child like some of them are with their delusional mental illness OP?

But don't feel bad for them. They are the same ones that will shatter the glass of you car and drag you out through the window in a roadblock to stomp you to death on the ground in a dem fueled frenzied mob attack. Or will gladly throw a gas bomb on your home because you got a Trump sign on the lawn.

Well, we can see what has happened over the years. The reps have stayed more or less the same…long standing conservative traditional American values. The dems on the other hand have become wildly extreme with their beliefs. Beliefs so far off the scale of left that they will destroy America as we have known it if they are implemented OP.

a vote for a dem is a vote for gun confiscation and destroy the 2A.
a vote for a dem is a vote to bankrupt any company making / selling guns or ammunition by repealing the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act'
a vote for a dem is a vote to abolish the Constitution, destroy America's history and destroy America as founded.
a vote for a dem is a vote to abolish the 1A.
a vote for a dem is a vote to defund / abolish the police.
a vote for a dem is a vote to open the borders to anyone that wants to come here.
a vote for a dem is a vote to legalize 22 million illegal aliens, then give citizenship to another 40 to 60 million through chain migration of these newly minted illegal citizens.
a vote for a dem is a vote to turn America into a socialist country.
a vote for a dem is a vote to normalize and legalize pedophilia
a vote for a dem is a vote to support anarchist organizations like Antifa and BLM
a vote for a dem is a vote to promote rioting and destruction of personal property.
a vote for a dem is a vote to abolish ICE.
a vote for a dem is a vote to destroy America.

No OP, the time for coming together is long gone. Dems want peace, they need to change their mentally ill beliefs and become Americans again.

2020 Democratic Party Nano.jpg
Last edited:
The American experiment has failed.

But many idealistic people refuse to smell the coffee.

For certain reasons that must remain unspecified, this country simply cannot continue much longer as one nation.

By the end of this century (or sooner), the various groups that make up this strange nation will peacefully agree to a parting of the ways.

One cane only hope a peaceful breakup. But not holding my breath. Greedy politicians want the whole apple to control. The reps would rather see America destroyed instead of carving out a portion for conservatives to live in, in peace.

Reps cannot live in peace as the dems bring the fight to them. The dems demand allegiance or you will be destroyed...silence is justice no sleep.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.

As I have said a thousand times now.... Shoot them all. I don't care who is engaging in evil. Does not matter to me at all. Because evil is evil, no matter who does it.

Every time someone said "well I think X riot was started by white supremacists", my answer has always been, all the way back in May 8th.... Shoot them all.

I'm against crime, and criminals, and anarchy, and riots. I don't care who does it. Shoot them. Shoot them all dead. Then we won't have riots by BLM people, or White Supremacists.

And that's the difference between me and you, and between good people, and left-wingers.

For you, who does it, is what matters. That's all you care about.

If a black man kills boy, you don't care. At not enough to start a thread on it, and your side of left-wingers won't care to make it national headlines.

View attachment 408806

How long was this story the top headline of New York Times, or CNN, or MSNBC? Never.

How many threads were created on this forum, by you about Darius Sessoms?

But you hear so much as a rumor about White Supremacists causing something, and you have dozens of threads on this forum, and it is all over the left-wing news.

Again, we're just flat out better people than you. We care about everyone. You only care when it fits your political narrative.

I'm against all violence too.
That you're sticking up for white supremacists is sad.

I notice you skated past the black man and white child link

Why? Could it be you're a delusional fraud nobody with an ounce of sense takes serious?

That's my bet
Hey, you're the one following me around begging for attention...sounds like you're the one taking me seriously. I just called out our local militia member for supporting violence in action while denouncing it vocally.

You could try that too but since you ARE a delusional fraud that nobody takes seriously, I won't hold out hope
I despise democrats. I can't even be civil to them anymore. They have no position worth considering and no side of an argument worth listening to.
The problem we are dealing with is can be categorized into three "basic" types of leftists:
1. The ignorant: Ignorance is not, I repeat, not, stupidity. It is a lack of knowledge on a topic. For the young left, it is brought on by a combination of a public educational system that has brought in anti-American educators and thus, spread a combination of lies and misleading information. Fed into this as well, is the youth being fed this nonsense hang out with their peers, who hear the same thing from their so-called educators.
2. The stupid: Such individuals aren't very bright in the first place and have an ongoing habit of making bad choices, due to their stupidity. Mark this group up as the habitual criminal types. Think BLM and their "pro-Crime" stance. There is no hope for those fools.
3. The Marxists: This group consists of Antifa and those that believe that authoritarian, one-party rule that stops dissenting speech and mandates conformity through brutality, in the hopes that they will be part of the ruling Politburo, oppressing those that call for freedom, is the solution.
The Media, that has been infiltrated by pro-Marxist elements (China for one), has jumped on the bandwagon, disparaging anyone that doesn't agree with it.
Solution: Short of an actual Columbia style Civil War, getting pro-Marxist instructors out of the educational system, or sending young people back for a better, fully rounded education, I don't know what can be done.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.

As I have said a thousand times now.... Shoot them all. I don't care who is engaging in evil. Does not matter to me at all. Because evil is evil, no matter who does it.

Every time someone said "well I think X riot was started by white supremacists", my answer has always been, all the way back in May 8th.... Shoot them all.

I'm against crime, and criminals, and anarchy, and riots. I don't care who does it. Shoot them. Shoot them all dead. Then we won't have riots by BLM people, or White Supremacists.

And that's the difference between me and you, and between good people, and left-wingers.

For you, who does it, is what matters. That's all you care about.

If a black man kills boy, you don't care. At not enough to start a thread on it, and your side of left-wingers won't care to make it national headlines.

View attachment 408806

How long was this story the top headline of New York Times, or CNN, or MSNBC? Never.

How many threads were created on this forum, by you about Darius Sessoms?

But you hear so much as a rumor about White Supremacists causing something, and you have dozens of threads on this forum, and it is all over the left-wing news.

Again, we're just flat out better people than you. We care about everyone. You only care when it fits your political narrative.

I'm against all violence too.
That you're sticking up for white supremacists is sad.

See? That right there, is proof of everything I said. You just proved EVERYTHING that I said, in one post.
I used to be open to coming together... but at this point, the Democrats are just flat out terrible evil garbage. It's that simple. These are no longer the open minded, have civil discourse people, of the 1950s, or 60s, or even 70s. It's no longer the party of Firing Line with William F Buckley, having honest open debates....

It's now the people who say "If we don't get what we want, we'll burn everything down!".

Do you know what that is directly? That is terrorism. When you threaten and promote terror, until you get desired political change, that is terrorism.

That's what all Democrats today stand for. They are evil domestic terrorists. All of them.

How am I going to come together with that? Explain? How am I going to "meet in the middle" with people who will engage in mass violence and evil, unless we give them everything they want?

Come together? With what? The only coming together these people need, is with bullets.

After all the evil has been killed off in this country, we will come back together in peace.

Well, stop mailing bombs to people and shooting up wal*marts because brown people shop there....

Maybe we'll consider coming together with you militia types:

PS: Also stop being militia types.

As I have said a thousand times now.... Shoot them all. I don't care who is engaging in evil. Does not matter to me at all. Because evil is evil, no matter who does it.

Every time someone said "well I think X riot was started by white supremacists", my answer has always been, all the way back in May 8th.... Shoot them all.

I'm against crime, and criminals, and anarchy, and riots. I don't care who does it. Shoot them. Shoot them all dead. Then we won't have riots by BLM people, or White Supremacists.

And that's the difference between me and you, and between good people, and left-wingers.

For you, who does it, is what matters. That's all you care about.

If a black man kills boy, you don't care. At not enough to start a thread on it, and your side of left-wingers won't care to make it national headlines.

View attachment 408806

How long was this story the top headline of New York Times, or CNN, or MSNBC? Never.

How many threads were created on this forum, by you about Darius Sessoms?

But you hear so much as a rumor about White Supremacists causing something, and you have dozens of threads on this forum, and it is all over the left-wing news.

Again, we're just flat out better people than you. We care about everyone. You only care when it fits your political narrative.

I'm against all violence too.
That you're sticking up for white supremacists is sad.

I notice you skated past the black man and white child link

Why? Could it be you're a delusional fraud nobody with an ounce of sense takes serious?

That's my bet
Hey, you're the one following me around begging for attention...sounds like you're the one taking me seriously. I just called out our local militia member for supporting violence in action while denouncing it vocally.

You could try that too but since you ARE a delusional fraud that nobody takes seriously, I won't hold out hope

Wow.... I'm amazing at the level of self delusion there.

No no, it's safer for you to believe that. Yes, we're begging for your attention. Begging. Begging I say!
we need to come together, my friends

Let me correct that for the writer and your thread.......

Democrat, joe biden voters hate Trump supporters, Republicans, Conservatives, pro-life supporters, second amendment supporters, Jewish people, and anyone who disagrees with them more than they hate their own country....and they hate their own country a lot.....a real lot.....

Trump supporters, Republicans, conservatives, pro-life supporters, 2nd Amendment supporters, Jewish people who don't vote democrat and people who disagree with joe biden supporters....think joe biden supporters are bat shit crazy.......and we love this country more than we are mystified by the bat shit stupidity of joe biden voters....

There...fixed it...

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