New Survey: Polar Bear Population Is Largest Ever


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Polar Bears doesn't seem to be bothered by low Arctic sea Ice that much after all, maybe it wasn't that critical in the first place for a reason warmists never seem to fathom.

Principia Scientific International

New Survey: Polar Bear Population Is Largest Ever

Published on September 6, 2018

Written by Dr Susan J Crockford



The Chukchi Sea finally has a polar bear population estimate! According to survey results from 2016 only recently made public, about 2,937 bears (1,522-5,944) currently inhabit the region, making this the largest subpopulation in the Arctic.

This is exciting news — and a huge accomplishment — but the US Fish and Wildlife Service responsible for the work has been oddly mum on the topic.

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Not according the the BBC.....saw a documentary this past weekend called Frozen Earth....were saying polar bear future "bleak".

Lol.....the BBC:2up:
The BBC doesn’t even try to pretend to be not propaganda anymore.

Trump even called them out specifically.
Not according the the BBC.....saw a documentary this past weekend called Frozen Earth....were saying polar bear future "bleak".

Lol.....the BBC:2up:
The BBC doesn’t even try to pretend to be not propaganda anymore.

Trump even called them out specifically.

It was amazing....the show was called FROZEN EARTH. I tuned in thinking, "". Was about the Arctic.....and the whole fucking show was about it not being frozen soon. Some old scientist guru guy stating, "Soon this will all be going away....."

I thought, "Holy Fuck....imagine your typical low information dummy tuning in to watch this!"

I guess no one here bothered to read the article. Its most repeated four word phrase was , "if it is real.".

If true it is good news, but does nothing to take away from the truth of climate change and the heating up of the planet.
I guess no one here bothered to read the article. Its most repeated four word phrase was , "if it is real.".

If true it is good news, but does nothing to take away from the truth of climate change and the heating up of the planet.

This is why readers should read the article in full, because John Law took the four word quote (not even a true quote) in dishonest fashion, here is the full quote:

"Nevertheless, it means the 2016 estimate for Alaska could be roughly three times what it was in 2010: a whopping 1,500 or so, up from about 450 (or about 225-650) for the same area estimated during the last survey (Bromaghin et al. 2015: Fig. 5a).

Even if the real number for Alaska is only twice as large (~1,000), that’s still a huge improvement. It would eliminate the Southern Beaufort as the only polar bear subpopulation in the Arctic to have shown a significant decline blamed on human-caused global warming (Crockford 2018).

If the recovery is real, it means the 2004-2006 decline was a temporary fluctuation after all, just like previous declines in the region. I expect, however, that it will take a dedicated SB population survey for officials to concede that point."

bolding mine

You are pathetic John.

Meanwhile you ignored the evidence that Polar Bears populations are in good shape throughout the Arctic region, DESPITE the drop in summer ice.
Polar Bears doesn't seem to be bothered by low Arctic sea Ice that much after all, maybe it wasn't that critical in the first place for a reason warmists never seem to fathom.

Principia Scientific International

New Survey: Polar Bear Population Is Largest Ever

Published on September 6, 2018

Written by Dr Susan J Crockford



The Chukchi Sea finally has a polar bear population estimate! According to survey results from 2016 only recently made public, about 2,937 bears (1,522-5,944) currently inhabit the region, making this the largest subpopulation in the Arctic.

This is exciting news — and a huge accomplishment — but the US Fish and Wildlife Service responsible for the work has been oddly mum on the topic.

Of course, it is not know that the polar bear population is the largest ever. It is only known that it is the largest count ever, which is not surprising, given that we have more people counting them than ever and are going to deeper into their territory to count them than ever before.

But it is nice to see efforts of conservationists succeed, despite cackling fool deniers trying to use their success as a cudgel against them.
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Ah, Crockford, the "polar bear researcher" who has never done field work. As is always the case with deniers, lack of qualification is what they regard as qualification.

Polar Bears doesn't seem to be bothered by low Arctic sea Ic

No, _one_ population has been growing, the Chukchi sea area, and that's been known for years. It was either very dishonest or very stupid to pretend that represented the global population.

So, we have a propaganda piece here. Ho hum. And all the deniers fell for it. Ho hum.

Principia Scientific International

How much of PSI's garbage have you fallen for? Are you also a greenhouse effect denier?
Ah, Crockford, the "polar bear researcher" who has never done field work. As is always the case with deniers, lack of qualification is what they regard as qualification.

Polar Bears doesn't seem to be bothered by low Arctic sea Ic

No, _one_ population has been growing, the Chukchi sea area, and that's been known for years. It was either very dishonest or very stupid to pretend that represented the global population.

So, we have a propaganda piece here. Ho hum. And all the deniers fell for it. Ho hum.

Principia Scientific International

How much of PSI's garbage have you fallen for? Are you also a greenhouse effect denier?
maMOOT, is that all you got, name calling? Calling people deniers? And I expected so much more from you, maMOOT. Sadly, you have not even made a moot point.
The polar bear populations has always been healthy. Polar bears are great for leftist Democrat politics. They live in an extreme area where even today, it is impossible to know how many there actually are. Hence, the Demorats could make any claim they like, knowing the truth was decades away.
maMOOT, is that all you got, name calling?

It's clearly all you have. I talked about the topic, while you just called names and invoked dopey conspiracy theories. But then, you have to deflect from the actual issues somehow, right?
maMOOT, what name did I call anyone? Is that all you have to add, a lie? You talked about the topic? Calling people deniers is not talking about the topic. Simply contradicting, stating, "no its not". That is not talking about the topic. A conspiracy theory? madMOOT, all you have is sad name calling and lies.
maMOOT, what name did I call anyone? Is that all you have to add, a lie? You talked about the topic? Calling people deniers is not talking about the topic. Simply contradicting, stating, "no its not". That is not talking about the topic. A conspiracy theory? madMOOT, all you have is sad name calling and lies.

Would you care to talk about the issues I raised, instead of just engaging in namecalling and insults?
Various enviromarxist groups are engaged in a propaganda blitz that proclaims orcas are starving and have lower numbers than they have had for 30 years...

It's true...but meaningless. 30 years ago orcas had an unprecedented increase in births...every year since then has been the *lowest numbers in 30 years*. The numbers are still higher than they were in the 70s, and are holding steady as they always have. They aren't *starving* because of a lack of salmon. They don't eat just salmon. They also eat sea lions..whose numbers are also booming...because sea lions are allowed unfettered access to salmon.

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