New trump admin setting itself up to be national security threat from the get go.

Right. Trump stopped it and said the Germans shouldn't be dependent on Russian energy.

Point out the error in what Trump did to Nord Stream 2 and in what he said.
Western Europe has been burning Russian gas since the 1960’s.
You’re playing parsing games now. At a time when every world leader was condemning the Russian invasion and the Russians had to use their veto in the UN to prevent a resolution, this idiot is out in public praising Putin’s genius.

It was a ringing endorsement in that context. The world heard it, too. Sincecthen, Trump has not once failed to support Moscow’s interests. He followed up by saying that he didn’t care what Putin did in Ukraine, and endorsed the Russian annexation of Crimea.
You’re playing parsing games now. At a time when every world leader was condemning the Russian invasion and the Russians had to use their veto in the UN to prevent a resolution, this idiot is out in public praising Putin’s genius.

It was a ringing endorsement in that context. The world heard it, too. Sincecthen, Trump has not once failed to support Moscow’s interests. He followed up by saying that he didn’t care what Putin did in Ukraine, and endorsed the Russian annexation of Crimea.
Dude, your info keeps getting outed as bullshit.

Keep it coming.
You’re playing parsing games now. At a time when every world leader was condemning the Russian invasion and the Russians had to use their veto in the UN to prevent a resolution, this idiot is out in public praising Putin’s genius.

It was a ringing endorsement in that context. The world heard it, too. Sincecthen, Trump has not once failed to support Moscow’s interests. He followed up by saying that he didn’t care what Putin did in Ukraine, and endorsed the Russian annexation of Crimea.

Trump didn't say he supported the invasion? Are you sure?

Some stupid twat around here said he did.

this idiot is out in public praising Putin’s genius.

Can you post the entire actual quote where he did this?
I don’t know where you cribbed this from, but it drips with false and misleading claims.

“3. During his first month in office ,Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia. These punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.
4. Mnuchin stated that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.”

Both of these try and mislead the reader into believing that Trump was behind these sanctions, instead of merely continuing to uphold sanctions imposed by the Obama Administration.

Not to worry, Mike Flynn told Sergi Kislyak (on a line being monitored by the FBI), Trump would give Putin a break. But then, Flynn’s antics had become public.

“5. Trump closed off Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City, that appeared to be a threat to American security”

This one is a flagrant lie. The safe houses were closed by the Obama Administration. Trump wanted to give them back to the Russians.

“13. Trump sold anti-tank weapons to Ukraine (Obama gave them blankets)”

This one goes into the flagrantly misleading category.

Not only did Trump not “sell anti tank weapons to the Ukraine ”, he opposed the sale, and then bottled the sale up for eighteen months until he was outed for his blackmail scheme against Zelinsky.

After that Trump bullied the Congressional GOP into sitting on Russian aid for over a year in 2022-3.
I said upheld. You said uphold. We agree. But you make it sound like we don't. That's OK. I don't expect to hear normalcy from liberals.

As for your leftwing propaganda line of Trump being pals with Putin, I can see they've got YOU programmed. I stand behind everything I said 100%. Your left twists don't make a dent.
/—-/ Putin didn’t dare attack Ukraine while Trump was in office. He waited for weakling Biden to get in.

Russian military forces operated in eastern Ukraine throughout the Trump regieme.

Trump kissed Putin’s ass throughout that entire time.

That was befor the full invasion, which Trump endorsed.
More worthless leftist traitor sewage. Nothing here, folks.

What Trumpsters say when their protests supporting Trump,p’s repeated denial of his connections with Project 2025 turn out to be another example of their willingness to believe his lies, and then embrace the lie.
What Trumpsters say when their protests supporting Trump,p’s repeated denial of his connections with Project 2025 turn out to be another example of their willingness to believe his lies, and then embrace the lie.
You are a leftist propagandist jerk. The American people have already resoundingly outed you and your bullshit. The idiotic strawman attempt to link Trump with Project 2025, failed miserably, as everyone in America (except for you nitwits) knew it would,

Go hide your head in SHAME, and :anj_stfu:
You are a leftist propagandist jerk. The American people have already resoundingly outed you and your bullshit. The idiotic strawman attempt to link Trump with Project 2025, failed miserably, as everyone in America (except for you nitwits) knew it would,

Go hide your head in SHAME, and :anj_stfu:

49.9% in an election where 38% of the electorate didn't vote isn't much to brag about, guy.
Pissed off Biden primary voters?

Elections have consequences................... :biggrin:

No real evidence of that happening. I haven't talked to one Biden primary voter who told me, "Man, I'm pissed off that Kamala stabbed Joe in the Back like that."

Not one.

I'm sure the consequences of a second term of Trump is going to be a wrecked economy and less freedom, but, um, you go girl.
Really, show me one.
Hang on while I download my TV. They were all asked of their political affiliation, next time, lie detector test? Like it really matters now anyway, you lost.....big time.

And I mean someone you can prove is a democrat and not some MAGAt pretending to be one.

Certified democrat voters:

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