Illegal aliens residing within our America are just that, ILLEGAL ALIENS. Just because the statist left caters to a religion that harbors an ideology of "one world without borders" does not make the before mentioned ideology legal in practice. If government @ all levels in our America was doing the job they were hired to do this illegal alien issue would currently not be an issue. I included the below link that may prove useful to those that desire to reference the issue in a somewhat more comprehensive depth.Of course this is a federal felony as it encourages illegals to live here in violation of section 1324 title 8. But democrats say illegals are above the law.
New York City Councilwoman Blasts Mayor Eric Adams, Demands Permanent Housing for Immigrants
New York City Councilwoman Shahana Hanif is suggesting that taxpayers pony up for permanent housing for
Bringing in and Harboring Aliens | Title 8 U.S. Code § 1324
Federal criminal defense lawyers explain 8 U.S.C. 1324 bringing in and harboring certain aliens laws, penalties, related crimes, and how to fight the charges.