Newest PPP poll today....Trump Holding Steady Nationally!

The above 2 :ahole-1:s voted twice for Obuma, and plan to vote for the Hildebeast.... What does that say about their sanity!

Trump is still leading? OLD NEWS

Tell me who is in 2nd eating Trumps dust.. Now that changes every other week!!
Trump is exploding heads from coast to coast.

He's not a serious candidate!!
He won't file the proper forms!
He wont disclose his finances!!
He's a flash in the pan!!
He has no plans!!
He's dropping in the polls!


Trump is exploding heads from coast to coast.

He's not a serious candidate!!
He won't file the proper forms!
He wont disclose his finances!!
He's a flash in the pan!!
He has no plans!!
He's dropping in the polls!


He's not dropping in the polls as no one expected him to hover in the upper 20s to lower 30s and he's constantly there.
The others are simply bobbing up and down like the flavor of the week.
Ah, who cares what a knee-jerk Republican thinks anyway; you guys are fading dinosaurs.
Trump would lose the general election in a landslide

The Lefties' constant and never-ceasing predictions are becoming tiresome indeed.

I am hardly a lefty. :doubt: I just happen to be grounded in reality. Trump supporters are the right wing equivalent of Obamabots

Nope, we are Republicans who are disgusted with corporations paying politicians to sell out the average American.
Trump has been saying this for years already, and the more young and middle aged professionals are replaced by Indians or have their careers offshored, the more people will back Trump for having the decency to be explicit about this issue.

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